May 2009 Challenge: Week 1



  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    :laugh: OK Rottiemama, you're on!!
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    :laugh: OK Rottiemama, you're on!!

    YIPPEEE!!! I am pulling for you and just know you will make us all proud!!:wink:
  • AndreaRBell
    AndreaRBell Posts: 11
    I'm just off the scale at 172 lbs.... on Monday.

    My goal is going to be 11 lbs. by May 31st. I will do atleast 1 hour of cardio each day this week.

    Goal weight by mid August is 150 lbs.
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    Just finished an hour of cardio on My Fitness Pal (Wii) . . . am trying to get out for a walk, too, but a pending conference call has me tied to the phone/computer at the moment . . . I have to keep telling myself that I really love cardio (because I really don't!) but it's for a good cause! :)

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • AndreaRBell
    AndreaRBell Posts: 11
    If you happen to have Comcast cable... or any other type cable with On-Demand, they are some great workouts under the sports and fitness section under On Demand. Sometimes when I'm limited to being indoors I find some terrific workouts there.
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    you guys inspire me.... Ive been stuck inside Walmart picking up little travel bottles for my son who is leaving for a camping Fieldtrip Wednesday....its pouring rain....I want to walk but its too rainy. Guess I will have to put on the tunes and dance around!!! Actually I may not today, the knee is really swollen and so is the left foot. I don't think the dancing did me any good yesterday...we shall see. I don't want to miss anything so......:grumble: we'll see!!!
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    I'm going rock climbing tonight! I used to be really into it several years ago but then i got pregnant and haven't done it since. I've been thinking about getting back into it recently so i called a friend to ask him if he wanted to do it with me and he's so excited about it he's making me go tonight. I'm excited considering that 40 minutes burns 500-somethng calories but nervouse b/c it's been FOREVER and i don't want to look like a fool!! :laugh:
  • livingandlovinglife
    livingandlovinglife Posts: 361 Member
    Does anyone have any good ideas for cardio work outs?? Im a stay home mom of three boys and don't get "me time" very often so i was wondering if any one knew of some carido workouts i can do at home or with my kids! I try to do the biggest loser cardio max dvd but i never get to finish the dvd... i need to do about 40 minutes a day of something to get my heart rate up any ideas ?????

    The Walk Away the Pounds DVDs by Leslie Sansone are excellent! She has 1, 2, 3, and 4 miles in home walking work-outs. I usually do the 1 mile one, but my goal is to do the 2 miles one 3X each week. So far, I've done it twice already this week so I need to do it one more time and I will meet my cardio goal. :bigsmile:
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Whew, I made it! I had a weekend stamping retreat that was so much fun but so much junk food and not a lick of exercise outside of hauling all our supplies in and out of the cabin. Amazing how exhausted I feel today after that torture. :laugh:

    Today (M-W-F) is usually my day to hit the Y during my lunch hour (which turns into 1.5 hours that I make up at the end of the day), but our system is coming down early so I decided to work through lunch and hit the Y on the way home instead. I've got a 30 min treadmill and 33 min elliptical workout in mind, and am looking forward to the energy boost!

    I decided to take on the full spirit of the challenge and am going to do just cardio this week; I've been doing 30 min of weights each day which is really paying off on the scale (4.2 pounds in 2 weeks), but totally sapping my energy. I know the low energy is from me not nourishing myself as well as I need (wrong choices too often), but have a lot going this week so figure concentrating on the cardio will get me through to next week when I can do a little more analysis/formulate a better plan.

    Happy healthy :heart: hopes to everyone!
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Oh, and I posted my goals in the original thread, but will put em down here too:

    SW: 177.4
    5/31/09 Goal: 172 (5.4 lbs down)
    Fitness Goal: I want to be jogging for at least a portion of my daily cardio workouts by the end of the month.
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member

    I am counting my 45 minute walk with my dog as my cardio for the day. It's not break a sweat cardio, but I'd think it still counts. If you stopped to sniff, just cut it in half? But it's cool you're motivated to do more.

    Am I cheating by counting mine?
  • Smiley1010
    Smiley1010 Posts: 82
    Thank you for making week 1 a cardio challenge week! I have been eating well for months, but often neglect to exercise after I get home from work. :ohwell: Today, I got home, had a quick healthy snack, made a quick trip to the grocery store (which took about a half hour in there but I'm counting 10 minutes of walking), and then went to the gym and did the elliptical for 30 minutes. It felt so good, I just wanted to do more, but I knew I had groceries in the car and had to get home for dinner. Next time I'll do the shopping separate! :wink:

    For me, it's not a question of whether or not I'm physically able to work out, it's just that I don't include exercise as part of my routine and tend to fill my time with other things instead. I'm shooting for going to the gym at least 3 days this week, and will try to create/maintain a solid routine by the end of May. :flowerforyou:

    P.S. I'm an elementary special ed teacher, so I move around a lot throughout my day... just so you know. Not that anyone's judging! :tongue:
  • Aril
    Aril Posts: 66

    thanks for the encouragement! Today he walked a little more energetic, i m guessing he's a little more confident now. So today i woke up and did 40 minutes of cardio dance in the morning and half an hour walk after dinner.
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    Hi all....

    Starting weight, May 1st - 187 lbs
    Goal weight, May 31st - 183 lbs

    I'm doing couch to 5K this month.. So, hopefully I will have LOTS of cardio to log!!!! Good luck everyone.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    A little late in response...but I am from Michigan
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Ugh. Sickness is all around me, and I hid in bed this morning. Not a good start to the challenge! I'm now without my usual workout (since my lunch hour is cut down to 20 minutes due to my late arrival), and have so much to get done for some functions at my home this weekend, so I'm planning on some frantic housecleaning to get the ol' heart rate up tonight. Tomorrow is another day!!!
  • robynd
    robynd Posts: 35
    5/1 Weight:140

    5/4 weight: 142.5

    Goal 5/31: 132

    I just started on this site the end of last week and I had a really bad 1st weekend. I knew I would be starting a bunch of cardio this week so I spent the whole weekend eating and drinking, and stuffing myself! Monday I had gained 2.5 pounds. The scales going the wrong way!

    My plan is a quick 20 minute walk with the dog in the morning followed by 45-60 of cardio at night. I never exercise in the mornings. I can't on Mondays because of work but the rest of the week I have time. Well I got out there today and I plan on getting my cardio in tonight. I've got to make up for those 2.5 extra pounds!! My plan is:
    Monday: evening cardio 45-60
    Tuesday-Friday: morning walk 20 minutes
    evening cardio 45-60
    Saturday: Fun day of exercise hiking, golfing, whatever just moving!
    Sunday: Rest--hope this get me to my goal by May!

    I used to do 30 minutes 3x a week.

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • leslier
    leslier Posts: 15
    I know I am joining late, I hope that is OK! Good luck!!

    May 1st- 180lbs.
    May 31st- 175 lbs.

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    ok, here is my first check in! I had a softball game last night that I played in the whole game. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest the whole time!! We ran so much!!! Then today, I went for a 20 min walk with my co worker at lunch and I did my wii fit aerobics for 45 minutes tonight. THEN, instead of haveing the ice cream that I was craving, I had a light yogurt and more water!! I was so proud of myself! I can't wait to see how this hard work is going to turn out on Friday!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • robynd
    robynd Posts: 35
    I did 20 minutes of walking with the dog this morning then I mowed the grass for about 30 minutes. We don't have self-propelled and we have hills in our yard. I had to stop I was dying! Great exercise.
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