May 2009 Challenge: Week 4 (final week)

abagwill Posts: 222
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Hey Challengers! This is the final week so work HARD to meet your goals and lose some of that weight! This weeks challenge is going to incorporate ALL of the challenges this month PLUS

Strength Training Challenge

Lift those weights, add resistance to your workouts! Log your strength training exercises along with cardio, water and Ab strengthening and you are getting a full body workout!

Good luck! Weigh in will be on SUNDAY this time because that marks the 31st! So you get 2 extra days to work hard! If you prefer, you can do Friday still.... Either way, the challenge goes til the 31st so work work work and feel the burn!

Good job everyone!


  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    AAWESOME I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I love this idea of these challenges it helps motivate me into getting off the couch... thank you so much for coming up with all these.. :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • LoveDollie
    LoveDollie Posts: 23
    Awesome Challenge, I just went and got additional free weights and am about to go get an X-Box so I can do DDR. I am so excited.

    Good Luck to all!!
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    This will give me reason to add in weight training to my jiggly legs.
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    Also, can anyone help me figure out why my ticker only shows the code? My FI says the code is correct.
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    Current Weight-246.4-lost 2.2lb this week
    Starting Weight 252.4

    I think for my ab workout. I am going to do a video for that this week. Ready to get this week started. I usually do about 20 minute of strength training abou 3 times a I glad I get to log those minutes now.have a great week and weekend everyone...Have a great memorial day...:flowerforyou:
  • leshawnturner
    leshawnturner Posts: 382
    Hey folks!!

    This May challenge has been very difficult for me and I have not seen any of the results that I had hoped to see. Even with that I would still be interested in doing a June challenge. Perhaps I can use that to redeem myself. Does anyone know of any standing ab routines that I can do?? My back won't let me do abs on the floor much anymore.

    Cardio this week 95 min
    Water ~70 oz a day
    Calories within limit except for yesterday (I went over while celebrating my nieces' graduation).
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    this is the home stretch everyone! we can do this!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    YES WE CAN! This is the week to really really focus and get ourselves ready for the June 2009 challenge! Come on everyone we can do this!
  • Smiley1010
    Smiley1010 Posts: 82
    just a quick side note... although I haven't seen progress this month, I'm seeing it long term:

    I'm going to a wedding tonight, so I've been trying on dresses from my closet. The dress I wore to my sister's graduation last June is too big! :happy: Oh darn, I guess I have to wear the next size down. :laugh:
    Summer is on its way folks! Let's knock 'em dead with our hotness!! :glasses:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    WOO HOO Bride to Be! THAT IS FLIPPIN awesome! you should be very very proud of yourself! Good job!
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    Ditto to the bride!! Good for you lady!:drinker:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Ok, weights it is. Yay for the 2 extra days this week!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Ok, weights it is. Yay for the 2 extra days this week!

    Thanks for bringing this up! Remember you weigh in on SUNDAY this week! If you choose to lose the two extra days, thats okay too! But just wanted to let everyone know that it is EXTENDED to Sunday!
  • eri1mani
    eri1mani Posts: 42
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    :flowerforyou: to you too eri1mani
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    Well, my weigh in shows that I haven't lost any weight. Still at 134, so it appears as if my 129 goal is likely out of reach this month. The good news is I am definitely stronger and I'm in a good routine.

    Then again, we still have a few days. I'm gonna try to work down at least a pound or so.

    I did strength today. First, the strength training in the 30-day shred, then 3 sets of incline presses at the gym and a host of free weights.

    My fiance says he notices more definition in my arms, but I still see flab.

    Either way, I'm working hard and I'm proud of the work I'm doing!
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    friday's totals
    cardio:30 minutes
    no abs or strength
    water: 70 oz
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    i didn't post this past friday, i was kinda depressed because while i was doing the same eating, cardio, water, and even through in some ab crunches but I gained 2 lbs??? what's up with that? :ohwell:

    I won't be able to do the strength training, will have to count my Physical Therapy sessions as that. My shoulder is still frozen, have regained about 20% range of motion. :grumble:

    Thankfully we have a couple extra days, i am going to try and get in some more cardio. On a positive note I ran a 5k on saturday and improved my time by about 2 minutes, ran a 28:26. :wink:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Leann: Don't get discouraged a few things may be happening (good things) with your body... you may have hit a plateau where your body just thinks its okay with its weight and the harder you work, the more it will show your body that it isn't okay and it will budge, this is a true test of patience. Also, you may be retaining water for a variety of reasons. The weather changing always seems to do that with me. It might not even be what you are eating. I tend to drink a lot more water when this happens and eventually, it goes away. You may be building muscles and as they always say, muscles weighs more than fat! It might be good that you are doing physical therapy, that might be really really helping out! Keep working hard and don't get down on yourself. If you keep working hard, stuff will move in the right direction!:happy:
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    This weekend didn't go to well. I had to rest in bed all weekend, because I was sick. I guess my body just need to slow down and take it easy from life in general. I also have been drinking my water as well. Yesterday, I think I only got in 54 oz though
    Today, I did go a walk at a local park today for 23 minutes. and got some A ab workout in as well. . :smile:
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