May 2009 Challenge: Week 4 (final week)



  • Holiday weekends suck(for a diet). Every time I turned around someone was offering me food or drink. I managed to eat beef only once this weekend but my beer consumption was off the charts. I drank the Miller 64 and I really think it is going to help me to stay in line. I ate pretty well and only had one dessert. I did golf, bike and walk alot. My scale this morning showed no gain but I am kicking myself for the weight I could have lost.
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    I think i did pretty well for a holiday weekend. I usually stuff myself but i didn't this time. I also went on a 2 day cleaning spree of my house. I wore my HRM for a few hours and i burned 500 calories during that time and i literally cleaned from 8AM to 11PM for 2 days stopping only to eat and take care of my daughter when she needed something. So while it's not traditional cardio, i think i did pretty well. I also stayed within my calories, kept up with my water, and i included my strength training in with cleaning b/c i was also moving furniture and lifting heavy items. So yay! I'm happy with what i did this weekend, hopefully it will show up on the scale!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    This weekend didn't go to well. I had to rest in bed all weekend, because I was sick. I guess my body just need to slow down and take it easy from life in general. I also have been drinking my water as well. Yesterday, I think I only got in 54 oz though
    Today, I did go a walk at a local park today for 23 minutes. and got some A ab workout in as well. . :smile:

    Oh man! Sucks to be sick! I hate being sick! The water you drink is definately going to help get that sickness out of your body. Take it easy and you will be feeling better in no time!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Holiday weekends suck(for a diet). Every time I turned around someone was offering me food or drink. I managed to eat beef only once this weekend but my beer consumption was off the charts. I drank the Miller 64 and I really think it is going to help me to stay in line. I ate pretty well and only had one dessert. I did golf, bike and walk alot. My scale this morning showed no gain but I am kicking myself for the weight I could have lost.

    No need to beat yourself up. I find that if I know something like a BBQ or a birthday or something of that sort is coming up, I plan for it... I eat on the downside of things and workout an extra 10 minutes the week after and everything seems to work out. Think about the positive things you did too... you chose to drink beer that contains LESS calories, limited your desserts and continued to do some forms of exercise... so seriously, you did better than you would have done if you weren't as concious or aware that you are trying to lose weight! Give yourself some credit but dont fall into the "well just this once" routine.... Have your fun, enjoy it but get back on track! :drinker:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    I think i did pretty well for a holiday weekend. I usually stuff myself but i didn't this time. I also went on a 2 day cleaning spree of my house. I wore my HRM for a few hours and i burned 500 calories during that time and i literally cleaned from 8AM to 11PM for 2 days stopping only to eat and take care of my daughter when she needed something. So while it's not traditional cardio, i think i did pretty well. I also stayed within my calories, kept up with my water, and i included my strength training in with cleaning b/c i was also moving furniture and lifting heavy items. So yay! I'm happy with what i did this weekend, hopefully it will show up on the scale!

    Great job! I love when I get to clean and count it as working out! woo hoo! I am proud of you :-)
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    I had a busy week last week and didn't post my weigh in last week... NO loss, but no gain either.... My ankle has been bothering me which is slowing me down, hopefully I'll be able to turn it around!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    I cheated and weighed myself early this week. Down another pound! Yay! I have my dress fitting on Saturday. Wish me luck.
  • LStokes
    LStokes Posts: 8
    Hey all, I am new to this and would like to join your challenge for June.. How do I go about joining?
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    pilates workout(strength and abs) 30 minutes/no cardio
    water 64oz

    200 crunches
    cardio 45 minutes-i did walk your way slim workout video
    with crunches and cardio I burn close to 450 calories in a hour.
    water- at least 64 oz

    I just finished my first day of jillian micheals 30 day shred. Oh my. Man, Was that a really tough workout, I thought I was going to die through most of it, but i pushed myself to finish. I did have take a few 5 second breaks through most of it, only because felt like I couldn't breath. I glad I wore my hrm, it said I burn 250 calories in 22 minutes. I feel really good though now. Sore, but really good. Those endorphins are starting to kick in. I have drank 3 glass of water so far, and about to drink somemore. Well, I am off to get a protein shake in and a glass of water in.

    I hope everyone is having a good day...
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    I will be posting the information about the June challenge on Saturday if anyone was wondering! Remember weigh in can either be tomorrow or Sunday! Keep up the good work! This is the final days of May! can you believe it?!
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    woohoo, skipping weighin today and doing it on Sunday, I have a bunch of workouts planned for this weekend, some long bike rides and runs! And I may throw in some swimming, my frozen shoulder is starting to thaw and I can swim breast stroke now! :smile:
  • LoveDollie
    LoveDollie Posts: 23
    I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I weighed today. Lo and behold, I made and exceeded my goal for May!!!

    Starting wt: 259.4
    Goal wt: 253.4
    Curr wt: 251.4


    Thanks for the challenges, looking forward to June!

    Keep walking and drinking. I get my XBox today, can't wait until I can do Dance Dance Revolution. I am so geeked!!!
  • I couldn't find my starting weight but I weighed in this morning and am 278. Finally over the first hurdle(mini goal) of 30 lbs. Tonight I am going to celebrate with Papa Murphys Delite Pizza and Miller 64 beer. 2 slices and 4 beers ring in a total of 656 calories and I don't feel like I am compromising a bit because it is delicious. Thank you for the challenge. I have always given up on diets after four or five weeks and I have as much drive today as I had on April 12 when I started.
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    I weighed myself this morning before i remembered the 2 extra days and I'm down to 153! Yay! I don't thing i'll be able to meet my goal of 152 by the 31st but i'll get pretty darn close! woo-hoo! I'll check in on Sunday also. Looking forward to June! Congrats people!
  • Smiley1010
    Smiley1010 Posts: 82
    Well folks, it looks like I've reached my plateau... May's starting and ending weight: 167. :ohwell: There were some ups and (slightly) downs throughout the month, but generally the scale keeps landing on 167 (still 21 lbs lighter than October!). I'm going to have to do more than just healthy eating and drinking and occasional workouts. Time for me to really get moving! :tongue:


    P.S. I'm choosing to weigh in today instead of Sunday because I have a feeling Sunday's weight might be slightly higher (weekends are a little more relaxed for me). Wouldn't want to end the challenge by gaining! :wink:
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    WOW! I am so happy that so many of you are reaching your goals!

    Bride: dont get discouraged... plateaus just mean your body thinks that it doesn't need to lose anymore weight and it is your job to make sure that you reach a healthy weight for you... When people hit plateaus they tend to give up and gain back so... DONT GIVE UP!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222

    June Challenge Link is POSTED!

    Week 1 is posted within this post! Good luck everyone!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    My target was 8 pounds, I lost 7. :happy:
  • ja2009
    ja2009 Posts: 60
    Well, Here are my weight and measurement results for the month of May
    Starting weight 252.4
    Current weight 248- I gained two pounds this week...but I know it has to be
    muscle because, my Body fat percentage went from 46% last week to 44% this week.
    Goal wieght 244.4
    Total lost -4.4 pounds

    bust- 43"
    arm- 15"
    hips 47"
    thigh 25 1/2"
    calf 17"


    chest- 38
    arm- 15"
    waist- 34"
    hip- 46 1/2"
    thigh- 25"
    calf 16"
    Total inches lost 2 inches(1/2 in off my hips and thighs, 1 inch of my calfs)
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member
    I fell off the wagon a bit, although I have been doing cardio every day and drinking my water. The scale didn't move for two weeks - until this morning. Horray!

    Goal Weight: 195lbs - Current Weight: 193lbs

    Starting Stats
    Weight: 203lbs
    Chest: 40.5
    Waist: 39
    Hips: 47.5
    Left Thigh: 27
    Right Thigh: 27
    Left Calf: 17
    Right Calf: 17
    Left Arm: 14
    Right Arm: 14
    Goal weight for May 31st: 195lbs

    Current Stats
    Weight: 193lbs
    Left Thigh 26.5
    Right Thigh 26.5
    Left Calf 17.5
    Right Calf 17.5
    Left Arm 14.0
    Right Arm 14.0
    Bust 41.5
    Waist 38.0
    Hips 48.0
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