looking for an alli buddy....



  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    fish is good
    good luck:flowerforyou:

    wow Dave thank you :blushing:
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    Can someone enlighten me what clean food is?

    Another member said this........." If your great grandmother wouldn't recognize it....don't eat it." That is what has stuck with me everytime I go grocery shopping!!

    And no matter how I try to work it.......my ggm would NOT recognize a Twinkie :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Shoot, that rules out Thai and Chinese.... hehe. My great grandmother would probably only recognize meat and potatoes.:laugh:
  • angele
    angele Posts: 11 Member
    i'm 46 and 210 lbs. i'm trying diet and gym and so far see nothing. having trouble thinking of fast making on the go lunches withlow sodium,etc... suggestions please?
  • angele
    angele Posts: 11 Member
    i'm 46 and 210 lbs. i'm trying diet and gym and so far see nothing. having trouble thinking of fast making on the go lunches withlow sodium,etc... suggestions please?
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    OMG I just read the little notice on the bottom of the page which OUR DAVE kindly c/p

    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    I am nearly 40 and am a pretty good judge of what I should take in yay or nay, my doctor is qualified and is supporting me in my decision. I am here to make friends and use the tools, seems Dave (and probably a few others) and I have gotten on the wrong foot purely cos of a decision I made for which I am definitely not going to apologise for. If the pills do not work for me it is my responsibility okay?

    I always thought it was the folk in the UK that were outspoken!!:flowerforyou: :tongue: Please, please don't take these words of wisdom the wrong way, you are correct, it is your body, your choice, we are just speaking our minds,& opinions. This is sometimes tough love here on these pages. My husband was on a weight loss pill in the 90's that was "FDA APPROVED" It was recalled for permanent heart problems and death!! It was on the market for some time before the re-call!!! Let me tell you it is a political arena the good old FDA...lots of money and favors to be had. We have advertisements daily about class action law suits against drug companies for "FDA APPROVED DRUGS" these are loving words of caution...FDA approved really doesn't convince me. If this is supposed to be a natural health site I sure do see people eating alot of pre-packaged food with lots of MSG and unhealthy fillers. The food lists are mostly packaged items not raw healthier choices so lets not beat up too hard on folks for their choices. I am just glad you have made a step to a healthier you. :flowerforyou:
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    By the way.... I appreciate Dav'e's blunt responses....no time for *****footing around. Weed through what you want and don't want for yourself.... Go DAVE....and anybody else with an opinion. Isn't that the point of these forums???:wink:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    tonight was the first time I stepped on the wii fit... it is now officially dust free :laugh:

    really loving the hoola hoop, I managed to open a few more excersises. I was curious about the yoga too, back in the days when I was fit and healthy I used to take yoga class and found it beneficial for my body and mind. Now for the question, I want to take up Hatha Yoga again, I was wondering if anybody knows of a good hatha yoga dvd that's worth investing in. I would join a club but with my working hours being all over the place. I followed on to ashtanga yoga but then I moved country again and fell into this big fat cloud. Now 4 years on I moved again and I am ready to get out of the cloud and back into shape. Yoga used to do wonders for my posture and my breathing techniques. I tend to shallow breath due to the stress and anxiety, yoga would help me an awful lot. Should I invest or is the wii yoga enough? I could unlock more positions on my wii but i don't feel it would do me as much good as a proper dvd
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Can someone enlighten me what clean food is?

    Another member said this........." If your great grandmother wouldn't recognize it....don't eat it." That is what has stuck with me everytime I go grocery shopping!!

    And no matter how I try to work it.......my ggm would NOT recognize a Twinkie :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Shoot, that rules out Thai and Chinese.... hehe. My great grandmother would probably only recognize meat and potatoes.:laugh:

    I am now going to do an ancestry search to be CERTAIN I have no Thai or Chinese!! I would so miss this food! Good news is I have Italian, French and Irish.......so my choices are vast:laugh: :laugh:

    Someone once said the closer to the the picking, the cleaner the food. So if it is an apple, processed in a factory, put in a can, shipped to your county.........prolly not clean!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    tonight was the first time I stepped on the wii fit... it is now officially dust free :laugh:

    really loving the hoola hoop, I managed to open a few more excersises. I was curious about the yoga too, back in the days when I was fit and healthy I used to take yoga class and found it beneficial for my body and mind. Now for the question, I want to take up Hatha Yoga again, I was wondering if anybody knows of a good hatha yoga dvd that's worth investing in. I would join a club but with my working hours being all over the place. I followed on to ashtanga yoga but then I moved country again and fell into this big fat cloud. Now 4 years on I moved again and I am ready to get out of the cloud and back into shape. Yoga used to do wonders for my posture and my breathing techniques. I tend to shallow breath due to the stress and anxiety, yoga would help me an awful lot. Should I invest or is the wii yoga enough? I could unlock more positions on my wii but i don't feel it would do me as much good as a proper dvd

    That is awesome. I will look thru to see if a Yoga thread was started before. BRB:flowerforyou:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    thank you arewethereyet :flowerforyou:
  • hockeymom77
    hockeymom77 Posts: 17
    Dr. Phil said one day on his show to lose weight and get healthy you need to everyday incorporate "intentional exercise" into your routine. That really clicked for me. Also i heard the exercise lady on "The Biggest Loser" say one day "it all comes down to how worth it is it to you?" :bigsmile: That really stuck with me. How worth it is it? and make a commitment to do intentional evercise everyday. After two weeks of doing it you feel like you have to. You want to! You feel so much better! Good luck!!
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    according to this website I could weigh 165 lbs in 5 weeks time (that's without taking alli) I must say I am pretty impressed. :happy: Tomorrow I have a long walk planned so I am off to bed now, hope you all have a great bank holiday :flowerforyou:
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    well Helen--did you get your walk in today---I swam for an hour and 15 minutes so feel pretty good--had to have a nap when I got home though.

    I have 600 calories left and am about to eat a bowl of home made chili AND a garlic cheese biscuit. My kids are playing tennis on the WII--
    I will play the winner!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    I didn't do the walk but dusted off the wii, boy am I feeling it today lol I will be going to the beach today and go for a brisk walk, will time myself to see how long it takes me to do the whole stretch there and back.

    Your meal sounds absolutely devine... I love chili but unfortunately it doesn't like me. (I bloat like a balloon)
    Did you manage to thrash the kids at tennis? I will suggest to my son we do something like tennis or boxing on wii sports.

    Have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I have used Alli successfully. I ran out a few days ago and am trying it to see if it really makes a difference. it is approved by the FDA so it is supposedly safe. I am not promoting it but it does help you stay away from the fat. To motivate yourself try to find someone to share your struggle with or at least share your success with. Force yourself to get started. You will feel so good you will not want to stop. I have been working out for 11 weeks now and hate to miss a day. some days I am tired and have to force myself, but once I get started I feel so good and energetic. Just log your calories and exercise each day on fitness pal and go from there. If you go over or under adjust the next day and move on. This site is awesome and has so many people with so many different ideas.
    Keep up the good work and stay in touch.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I have used Alli successfully. I ran out a few days ago and am trying it to see if it really makes a difference. it is approved by the FDA so it is supposedly safe. I am not promoting it but it does help you stay away from the fat. To motivate yourself try to find someone to share your struggle with or at least share your success with. Force yourself to get started. You will feel so good you will not want to stop. I have been working out for 11 weeks now and hate to miss a day. some days I am tired and have to force myself, but once I get started I feel so good and energetic. Just log your calories and exercise each day on fitness pal and go from there. If you go over or under adjust the next day and move on. This site is awesome and has so many people with so many different ideas.
    Keep up the good work and stay in touch.
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you for your kind message vicki, there are a few of us that take it here now :smile: I was unable to log on to the alli website to log all my foods due to different entering codes and they haven't set up U.K one yet. By the time they sort it I will be off alli and will be doing the rest by myself with the help of this website. I am glad I came across mfp in my early stage so I can see where I am going wrong etc. I love the fact that they count the calories for me. I am rubbish at counting but I am learning to look at the value when I am out shopping.
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