May 2009 Challenge: Week 1



  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Start Weight: 135
    Goal Weight for May 31st: 130
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Just got done with 30 minutes on the elliptical burning 294 calories!!!

    What have you done today? Just because it is Sunday doesn't mean it is rest day.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    Went for a beautiful 40 minute run in a nature reserver park near our house, saw a few deet along the way, i love running outside it makes me feel alive! I was tired of being on the hamster wheel!
  • sbjg2430
    sbjg2430 Posts: 19
    i just did a 40 min walk in the neighborhood. i walked every single street and cul-de-sac, including the big hill at the entrance. :bigsmile:
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    Any suggestions for a person trying to get some cardio done when it is rainging cats & dogs and also an injured knee??? HELP!!!!:sad:
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    i think there is a listing for walking on crutches :smile: I would try to do more strenght training, isometric type exercises. I know there are some exercise dvd's for while you are sitting. Important to stay focused on being healthy. I know it sucks being injured!, Good Luck. :smile:
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    i think there is a listing for walking on crutches :smile: I would try to do more strenght training, isometric type exercises. I know there are some exercise dvd's for while you are sitting. Important to stay focused on being healthy. I know it sucks being injured!, Good Luck. :smile:

    I am not quite on crutches...just overdid walking earlier this week and have a swollen knee and left foot ( same side) I truly think getting older sucks. I'm only shouldn't be this hard already???? Thanks for the advice, I will see what I can find to keep me busy!:wink:
  • sheofthesea
    sheofthesea Posts: 123 Member
    Just checking in for the first can it be May already? It is dreadful outside, so I think I'll have to turn on some music and dance for my cardio.

    My start weight is 208.
    My goal weight is 200.

    I'm hoping to break my first mini-plateau...
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    LOL you are right Jacqueline! Not a lazy day! :-) Where is everyone from because the weather here in California is poo too! I actually started on my walk on Friday and it started raining on me and my little baby... I had to get him back inside!
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Gwen: Get a DVD you can have as backup for when it is yucky outside... I prefer 30 day shred... its only 20 minutes but man, it definately helps! It is my Jillian Michaels from Biggest Loser! HTH
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    Girl you rock!!! Thanks.. I am going to turn on the music today and bounce around and try not to injure my knee being the clutz that I am.... I am ready!!!!!:devil:
  • annathelu
    annathelu Posts: 127 Member
    I hit the gym this morning and did my 40 min. of cardio 26 on the treadmill (for the couch to 5k) 10 on the stair and the rest running/mostly walking on the track. Then, I did some abs and arm work out.

    I just got back from taking my puppy for a mini walk in the neighborhood, too. It's rained all day where I am in Virginia, but we got it tapering off.

    I'm actually surprised with myself today. I couldn't resist and weighed myself and it listed me as nearly two down from my starting weight. I know it fluctuates, but still it's nice to see.

    Hope everyone has a good start to the work week.
  • LoveDollie
    LoveDollie Posts: 23
    I am definately going to need to work hard on eating right this week. I am at a conference in Orlando, and walked over 6 miles. This is a harsh change from less than .5 at the office. The conference center is just HUGE. So, needless to say, I have blisters and my calorie count is way off because I just didn't feel like eating with the heat, yet had to walk to the classes I had today. So, I am going to be here all week, ran to walmart to get some nuts and beef jerky. Hope that keeps me away from the snackies they have for break time.
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    lovedollie: Good luck... keep up the good work! blisters are no fun! drink lots of water if you are walking so much! Watch the beef jerky, it usually has TONS of sodium... nuts are great though, lots of protein! Try dried fruits too :-)
  • Snunu
    Snunu Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone!! :smile:

    I'm in this challenge as well!!!

    Starting Weight: 160 lb
    Weight by 31 May: 148 lb

    Isn't that too much? What do you think? Anyhow I'll do more than my best!!

    And best of luck and success to everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Aril
    Aril Posts: 66
    my own goal is 19 pounds in a month, i'm a little skeptical myself. But remember on biggest loser, your body is only as strong as your mind! You can do it!

    i did 45 mins walk with my puppy today... well more like stop-every-5-seconds-and-sniff-everything walk... so i came back and did my cardio for 40 minutes, hopefully it'll balance back my useless walk with my new puppy :noway: i'm eager to wait till he wants to run, he just had his 3rd shot and allowed outside.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Does anyone have any good ideas for cardio work outs?? Im a stay home mom of three boys and don't get "me time" very often so i was wondering if any one knew of some carido workouts i can do at home or with my kids! I try to do the biggest loser cardio max dvd but i never get to finish the dvd... i need to do about 40 minutes a day of something to get my heart rate up any ideas ?????
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I really like dance exercise DVDs. I'm just starting out so got some 10 min workouts, just upped that to 20 mins as part of this challenge and am going to try and add 10 mins per day.
  • Rottiemama
    Rottiemama Posts: 66
    Hey....a goal is meant to be set high...if you don't set the bar high what is the point? Give it your best shot and anything you lose along the way is a great, great job!!! It's less weight than you started with right? No beating yourself up before you even try or for that matter after you try.....Go for it girl!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • nurse7641
    nurse7641 Posts: 23
    May 1 starting weight....173.0

    May 31 goal weight......169.0

    Created by - Calorie Counter
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