breza262 Member


  • Good for you! I try to get out and walk for part of my lunch break at least a few times per week. What I found works for me is getting up an hour early and using the time when everyone is sleeping for being active. I usually go for a morning bike ride or walk and it is cooler and much quieter then. I'm like you with a busy…
  • Done. Tougher than I thought. Thanks for the push!
  • I am in and I am going to have my kids join me!
  • I am like you. I joined last March and have slowly lost 16 pounds. My goal would be another 15 pounds (ish) and I don't have a set time frame for this. I'm not trying to make any radical changes that will result in gaining it back. I'm trying to continue with this lifestyle and know that I will be healthy and get rid of…
  • Agree with asaw00. I've read that 10 minutes is the time it takes for your mind to switch gears to something else. So set the timer for 10 minutes and do something else, walk, read, do laundry, whatever, just to occupy your mind from eating. And put a piece of gum in. Or brush your teeth. Or drink an entire glass of water.…
  • I fell in love with biking last spring and was consistent to be on my bike every morning. Now with the cold weather setting in and the dark mornings playing with me, I have had no ambition to get up and go. I was up to 110 miles in August, and now slacking. Thinking I might need to invest in a trainer. Any thoughts or…
  • I'd like to join, too! Highest weight: 173 Current weight: 159 Goal weight: 140-145 Least favorite body part: belly Favorite body part: my feet What motivates me: feeling good and being healthy for my family and for myself, along with proving that people can lose weight and get healthy the right way, not through fad diets,…
  • I'm just under 5'7" and started at 170. Lost my first 10, but want to get down to 145 ideally. I'm a 38 year old mother of three who is trying to live a healthy life without radical diets. Add me if you'd like. Maybe we can motivate each other.
  • I completely agree. It's the only time that I have to myself, and I bike, so there aren't many cars on the road. PLUS, it does keep you energized throughout the day. If a day goes by when I don't get up early, I am sluggish and crabby most of the day. And it is easier to be accountable, since I can tell myself through the…
  • I think it depends on what your goal is. If you are doing the workout for endurance, go for the longer one. If you've got the time, why wouldn't you anyway? If you are slipping in quick workouts when your time is tight and you just need a calorie burn, go for the short 10 minute workout. I use the shorter (20 minutes)…
  • At the dirty girl, there were spickets and hoses to try to clean off. Towels are necessary, and a clean set of clothes (don't forget your under-clothes, one of our gals did and that was a bummer!), but don't bring any clothes that you love. They will all get dirty, even your second set. And a plastic bag to put your dirty,…
  • I make sure there are 3-4 options on the table (meat, veggie, grain, maybe fruit) and they need to choose 2. Our policy is ONE BITE TO BE POLITE and then they can choose to either be excused or get seconds of the item they like. There are many nights where one of ours will only drink a glass of milk and eat her 2 bites and…
  • Reclaim your passion! Meaning... Remind yourself of why you are doing this. Look through old "fat" pictures. Do the workout that you absolutely love. For me, it's all in my head. If I enjoy something, I will do it, so change your mindset. I have inspirational sayings hung randomly through my house, but the one I focus on…
  • I don't know the answer either, but this is what I've noticed: I lost consistently the first 2 months on MFP with a (roughly) 1200 caloric intake. Then I plateau'ed for a LONG time, even with exercise. I did a lot of reading and research and calculators, etc and found many places that said I was NOT taking in enough to…
  • Family of 5: our budget is $750/month for all groceries and personal items, but we usually go over. I barter with a farmer for meat and milk and I belong to a co-op where we get organic foods/produce at cost, but the cost still is high. I really believe the saying that you can either spend your money now on quality "real"…
  • I don't know a whole lot about this since I am a little newer to this as well. What I DO know is that all protein shakes ARE NOT created equal. Look for shakes that use quality ingredients. I used ISAGENIX as a meal replacer. Very reputable brand and even through it was pricey, I really liked them. I would drink one every…
  • Duh, organic means no chemicals and pesticides. It has nothing to do with vitamins and nutrients and everything to do with healthier living.
  • I agree with this. If you injure yourself, you won't be able to do anything. Why not a walk or bike ride once or twice a week just to add in some low impact activity? Good luck!
  • I wake up and immediately drink a glass of water, then exercise. By the time I finish with all of that plus a shower, I'm not too hungry, but I drink a protein shake. That usually lasts me until mid morning, when I actually eat for the first time. It works really well for me and keeps my calorie count down in the morning…
  • We've been using Isagenix because of the quality ingredients, but we've recently switched to Tera's Whey. They offer organic powders and I find the level of fats/carbs to be right in line with what I'm wanting. Check them out:
  • One of my latest favorite snacks is sliced bananas with a small amount of pb on it, then frozen. A blast of protein, and it tastes incredible!
  • I have to say that I've had the exact opposite feeling as the dumbo's that yelled at you. Any time I see someone bigger/older/more out of shape that I am out exercising, my first thought is "If they can do it, so can I". So thank you for being an inspiration not only to your family, but to many people that are crossing…
  • July 28 4.1 miles July 29 5.5 miles +1 mile walk July 30 5.4 miles July 31 3.4 miles Grand total = 103.1 miles I'm so excited that I made it to 100! I took a week off for a bad cough/cold and never thought I'd make it! Thanks for the challenge.
  • I just started it last week, but am fitting it in every other day. I'm not letting up on my other workouts, so just adding to my routine. I know I won't see the results as fast, but it's a great boost, plus it is a start for strength for me. Good luck!
  • Week 3 July 16 5.9 miles July 17 8.1 miles July 19 2 mile walk Week 4 July 25 3.3 miles July 27 4.3 miles Total: 83.7 Still have time to finish strong, even after a summer cold!
  • I keep wanting to start it and losing my motivation. Maybe with a buddy, I will make it through! I'll friend you. PS-I've made it to Day 5 before and noticed a difference that quick, but then gave it up. Here's hoping to make it much further!
  • My kids' favorite summertime snack is frozen banana slices with just a dollop of peanut butter on each. I stick a toothpick into each and freeze. YUMMY! I use nut butters in almost everything: homemade granola bars, oatmeal muffins, etc. I'm stuck on putting a TBSP in the blender with my chocolate protein shake.
  • I don't have any specific recipes, just throw whatever goodies I have in the fridge. Lately it's been quinoa, icicle radishes and carrots.