I knew this would happen!



  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    I do the same thing! While I know it' part of the 'all or nothing" thinking that also contributes to my weight problem, it still happens.

    Here is the mind game I play with myself to get myself out the door for the first time after a 'break." My thinking is usually along the lines of me getting out of shape after a period of non-exercise (even if it was just a couple of days). I tell myself that it's OK and that just taking a short walk (15 minutes) will count as my exercise today. Once I am out the door, I would say that 99% of the time, I do that 15 minutes plus extra, and may times at the same intensity as before my "break." In my mind, I've done better than I expected and thus, I feel like I am back on track.

    It's not logical but it has gotten me out the door more than once.
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    Do you have a smart phone?

    Look up the app: Gympact

    Charges you when you miss a workout - you tell it how many workouts you will do a week, and how much you want to be charged per time missed. (I tell it 3 times a week, at $5 stakes.)

    BUT when you DO meet your pact, you get a percentage of the money from everyone who didn't. I've made $4.50 so far, just going to the gym. It's awesome.

    Wow this is cool. I'll need to check it out. I'm pretty good about working out when I say I will, but money is always a good incentive. :)

    I forgot about that app. I'm gonna sign up. Wonderful suggestion.
  • AmbieSweetz
    AmbieSweetz Posts: 72 Member
    I have my elliptical right in our bedroom!! Crazy I know my husband hates it, but it helps keep me committed and focused on my goal!
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    First of all let any guilt go! Beating yourself up doesn't burn calories. You can't change the past but as far as the future - just do what you know you need to do. I am the queen of excuses - I've just learned to ignore them. (most of the time :wink: ) No one is perfect so as long as your goals are realistic, stick to the process to get there. Good luck!!
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm in the same boat, last week was just like that, time just jump back into it even harder this week.
  • Ddmck1
    Ddmck1 Posts: 89 Member
    Same here... I didn't do a lot of exercising this past week either. Find something fun to do... I burnt up a bunch of calories bowling the other day according to my HRM.

    Forgive yourself and move on...
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Its all about making exercise a habit..but then not feeling bad if life gets in the way. I haven't exercised since Thursday..but I made sure to stay within goal. I plan to run today..taking a week off from weights..I will run again on Wednesday..and then back to weights on Friday.

    You shouldn't feel guilty for not working out..Each day is a brand new day...
  • breza262
    breza262 Posts: 40 Member
    Reclaim your passion! Meaning... Remind yourself of why you are doing this. Look through old "fat" pictures. Do the workout that you absolutely love. For me, it's all in my head. If I enjoy something, I will do it, so change your mindset. I have inspirational sayings hung randomly through my house, but the one I focus on the most for motivation is a statement that just says: I love exercise!
    Good luck!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    just do it...no buts about it :devil:
  • wechoosenow
    I was so worried that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd find excuses to not do it!

    Last Wednesday, I had a stomach bug.
    Saturday, headache and depression set in.
    Sunday, was my regular day off (but I should have made up for Wednesday or Saturdat, but I didn't)
    Today, I'm gonna go for my walk, BUT kid home sick so it'll be shorter.

    See what I mean? I knew that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd come up with every and any excuse to not do

    The eating, logging, water part I'm handling ok, it'd just this exercise that my issue.

    How do I get back on the bandwagon? And how do I stop making excuses to not exercise?

    I know for me this is why I use a gym. I tell myself that I have to at least walk through the doors on a regular basis. Once I'm inside, the next step is I have to at least exercise 10 min. Next thing I know,I've completed my entire routine! Not everyday is like this but certainly there are times when this strategy has worked for me! Step by step....

    i force myself not to dwell on what I did or didn't do yesterday because in my head I will reconcile that so that I can do more or less for today. If I did a lot of exercise yesterday I can easily say, "oh I can skip today" or if I didn't do enough yesterday I can be overwhelmed by trying to make it up in the future. One of the greatest tools I've discovered is living for today. I seems so simple but really has done wonders in my life! Can you do 10 minutes today, despite what happened yesterday or what you think you might do tomorrow? Just 10 minutes? I think once you get started and not beat yourself up about the past or get overly anxious about tomorrow you will find that 10 minutes, right now ,is manageable and easily something you can build on. Best wishes! - Steve
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I tape a message on my bathroom mirror the night before. It can say "(my name), you can do (whatever), no problem." Then I say it to myself over and over (convincingly) while I am brushing my teeth, combing my hair, etc. I have found it very helpful to say positive things in my mirror, using my first name. Okay, it's talking to myself, but there's nobody else around here and it really helps.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I was so worried that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd find excuses to not do it!

    Last Wednesday, I had a stomach bug.
    Saturday, headache and depression set in.
    Sunday, was my regular day off (but I should have made up for Wednesday or Saturdat, but I didn't)
    Today, I'm gonna go for my walk, BUT kid home sick so it'll be shorter.

    See what I mean? I knew that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd come up with every and any excuse to not do

    The eating, logging, water part I'm handling ok, it'd just this exercise that my issue.

    How do I get back on the bandwagon? And how do I stop making excuses to not exercise?

    I know for me this is why I use a gym. I tell myself that I have to at least walk through the doors on a regular basis. Once I'm inside, the next step is I have to at least exercise 10 min. Next thing I know,I've completed my entire routine! Not everyday is like this but certainly there are times when this strategy has worked for me! Step by step....
    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • yoga_mel
    yoga_mel Posts: 76 Member
    Find an exercise you LOVE! Something you enjoy doing. If you don't enjoy it, you'll never have the desire to do it and you'll always have excuses of why you can't do it.

    this ^^^^ :)
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    Get the 30 day shred. Each work out is only 20 mins and you are done! Best £5 I ever spent
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    Yep, JUST DO IT. In my mind, it's not an option. I walk 6-7 days per week. I rarely miss a day, never two in a row. It is hard for me to get back out there just after one day. Again, for me, it's not an option. Think about the extra calories you will earn too :).
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    I was so worried that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd find excuses to not do it!

    Last Wednesday, I had a stomach bug.
    Saturday, headache and depression set in.
    Sunday, was my regular day off (but I should have made up for Wednesday or Saturdat, but I didn't)
    Today, I'm gonna go for my walk, BUT kid home sick so it'll be shorter.

    See what I mean? I knew that if I didn't exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY that I'd come up with every and any excuse to not do

    The eating, logging, water part I'm handling ok, it'd just this exercise that my issue.

    How do I get back on the bandwagon? And how do I stop making excuses to not exercise?

    How to stop making excuses to not excercise you ask? Stop making excuses!! #BattleMode
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    Just get out there and crank out a good workout. You will feel better afterwards. Remember that good feeling. The next day, you will want that feeling, so get out and do it again, and so on and so forth.
    The day will inevitably come where you can't workout for whatever reason. You will feel frustrated. Commit THIS feeling to memory as well!

    Stay the course, track your progress, and keep on killin' it.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I don't think of it as something I "have to do" anymore. It's just a regular part of my day now, much like brushing my teeth, making the bed, watching an episode of the current show I follow before I go to sleep, etc. Change your mindset about it. It will pay off tremendously.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I have all my workouts planned on a calendar. if I miss a day or two, I do what is on my calendar for the next day. Don't pity yourself, just get back to it
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Leslie sanson has a beginner mile on her website it is 15 minutes so if you don't have an exercise dvd at hand google her :) 15 mins in the morning and 15 in the evening and its all done :) It has to be better than nothing! Or search youtube you can find some great vids there! good luck!