I knew this would happen!



  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    It works better when it's part of your everyday, not another chore to do. Is it an option to walk your kids to school? Or to work? Life happens and there are days we all feel crappy but there is one universal truth that applies to everyone all the time - no one finishes a workout and says 'I feel worse now' or 'I regret exercising'.
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    I understand, I really do hate it...when im getting started. Once I get into it etc though it does become a lil easier and not so bad. Like everyone said you have to force yourself and JUST DO IT...and find something you love to do. At the least you like it? or can tolerate it? Think of the big picture and suffer through it for the greater good :) lol
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Do you have a smart phone?

    Look up the app: Gympact

    Charges you when you miss a workout - you tell it how many workouts you will do a week, and how much you want to be charged per time missed. (I tell it 3 times a week, at $5 stakes.)

    BUT when you DO meet your pact, you get a percentage of the money from everyone who didn't. I've made $4.50 so far, just going to the gym. It's awesome.
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    I am the same way. But you know what the great part of it is? If you DO exercise ONE day, you're more likely to exercise the next day. It sounds like you're a lot like me and need patterns/routine in your life, even if you don't always ENJOY them.

    It's so hard to make yourself exercise when you're tired and haven't been doing it, but sometimes just turning on some really good music and dancing around or grabbing my hula-hoop and hooping while watching a T.V. show are super easy ways to get my up and excited about exercising again. Get creative with it! Try a new activity!

    Once you get that initial rush of dopamine/increase in serotonin levels from exercising, you'll remember why you exercise in the first place, besides the fitness factor.
  • NamsdnaL
    NamsdnaL Posts: 102 Member
    Like alot of people said "Who says you have to leave your house to workout?" Do you have stairs where you live?? You could do a bunch of sets of stairs. Don't think of it as not being able to do your regular workout think of it as a switch up day. :)
  • bdubois63
    bdubois63 Posts: 87 Member
    Why are you willing to DEFEAT YOURSELF????? DON'T DO THAT!
    just restart...it is a new day, move on and carry on/////////
    done deal.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Dude. If you are sick, you should chill the hell out and get better. Then when getting back to it, just start small.

    Don't guilt yourself over not exercising. It's not worth it. The logging and sticking to your calories is FAR more important. If you can do that, you are made in the shade, and exercise is just a bonus.

    Re. lax. Don't put so much pressure on yourself.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Yup, life is happening! LOL No worries, it happens to most of us! I have a few suggestions:

    1. the video suggestion is a great thought assuming you have one.
    2. Throw on your headphones, clean your house, and DANCE your way through it! Fun and cleaning! :)
    3. Find small spurts. Can you commit to dropping down to do crunches, push ups, or jumping jacks during the commercial breaks? I bet you can and you will find at least a half our in your day. Try jumping rope (or shadow jumping rope) during the commercial break. Burns a ton of calories.
    4. To stay on track, put a dollar in a jar every day you work out. When you hit enough for your predetermine treat, spend those dollars on you. I am putting a dollar in everyday I get to it so I can go to the Buckle and buy myself a pair of jeans that are absurdly over priced but make my hind end look FABULOUS! LOL

    The point is, don't get trapped in the rut where it has be all or nothing. If you are able to find 10 miuntes 3 three times a day, there is your 30 minutes your are looking for.

    Hope your little one feels better.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    I find the hardest part is just to start. So start with shoes (or whatever gear you wear for your workout) then do stretches at home so you're ready as soon as you open the door (or begin circuit).

    Actually, I use KB, so I do my exercise at home--no travel time involved. I do need to start walking, "but it's too hot here in SC in summer,' so that means a short trip to Walmart (large one nearby) where they will let me patrol the aisles in their AC. See, I make just as many excuses...oh well...

    Just start. Remember any movement is better than no movement. Don't concentrate on a whole workout. Just do SOMETHING!
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    It really helped me to post an actual calendar on my wall and put a big "X" over each day that I exercise and meet my daily goals. For me, nothing feels better than seeing a full month of "X"s! There were days that I didn't want to do it, but I knew a blank day would look ridiculous, so I worked out anyway.
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    I found some ways to exercise that I really enjoy, and I can usually fit one of them in no matter what, I know the ABBA You can Dance game will be back in the Wii tonight, it's a great laugh and over an hour yesterday felt like exercise to me. I'm only at the start of my health and fitness journey though. I like the quote, "It's not a test so why cheat" and I agree, the only person I would be cheating is me. Good luck with finding some exercise that makes you WANT to do it.
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Just put one foot in front of the other and go do it!

    Don't over analyze and think about it so much. You will talk yourself out of it for sure!!!

    There is no try, only do!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I have this problem as well. I have a "deal" with myself. I have to start exercising but after 10 minutes if I do not want to continue I don't have to. I rarely quit after the 10 minutes. Just thought, It helps with my movitation as I know I'm not trapped in the workout.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    It really helped me to post an actual calendar on my wall and put a big "X" over each day that I exercise and meet my daily goals. For me, nothing feels better than seeing a full month of "X"s! There were days that I didn't want to do it, but I knew a blank day would look ridiculous, so I worked out anyway.

    HAHA! I like this!:love:
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    You need to find an exercise routine that you love. When you do, you'll get separation anxiety when it's not part of your daily life.
  • GamerGurl729
    GamerGurl729 Posts: 286 Member
    Do you have a smart phone?

    Look up the app: Gympact

    Charges you when you miss a workout - you tell it how many workouts you will do a week, and how much you want to be charged per time missed. (I tell it 3 times a week, at $5 stakes.)

    BUT when you DO meet your pact, you get a percentage of the money from everyone who didn't. I've made $4.50 so far, just going to the gym. It's awesome.

    Wow this is cool. I'll need to check it out. I'm pretty good about working out when I say I will, but money is always a good incentive. :)
  • cline7310
    cline7310 Posts: 32 Member
    on my busy days, i just get my butt out of bed in the morning and go, amek myself go.. sure i would much rather stay in bed and sleep the next 2 hours, but i know that i have to do this in order to make myself feel better!! you can do it, we are all here for you!!! just push yourself!! even if it is only for 15 minutes.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    Do you enjoy your current exercise routine? If not, try something new and set realistic goals. I don't LOVE to work out, telling myself I need to so it 6 times a week LL the time isn't going to work for me. Sometimes, I do it that often -- sometimes I only do it 3 times a week (my base goal).
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    you gotta find something to motivate you.

    I was getting bored on my long runs. So I downloaded that Zombie Run app. It helped me through a slump.

    I also keep track of my runs with NikePlus. It charts my activities, I like seeing those miles add up.

    Or join a group that has goals. Publicly announcing my goal for the month has made me lace up my running shoes a few more times than I really felt motivated to go.

    Even downloading a few new songs makes me excited to put in my earbuds.

    Just gotta find what inspires you. I also find if I do my workouts earlier in the day I wont talk myself out of it.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I have the same problem with maintaining my XBX. Most of it I like, but I truly hate the push-ups and sit-ups. They aren't something I can skip, either, because this workout is supposed to be for the whole body. I feel guilty about skipping days because why did I go through 3 months of XBX daily if I'm going to not keep going.

    And for people like me, it's not as simple as just do it and if I want it badly enough.