

  • Wow that's ALOT Of calories burned!! I run for an hour & a half and only burn 1100 calories. (I use a Polar HRM)
  • I'm just finishing up my 10K training, the run is next weekend. Been looking ahead to other events and there's a half marathon in October that I'd like to run. I got a half training schedule from my friend who works for a major running company.... while I don't mind dedicating myself to training, this one requires a 5 day…
  • Shred is an awesome alternative when you need to mix things up a bit! Seriously kicks your butt and gets you sweating. On average I get about an hour of cardio 6 days a week and I was sore the next day, this was after a 20 min session! :wink:
  • Welcome and good luck with your journey!! :wink:
  • I know isn't it weird that there's a 11.5/min mile and a 10/min mile but no 11 :( I wondered about that too. Congrats on your awesome run this morning BTW!! :smile: I had a quick 3K tempo earlier today, 12K LSD tomorrow morning.
  • I make my stove top oatmeal w/ vanilla almond breeze, ground flax & a diced banana. Top w/ a spoonful of peanut butter, more sliced banana, a few sliced almonds, sprinkle of mini chocolate chips and a few raisins. So good and EXTREMELY filling!
  • That is awesome! I've been struggling to get under 190lbs now for 3 months. I keep bouncing from 193-198 (mostly b/c I got frustrated etc.) But still. Congrats and Happy Friday!!
    in Finally Comment by losinglynn May 2009
  • My WI this morning showed me down 5.4lbs from when I started this past Saturday. I know that most of that loss is from water retention b/c I've made a HUGE effort to eat nothing processed this week. Still puts a smile on my face this Friday morning!! Start Weight: 193.2 Goal Weight: 189.9
  • It provides your body with fuel. It maintains your blood sugar levels so that you don't end up feeling tired/lethargic. I've read lots of articles that basically state that people who don't eat breakfast tend to over eat at other times throughout the day because they're so hungry.
  • I just finished reading Jillian's Master book too and for fun I entered the ingredients off of my Johnson's Baby Lotion into google....quite the eyeopener :ohwell: I will be on the search for better beauty products next time I'm shopping.
  • http://www.hungry-girl.com/
  • Eat lots of grilled chicken, fish. When eating salads ask for the dressing/croutons/cheese on the side. Ask questions as to how certain foods are prepared so you know! Instead of having the whole sandwhich/wrap, eat half w/ a salad and get the other half wrapped up. Drink h20 with your meal to help fill you up. Start off…
  • On her site you can sign up to receive a daily email w/ loads of recipes, product reviews etc.
  • Hey I'm new to MFP can I join this club? :smile: I'm currently training for a 10K which is the long weekend in May. Getting pretty excited for the race and VERY pleased with my over all improvement since starting the training. Last night I did a 5K Tempo, the weather was unusually warm. My body wasn't used to the huge…
  • Count me in please! I'm new to MFP and SO need this challenge. I want to be under 190lbs by 05/31/2009. That's approx 9lbs. I know I can do it!! :smile: Thanks for organizing it all!
  • Happy Birthday, awesome way to treat yourself!! I wish you the best of luck in your journey. :smile:
  • Have you tried PB2 - Powdered Peanut Butter & Chocolate Peanut Butter? It's basically dehydrated peanut butter - chemical free of course. Its great! I LOVE PB and AB and pretty much every nut butter out there. I sometimes will use this in place of PB if I want to limit my calories etc. 2tbsp of this stuff has approx 55…
  • Good luck! I'm doing my first 10K in two weeks and then plan to start training for my first Half (October.) I I started running about aa year and a half ago and LOVE LOVE LOVE the way I feel afterwards. Strong and fit! :)
  • IMO "dieting" is only a temporary solution. Changing your eating habits and developing an exercise routine will allow you to live a healthy life, permanently. :) 800 calories a day is starvation mode and the body will rebel. You're doing the right thing by eating within the guidelines set when you joined.
  • Just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself.... My name's Lynn, I'm a 26/F and over the past year & a half I've lost a little over 90lbs! (Yah!!) First by following WWs Points Online and then by tracking calories at Sparkpeople. Both of those tools have helped but since Christmas time I've been losing/gaining the same 5lbs…