could be you have a weak back. try using lifting belt to support your back.
good article. thank you and you have reduced massive weight.. well done !
certainly will get great things here ! have fun !
Thats great to hear. A man with the experience and the result. Although for me i would say 10-15 is a lot but the idea is absolutely there. Eggs are not bad !
I do believe egg is good for 2/3/4 whole egg consumption a day provided you are active and burning of the fats that your liver converts. In the end it is all about watching your calorie intake(carb,protein,fat,sugar,sodium...etc....). As per many articles that i have read, egg is good source of many essential nutrition…
thank you !
I do believe it is very important as someone earlier said. But be sure to give your best on your workout days. For me i was initially working my butt off for 7 days a week. Then i hit platue and then i had start to realize that your body needs some rest to recover and repair. Currently i'm on this plan. 2 days workout and…
From what i have seen, i think it shows up pretty well during the beginning of weight lose where you would have so many punds to lose. But as you progress and when your metabolism starts to adapt and (plateu, various factors) that numbers seems to be off track as that numbers do not consider the natural roadblocks that you…
p90 - fat burner express - 40minutes only. fantastic burn.
congrats there !
faantastic... congrats !
mine as of today is at 60. it used to be at 80 - 90 at rest.
thank you for the good read.
thanks for th input guys.
thanks for the share. a boost for our motive here.
mind blowing !
superb !!! i just need to get half of your total loss.. surely a kick in the butt for me to keep working hard. thanks for story and pics man.
thanks guys... so i shall continue with cardio + weights... and looks i need to meet my calorie requirement but the problem i'm having is the feel of i'm overeating if i about to meet my calorie requirement. i was a guy who use to eat like mad but now since i have been eating very less for past 2 months i just feel the…
woohoo.. super fast replies. thanks guys. wan2b21: yeah my current typical allocation is 60 cardio and 15 - 20 mins of weight. currently i take calcium 1000mg everyday. should i consider iron? millerll: my diary is open now. lloyd: yeah thats what i'm doing now about 2 months. treadmill and the stationary cycle is my…
thank you.