

  • I do 12hr night shifts. Tonight will be the first of a couple, so, I will have breakfast today at about 10.30. I'll then have something like a jacket potato at about 3pm. I'll take some cereal bars, grapes, and soup to work. The snacky things I'll eat when I can, the soup I'll have when I get a break which can be anytime…
  • Agree. I don't have much to lose - I was 137 and want to get down to 124 pounds. Last few days I've been "bad" and eaten more like 1500 cals (MFP says I should only eat 1290) but lost 3lb. When you don't have much to lose, this is amazing!
  • I'm here. I log pretty much daily (except days like today when I'm going out for dinner so pretty impossible to be accurate) and browse the forums. Thing is, on the main boards, there's so much traffic it's almost too much to read and keep track of, and here it's often really slow.
  • When writing the weekly shopping list, we discuss what meals we're going to make that week. Which days we eat what depends what we fancy and how much time we have. Once sthg is made, we cross it off the list and have fewer to choose from. Day to day I also plan food. I'll have breakfast, log it, then work out what else I'm…
  • 420 cal per serving risotto - this is for butternut squash but I've also used fresh garden peas, mixed mushrooms, etc, etc 75g arborio/risotto rice per person half an onion per person 2 cloves garlic per person half a pint of veg. stock per person (1 stock cube) fry light spray to fry onion then whatever veg you're adding:…
  • I work 12hr shifts that usually means being out of the house for approx 14hrs (I'm a paramedic, so need to do vehicle and drugs checks before shift start, and regularly get late jobs). I simply don't exercise on those days, I'm afraid. On the plus side, I do get 3 or 4 days off per week as opposed to most peoples' 2 day…
  • Do you ever cook for yourself? From scratch? Your diet isn't just unhealthy, it must be costing you a fortune, all that pre-packaged stuff. I wasn't tracking sodium in my diary, but I've just added it out of interest to see what I consume, and it appears I am always, always under 1500 even though I don't even think about…
  • My cals are set at 1290 (MFP calculated, not self-set) which seems about OK. As in, if I eat healthily and don't snack or have too much wine, it's easy to stick to. If I revert to the old ways, it's hard! At the moment I'm not doing that well since I've had a week's holiday involving 3 7-8hr days rock…
  • OK, I'm also not obese or overweight, I'm here to just lost a little and get fitter. At my heaviest I weighed about 145 pounds which FOR ME is far too much, clothes don't fit etc, etc. Every time my weight has gone up has been when I have been happy, not depressed. When I am happy in a relationship I like going out, I like…
  • Can't you take some proper food to work with you, so rather than snacking, you eat a real meal? I take either microwaveable low-cal healthy ready meals, or similar that I've made at home in advance and frozen. I never know when I will get a break, but when I do get back to base for food, I just pop it in the microwave and…
  • Yes. I was never clinically overweight, but wanted to lose weight. I assumed since I did a lot of walking, I' d be able to run. Wrong! I tried one day and was out of breath after less than a minute. I started C25k and it was tough but I did it. That was Spring 2011. I had a big lay off from running over last winter but…
  • Everything from scratch with, at the moment, veggies from our garden. My favourite junk foods are pizza and thai, so my husband makes his own pizza dough and pizzas, and maybe once a fortnight we'll get a thai takeaway. The exception to cooking from scratch is when I'm on night shifts, when I'll take a veg-pot style dinner…
  • Hi there, I work 12hr shifts as well. And pretty random really, not a set pattern. This month seems to be mainly nights though. I find night shifts not TOO bad since I take a microwaveable meal, either a veg-pot style healthy thing, or a homemade meal to heat up. However, my break could be anytime from 11pm (I start 7pm)…
  • Wedding in, oooh, 8 days. For my first wedding 10yrs ago I was 12lb lighter than I am now and 18lb lighter than when I started this current diet. Plus my UK size 8 jeans didn't fit anymore. And I felt wobbly. Jeans now fit and I feel a little better, but I know I can do more and I'll carry on for a while.
  • Yes, it works. I've done various diets before and have always put weight back on. Thing is, I am not, and have never been, clinicially obese or overweight. However, there are weights at which I feel good and weights at which I feel bad and lumpy. I've been on MFP for about 4 months, 2 of those seriously and logging daily.…
  • Nope, still losing here. I ate over my calories yesterday so went for a run in the heat when I got home at 7pm (ugh, too hot, only did 5k) then partner and his Dad came in and we all went to the pub. Ooops. Altogether 300 cals over (still way under TDEE though), drank loads of water, and had lost this morning. Keep well…
  • Hi, I'm in Warwickshire - don't use the forums much, but it's always good to see how people are getting on :)