rachmass1 Member


  • I recommend investing in one that will last. We have a Precor that is now 15+ years old, and it gets daily use. Go commercial grade, even if you have to buy refurbished. It might be double the cost of a less expensive one, but if you have to replace it, then that is rather a moot point anyway.
  • I like about half a frozen banana, 1/2 cup of pineapple chunks, tablespoon plain whey protein, tablespoon moringa powder, cup of spinach and a cup of unsweetened coconut milk. That makes two servings and the whey protein and moringa give in substance.
  • It is horribly frustrating! Don't eat too little though. Fat2Fit Radio has good information on what you should be eating in terms of calorie count just to function. I think we just have to keep plugging away. I have been watching what I eat for about five months now (after being off MFP for over a year and gaining…
  • Hi all! I am post-menopause and struggling too. Have been very careful since August, first with WW then to MFP (again) and have managed to take off 12 pounds, but it is eating barely over my BMR. I started working out every day on top of my 4-6 miles a day walking, and lifting weights, and since then have lost one pound. I…
  • Hi and welcome! Great introduction. Friend request coming
  • If you want good quality that will last, look to Landice, True or Precore.
  • It's been a month now. How are you finding the desk?
  • As you walk on a treadmill, you have a built-in way to gauge the accuracy of the fifbit. You will need to calibrate your fit bit to your stride, but that is very easy to do with the treadmill to doublecheck the actual distance. Congratulations on your move to the walking work world. It is definitely the way to go!
  • Hi, I have a Precore and walk at about 1.5-2 mph depending on how my back/hip feels (used to walk at 2-2.3 mph but lately started hurting). I walk about 5-6 hours a day and carry a fitbit one on my pants pocket. I believe it is accurate. I have had a treadmill desk for almost two years. Started out a a lower speed and just…
  • I own two as I have two offices. Walk about six to ten miles a day. Way better than sitting all day but not exercise. More in the line of a waiter/teacher/postal delivery
  • Go for it! Talk to your sensei as I am sure s/he will have some good ideas of what to do. You can start in a YMCA, or a chiropractor's office, church, community hall, etc. Just need to have some mats and patience is all :)
  • Very similar here. Walk about 50-60 miles a week and lift 3-4 days a week. Do some aerobic workouts for 10-15 minutes three timesaver week seems very doable and enjoyable and something I should be able to do for life.
  • Sorry that happened! I worry about it as well, but fortunately (touch wood) it hasn't happened. I walk at work with a treadmill desk, and log usually around 5-7 hours a day on that thing. Mine is wide though, and that helps with the drift. Did you simply drift onto the side? The narrow decks could have that happen easily,…
  • I am still 20-22 pounds too heavy (or heck, even more) for my height/body type, but I see definition happening fairly quickly when I lift regularly. I see it in my shoulders and collar bone area first, and my flabby arms last. Well, I see it on my forearms, just not the wings that I have...
  • http://lifestyleandstrength.com/rep-range-variance-for-maximum-muscle-mass/ Might be a good read
  • Yes, we have an old one (13+ years). Still a great workout and you can hold weights and not the rails if you want to engage your arms. Arm swinging isn't necessary for a good workout
  • Damn! Start a club?
  • Have you searched through the USAF website? aikiweb? http://www.aikiweb.com/search/search.html Only 9 dojo in MS listed. TN maybe?
  • I have a Precor. Did you set up your profile? The figures it shows are based on age, weight, sex and exertion. If you have one that has a heart rate monitor function it should end up being reasonably close to accurate I believe. No more or less than any other brand. Precor does have the ability to tailor the estimated…
  • Where are you moving to Susan?
  • Ditto. Without the addition. In yogurt is good too
  • Sweat is an indication so don't worry about it. Just keep mixing it up and working your body. Good job!
  • Have a seminar in Cincinnati with Yamada Sensei. I have been going to this one annually since 1995. Love it!
  • Thanks, I think even the most ukemi intensive class is unlikely to burn the calories noted in MFP. Also, the more we practice the more efficient we become which equates to even less of an expenditure. Lots of heavy aikidoka out there, not so much with karateka...
  • Yes, you get used to it pretty quickly. Yesterday I walked over ten miles at work; today it is just over 6 so far. I typically walk at about 2 miles per hour and a 2% incline. It isn't aerobic, but it is a lot better for you than sitting. The only thing I have a hard time with is handwriting notes, and sometimes talking.…
  • Maybe we are a dying breed...
  • Thanks for the introduction! Is the group Yoshinkan or a different style? The high flying uke in your photo reminds me of Yoshinkan :)
  • I paid @ $90 for a 50 foot 1.5 inch black rope through Amazon. I don't have an anchor and have them wrapped around the railing of my deck which is the only place big enough to fit this length in my property. They are a hell of a workout, but are frozen in the ice right now :(
  • Got another one coming up in march. Anyone going to Cincinnati from this group?
  • Anyone tried matcha?