Define heavy lifting because I lift weights too. :) So you achieved washboard abs through weight lifting only? :)
Oh, and you're eating too much calorie-dense carbs! No wonder they leave you hungry!
Protein + whole grain food/carbs! :) And try to eat 5-6 times. Maybe that will help. And on the weight loss plateau thing, add more intensity to your exercise. Proper nutrition + great exercise = fat loss. :)
Testing? Yeah, here goes. Okay, this used to be me. I'm the one wearing black with the gold skirt. 19 year old, unfit, 129~130lbs me. This was taken May of last year. That was the last time I ever set foot in a fast food joint. I think I was around 25% BF here. This is me now. :) A year after the previous picture; a year…
Wowowow. Okay, I've just had lunch but looking at these is making me hungry again. :))
I want to post mine! How do you post pictures here? :)
Why not start with the mental affirmation that you are confident? Or you could just say these to yourself everyday: - I am CONFIDENCE - I am SEXAAAAY - I am FABULOUS - I am all these and SO MUCH MORE Honestly, stop telling yourself that you have no zero confidence because that's what will manifest in your behavior. You…
Actually, you should be proud of one thing right now. You have decided to get into shape. That's a great job. Not everyone makes that decision. Not everyone thinks of that choice. You have engaged yourself to be a better person. I think you deserve an applause for that. The first, and not to mention one of the hardest…
'Obviously alongside this I need to be doing strength training and, Scooby says, I need to do 30 mins of cardio a day. I find it very hard to imagine myself eating 2024 or 1922 a day of healthy calories and working out at least 30 minutes a day, as my energy levels are generally very low (this is at least in part due to…
Potatoes are entirely healthy. They came from the ground and it's all natural. What makes them unhealthy are McDonald's and all the other fast food/restaurants out there. I love potatoes! I just don't deep fry them or load them with cheese nor bacon!
How long should you do this then? 3 months, a year? :)
A+ carbohydrates Spinach Kale Broccoli Brussel sprouts Asparagus Collard greens Red peppers Tomatoes Yams & Sweet potatoes Barley Oatmeal (Old fashioned unsweetened) Beans Black eye peas Slow cooked, brown rice (long grain/basmati) Lentils A+ proteins Salmon, Rainbow trout, herring A+ fats Flaxseed oil Udo’s Choice…
A+ carbohydrates Spinach Kale Broccoli Brussel sprouts Asparagus Collard greens Red peppers Tomatoes Yams & Sweet potatoes Barley Oatmeal (Old fashioned unsweetened) Beans Black eye peas Slow cooked, brown rice (long grain/basmati) Lentils A+ proteins Salmon, Rainbow trout, herring A+ fats Flaxseed oil Udo’s Choice…
Ever tried JMs 30 Day Shred?
I just tell myself that I am a beast. Those words just magically pump me up so much.
F, 21, SW: 112~115, BF: 19% (last time I checked was 3 months ago), GBF: x<15% :)) I lift! Yesterday was chest day and I lifted 20+ lbs. Had four different exercises, all done with 3-5 sets with 12 reps each. For my legs, the heaviest I lifted was 90 lbs on leg press for 4 sets with 50 reps each. I did some other leg…
Thank you so much :)
Why do you look like Lzzy Hale here? :))
Amazing o.o
Eat 5-6 times a day. That's inclusive of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and AM/PM snacks. Don't deprive yourself of food because that will damage your weight loss efforts. If you skip meals or don't eat enough, your body will be on 'survival mode' or something. It would just take it in the food but not burn it efficiently.…
If you have a twitter account, you can follow @motivatedrogue or @adamwontlose Check out their tweets. :)
First, take out the 'giving up' thought. Tell yourself you can do it over and over until it gets to your subconscious mind. Do not ever give up or feel down. You know why? Because it's possible for you. It's possible that you can get the body you want. It's possible for you to feel what you've always wanted to feel about…
Woah, how did you do that? o.o
Thank you for replying. :) I may just give what you suggested above a try. Yeah, we'll see how this goes. 2013 is our sexy year :))
Well, I would like to tone my thighs, and back. I'm seeing progress on my arms now so, I don't need much advice on that.
Hm. Other core training? Well, I also do Karate. Is that core training as well? :)
Haha. Thanks for that :)
Thanks for the reply everyone. ;) Hm, the BF % seems to be pretty low. I know it's not that accurate. It just said so on the weighing scale on some pharmacy here. Haha. Of course, I didn't mean I didn't have 'abs' abs. I do! Everyone does! :)))) I just wanted it to be really, really defined. :))
These are the ones that they should be posting on weight-loss ads, not the overly fake photoshopped looking pics.
Thank you so much. I'm impressed with how much weight you've lost already! Inspiring :)