Girls who lift - want some support

Hi everyone. I'm starting a lifting program and would like some new friends of the female variety who lift or are interested in lifting. Guys are welcome too, of course. Just looking for some support and guidance.

About me:

F, 29, SW:144 GW:130 BF% 26 GBF% 19

I'm sarcastic, a little geeky, and might curse like a sailor on occasion - fair warning.



  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hello, Tiffany. I am also interested in starting a lifting program, but I've had some trouble getting that final push to do it. I've read NROLFW twice, cover to cover, and I'm having a little trouble wrapping my brain around it, so I started looking at Stronglifts 5x5 and that may be my starting point. I'm not really much of a cheerleader, but I'm here every day, so feel free to add me.

    F, 39, SW: 149, CW: 133, GW: 125 (will re-evaluate when I get there), BF: 26%, GBF: 22%

    Sarcastic, check. Geeky, check. Cursing, check.
  • plf1219
    plf1219 Posts: 11 Member
    I am also starting a lifting program to become more "intense" in June as I currently have too many evening commitments with work to do a consistent program right now. I get cardio in by walking daily and when I can, I climb stairs. My DH and I are going to be joining the gym we used to go to again in June. He said he would be my spotter :)
    F, 44. SW: 174, CW: 167, GW: 130 BF: I forget what it is exactly, but it is about 30%.
  • plf1219
    plf1219 Posts: 11 Member
    [I'm sarcastic, a little geeky, and might curse like a sailor on occasion - fair warning.


    Me too...
  • tiffany484
    tiffany484 Posts: 17
    I just started NRoL4W or whatever acronym you choose to use. Day one was easy peasey (perhaps too easy?) so I'm going to use heavier weights for workout b on Thursday... Having a hard time wrapping my head around "eat more, work out less" but we shall see. I'm making it an active rest day with some incline treadmill in the morning. I feel lazy if I don't do SOMETHING.
  • kokevendingmachine
    kokevendingmachine Posts: 43 Member
    F, 21, SW: 112~115, BF: 19% (last time I checked was 3 months ago), GBF: x<15% :))

    I lift! Yesterday was chest day and I lifted 20+ lbs. Had four different exercises, all done with 3-5 sets with 12 reps each.
    For my legs, the heaviest I lifted was 90 lbs on leg press for 4 sets with 50 reps each. I did some other leg exercises too.
    Biceps, well, I could do 10lbs and triceps around 8lbs. on 5 different exercises.
    I also supplement my lifting with cardio and circuit training. I'm on lvl 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (that program's insane, btw)
  • plf1219
    plf1219 Posts: 11 Member
    Went to Planet Fitness with my friend from work...not the best place to start lifting heavy, but I guess it is a start. Can't wait to get started at the gym I am used to. I did some squats with hand weights and some of the machines. 35 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the bike for a cool down. Also did some arm exercises and some core. Trying to keep my sugars under control with my macros but I find that extremely difficult if I eat any fruit at all. DH and I are trying our best to be good and get rid of some of the junk food that we eat. I keep pawning it off on my son...LOL. Need to go to the grocery for this week and stock up on some healthy produce (love me some veggies). Work keeps changing some of our shifts so now Thursday evenings may also affect my gym time. Good thing my DH is soon to be done teaching for the year. Maybe he will get up early with me and go to the gym.