

  • Hi! I actually did start this diet, and I had success with it as far as weight loss... my problem was I got pretty bored after the first 34 days on food choices. I also got the cookbook and I found that I really missed my carbs for evening meals. I didn't have any issues with the diet itself; I think works and know several…
  • 1200 calories a day and earning exercise calories as much as possible!
  • What a great idea for a group! I'm 5'3 (almost) and I currently weigh 173 lbs. I am 47 years old, and used to run 4-5 miles a day about 5 years ago. I met a great guy, and got remarried and really haven't run since, and I adopted his eating habits! Not a real good choice on my part! Ha! I've always been very curvy (even at…
  • The 'Tread Climber' by Nordic Trak! I used to use it at a gym in another city, and it's so great! Pricey...but would be my ideal piece of home equipment! I tried the vibration machine at the State Fair last year and I loved it...too expensive as well!
  • I make my own with 6oz of plain greek yogurt or 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein, 1 cup of mixed berries, 2 cups water (gets in part of my daily water) and a TBSP of Truvia. Another protein shake I have in the evenings that tastes more like a treat to me and helps keep me full through the night (I struggle with night…
  • Hello from San Ramon, California! :glasses:
  • I've been changing my eating habits to a lot of vegetables, and have transitioned to actually eating breakfast every day. I find that if I eat more protein and vegetables and limit my intake of simple sugars and starches I have a hard time getting in all my calories and that is not good! I also have been really conscious…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm new to this group and I love this post! I decided to come up with 10 things for me to do for myself and by myself which is almost a foreign concept in my mind anymore! 1. Build a website 2. Take pictures every day 3. Swim (just moved to a place with a pool) without feeling self-conscious about my body 4.…
  • Hi all... I'm 47 years old and weighed around 125 up till I turned 40! There's a lot more truth to turning 40 and the body changes than I thought! I guess you really don't know until you experience it! I have been married again for 4 years now (met my husband the same year as turning 40) which has also contributed to gain…
  • I do this one, and it works for me mentally! I also try to eat all my veggies first to help my tummy trigger the fullness to my brain before eating the rest and I've noticed that it has helped me a lot.
  • 1 plank: 1.05 minutes I was determined to make it past a minute and I held on for 5 more seconds before I couldn't hold it any longer! I cannot believe how hard my heart was beating after 65 seconds in that one position! Wow.... my tummy was a bit sore today as well from the one yesterday. I'm pretty excited to think that…
    in May 3 Comment by campychick May 2012
  • Ok, first I searched Youtube to find out how to do a plank (yeah, yeah, I know it's been a LONG time away from gym), but I did my first one: 1 minute Yay me! :happy:
    in May 2nd Comment by campychick May 2012
  • ok...guess it's time to break down and take on the tummy! It's obvious from the lack of muscle tone left, that I really HATE ab workouts! HA! Course I want a firm body to rock the bathing suit and summer clothes...heck...I want to rock anything at this point! hahaha I'm going to work on them every day starting with this…
  • Thanks for posting this today... I just remembered that I forgot to add my low sugar ketchup to dinner! I make an effort to log everything I put in my body (including all the calorie free and high calorie stuff) so that I can track not only my nutrients, etc... but to see if I can find patterns to the way or what I eat and…
  • I'm so happy you asked this because I also had no idea what it meant... haha!
  • East Bay-San Ramon, CA
  • I just read the Hunger Games trilogy (LOVED THEM) I'll have to see how the movie holds up to the books. I'm reading a book called "The Killing League" about a group of serial killers who are competing with each other that I downloaded from Kindle store, and I saw that I missed a new book from Candace Bushnell, so…
  • Definitely logged EVERYTHING...went to a wedding that served Mexican Food with very little choices, however, I did stay under goal. (yay me)! I walked the dogs this morning and danced tonight for my only exercise today.
  • Already limiting my carbs to low glycemic veggies/fruit (fruit limit of 2 per day). I'm not really craving the other carbs...I've decided that sugar is just as much of an addiction as drugs, etc... so I'm completely off any refined sugar at this point. Once I hit my goal, I will decide if/how to reintroduce to my eating. I…