justsarah07 Member


  • I've been almost 100% grain free since last September. I've lost (and kept off!) 20 pounds by eating low carb/high fat and skipping out on the grains and sugars. Before you knock the books, read them, there is some very good information within that has helped a lot of people.
  • This is an amazing dish: Sub whatever fish you have! Moqueca – Brazilian Fish Stew Recipe Yield: Serves 4. Traditional moqueca uses palm oil. If you can find it (I checked three stores here and was not able to locate any) add just a tablespoon to the stew along with the coconut milk. Soup 1 1/2 to 2 lbs of fillets of firm…
  • Read the recent book "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter a leading neurologist in the medical world. http://www.drperlmutter.com (You can also YouTube his presentations) Much of his book talks about the effect grains have on your brain. There are some amazing case studies of people with chronic migraines/headaches who…
  • Read the recent book "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter a leading neurologist in the medical world. http://www.drperlmutter.com (You can also YouTube his presentations) Much of his book talks about the effect grains have on your brain. There are some amazing case studies of people with chronic migraines who removed all…
  • It's a program that works for a lot of people. It requires maintenance once you reach your goals because it's very easy to gain weight when not watching your carbs. The products are very expensive and loaded with preservatives. After watching a friend go through this and then another session after gaining 10#, I feel that…
  • Water is always the best choice, but when I need some fizz I'll get some Zevia. It's soda sweetened with stevia instead of artificial sweeteners. No sugar, no calories, 3 carbs.All sorts of flavors. www.zevia.com/‎ Edited to say: You can find this at your local health food store or have it shipped from Amazon.
  • That is awesome! Keep up the good work. I have roughly around the same amount to lose as you, you're not alone!
  • Thanks, but I am trying to stay away from dairy at the moment. I feel like I am getting enough salt ( Real Salt - with the minerals) so I am going to try calcium and magnesium tonight before I go to bed. Hope it helps.
  • 28 here from Wisconsin. Need to loose 31.5 pounds. In the process of trying The Whole 30 way of eating. On day 5, almost 6, loving it and seeing results!!! If you need some encouragement feel free to "friend" me!
  • I am proud because I am on day 5 of Whole 30 program. No grains, dairy, or sugar. I've lost 5# and 5 inches since I started on MFP and I am learning to cook really wonderful meals that are super healthy and tasty!
  • Water Unsweetened iced tea - sweetened with stevia Lemon juice & water sweetened with stevia Coffee with Pure Bliss vanilla creamer ( I like that it only has like 4-5 ingredients, that I am pronounce!) EmergenC Packets - vitamins + flavor. I like the ones that are sweetened with stevia because they only have 5-6 calories…
  • I am not a vegetarian, but I use vegan protein powders: Sun Warrior - Vanilla ( I have not tried the chocolate or natural favors yet) - The protein comes from rice and it is sweetened with Stevia. It doesn't have any GMO or soy, which I feel is a major plus! It has a slightly grainy texture but I love the vanilla flavor.…
  • I am not a vegan but I have really enjoyed these vegan (whey free) protein powders: Sun Warrior - Vanilla ( I have not tried the chocolate or natural favors yet) - The protein comes from rice and it is sweetened with Stevia. It doesn't have any GMO or soy, which I feel is a major plus! It has a slightly grainy texture but…
  • Welcome! Glad you found this site!
    in Hello! Comment by justsarah07 April 2013
  • Raw Milk Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder/ Sun Warrior Raw Protein Powder Cliff Builder Bars Lentils Plain Greek Yogurt w/ Simply Organic Southwest Ranch Dip Mix added
  • 5' 3" 162# - Mostly 10's but some 8's, & sometimes 12 depending on the brand.
  • I feel it's always good to choose one that doesn't contain a bunch of artificial flavors or sweeteners and GMO ingredients, such as: Garden of Life Raw Organic Meal www.amazon.com Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Powder http://www.sunwarrior.com/store/ www.amazon.com