My Black dress

Hello all, I'm a 31yo mother of 3...I want the perfect black dress by May I need to lose 20lbs, I've started eating better but I have the urge for something sweet or unhealthy to the point where my head hurts.

Have anybody ever tried the sacred heart diet...just curious!

I know a lot say leave the diet alone blah blah blah lol...I know its just a fast remedy if u don't keep at it...

On the up I did drop I went from 194 to 170 but I'm gaining it back and having a hard time going down instead of up!!!:explode:


  • richardbigg
    Just remind yourself what is more important; that black dress or that piece of candy. It's called discipline and you can do it. Sometimes I hypnotize myself into believing that the workers who made the candy or fried food were in the back picking their noses just before they put the piece of food out on the counter with the same hand that did the dirty deed. That usually does it for me... Good luck!
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Why don't you just have whatever it is that you are craving and then fit it into your day's calories. If you end up restricting yourself too much, you might end up quitting. You can still lose weight eating things you like and want.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I can appreciate the headaches since I went paleo.. But you can allow yourself something that fits into your program so you don't feel deprived.. It helps!!
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm on day 2 of the diet. It's just another crazy crash diet. Our friend has weigh in for the Coast Guard on Wednesday of next week and he needs to lose 20 pounds. These are our best couple friends, so my husband and I decided to join them for emotional support. I remember doing this diet 15 years ago and it was called the Cabbage Soup Diet. Basically, it's pretty severe calorie restriction. My husband and I are in our proper weight range, though getting toward the top end. We have been making healthy changes, slowly over the last year (organic veggies, less white carbs, more water, etc.). We know this isn't healthy and we modified the soup recipe to fit our lifestyle. For example, if you make the soup as is, the sodium is OUTRAGEOUS! We used organic broth, fresh veggies, and we totally left out the Lipton Soup Mix (gross!). We are drinking 80oz of water daily. My husband says he's starving all the time, but I haven't been. I am losing weight like crazy (6 pounds in 2 days). I fully expect that I'll gain that back the first day off the diet, but like I said, it's for support of our friend.

    I also decided to do a 7 day body cleanse for the duration. Heck, if I'm going to suffer, might as well go all in.

    On the plus side, I am hoping for a jump start to getting rid of some holiday pounds and I'm getting my portion sizes back under control.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Drink lots of water, might help relieve headaches.
  • justsarah07
    justsarah07 Posts: 18 Member
    Read the recent book "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter a leading neurologist in the medical world. (You can also YouTube his presentations)
    Much of his book talks about the effect grains have on your brain. There are some amazing case studies of people with chronic migraines/headaches who removed all grains from their diet and haven't had any pain. The idea is grain-free, low carb, very high fat. Your brain is made up of 70% fat and often our dieting consists of low-fat, high carbs, medium protein. We are starving our brains and they are reacting too it.

    Also, join the Wheat Belly (Dr. William Davis) Facebook page. There you will find person after person who suffered from migraines/headaches for years and now no longer do with their new lifestyle. Many of them have given up their medications because they no longer need them! This is a very positive/supportive page with lots of pictures to encourage you in a new lifestyle.

    Here is a story of one gal who gave up grains and no longer has migraines:
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Why don't you just have whatever it is that you are craving and then fit it into your day's calories. If you end up restricting yourself too much, you might end up quitting. You can still lose weight eating things you like and want.
  • xxofnir1xx
    xxofnir1xx Posts: 19 Member
    Starving yourself from the things you enjoy is asking for problems. As someone above stated, just add the calories in to your daily count. I found that when I tried to rid myself completely of sweets and junk food, I would end up caving and then binging on said sweets and candy...way worse than I had I had just one piece of candy. Nowadays, I have a bag of kit kats and I will have one every once in a while. Each individual kit kat package is only 70 calories, and satisfies my needs :)