Soda Substitute

Okay, so when I'm at work is 60 - 80 oz of sugary beverage daily. Sometimes I feel like I need two in order to just get up and moving.

It's also probably the only thing I consume at work more often than not. I need to stop it, no question there, but I'm looking for suggestions in substituting other things in so that I can improve my eating habits and metabolism.


  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    WATER! I carry water with me everywhere and limit my pop. Water is so important in weight loss!!

    I bought myself a cool water bottle and challenge myself to drink 3 while at work.
  • rachelkiacomini617
    Green tea is great for a pick a me up, its invigorating and has metabolic benefits! Its great, I drink it a lot in place of coffee. There are tons of other health benefits.

    check it out:
  • rachelkiacomini617
    she is so right...WATER IS LIFE. Truly.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Club soda with mio water flavor enhancer is zero calories and a fairly acceptable substitute for soda, in my opinion.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Yup water...I used to drink a ton of soda and it's a good habit to break. I still have one occasionally, but by and large I drink water. I do drink a lot of bubbly water that I make with my soda stream at home...I usually put in some lime slices or whatever to flavor it up...but really, just breaking that soda habit will benefit you greatly.

    In the winter I also drink quite a bit of hot herbal tea, green tea, and chai. I drink iced tea in the summers quite often.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I love Pepsi, and prior to MFP used to drink between 4-6 cans of regular Pepsi daily. All I did was switch over to diet Pepsi, and I try to keep it to a minimum of 2 cans a day..doesn't always happen but I try. Also, I've made it a habit to drink mostly water.

    But if you're looking to stop drinking soda completely try Seltzer water, or Perrier. For me it's all about the fizz that makes it so satisfying.
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    Club soda with mio water flavor enhancer is zero calories and a fairly acceptable substitute for soda, in my opinion.

    Great idea. Well have to try this!! :)
  • justsarah07
    justsarah07 Posts: 18 Member
    Water is always the best choice, but when I need some fizz I'll get some Zevia. It's soda sweetened with stevia instead of artificial sweeteners. No sugar, no calories, 3 carbs.All sorts of flavors.‎

    Edited to say: You can find this at your local health food store or have it shipped from Amazon.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    diet soda?
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    You got a lot of great responses above for substitutes...

    In addition to those great suggestions I highly recommend you take a look beyond a drink/food substitution as the problem may be deeper.

    For example.....

    I had the same issue a few of years ago. What i found is that it wan't really about the soda. I was using getting an excuse to step away from work, or as a little 'pick me up', or as a reward (for just making it through the day so far), or just taking a regular break with good coworkers. I was my daily ritual.

    I did not realize this at first myself. I was talking to a friend who was giving up smoking and he was saying the hardest part was the 1) ritual of smoking and 2) the breaks. At his work place only smokers got to step away from their job (I realized that was the same for soda drinkers where i worked). Non-smokers did not have that excuse and had to work straight on. So he finally coped by quit smoking... but still going out for those 'smoke breaks'.

    After that I realized that going for a soda was the one excuse I gave myself to get up from my office and move. What helped me the most was to continue my 'ritual' and reward. I would still get up... but instead sit down and drink some water or tea, met with coworkers for a quick chat, or a quick walk. :)
  • ashiii1
    ashiii1 Posts: 8 Member
    I could never get into drinking plain water, but adding a slight flavour gives you that taste you miss out on. I keep a huge bottle of water which just has some lemon juice squeezed into it near me at all times. It helped me break my 1L of diet lemonade a day habit.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    Advocare Spark- it helped me stop drinking soda.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    When I kicked the soda habbit, I mixed seltzer water 50/50 with juice or crystal light