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  • Network Engineer
  • When in doubt stick with the basics: * Squats * Leg press * Bench press * Curls If you're just starting, keep enough weight on to stay safe while still able to achieve close to failure at rep # 10. The main thing you want to focus on in the beginning is developing proper form and staying injury free. Once you're confident…
  • Mostly flat? Depending on your pace and gearing 16 miles shouldn't be too tough of a ride. Riding into a head wind can pack a punch. Pack extra bottles of water and make sure to stretch thighs/calves for 10-15 minutes before the ride. Have fun!
  • Guess I'll leave my eye mask at home from now on...
  • I've tried it once or twice. Both times it ended up being more discouraging than encouraging. It didn't quite fit as well as I would have liked and it also reminds you that you aren't progressing as fast as you'd like. Instead I look forward to donating clothes that have become too loose. The joy of dropping clothes off at…
  • It's nowhere near accurate after 5 weeks. It can vary daily as you can tell. I tend to burn 600-900 calories on my cardio days, skipping my extra calories usually.. And it was off by a good 5 pounds each 5 weeks.
  • While they do tend to overestimate some, it's still a decent barometer to give you an idea of how strenuous of a workout you're doing. HRM are more accurate, but don't be discouraged - 100+cals/10mins is about average and definitely on par with running at a brisk pace. Keep the course!
  • I've tried a few Twinlabs products.. They're fairly inexpensive compared to the competition and worth the try, but their effectiveness wasn't nearly as good as the competition. I figure they suit their market. Not sure how much you are affected by supplements but keep in mind that if you're going to take a caffeine based…
  • It's a stim, did the same for me. Same thing with GAT's Jet Fuel. If you've already purchased you might want to at least give it another try so it doesn't end up being money in the trash. You may want to try it after a meal, to see if it's effects ease up. That definitely helped with me. Also, make sure you take it early…
  • There isn't an exercise, miracle supplement or any one thing in particular that will fix this. It takes patience, consistency and work. Crunches are a major starting point. Cardio and nutrition make up the bulk of the rest. Genetics have a lot to do with body composition.. In the end, an over all lower body fat percentage…
  • It's an ongoing debate. The BMI is more of a guideline for a population, not necessarily accurate for individual. In the end, you know (or should know) what your ideal weight should be. Don't get too stressed about the BMI. I had a similar experience, for the longest time I was obsessing over the BMI chart. I ended up…
  • You sound pretty lean to begin with and you appear to be doing it right as far as nutrition. Carbs intake looks good but it looks like you could use more protein. I would suggest going with 1 gram protein per pound of weight, meaning you should try and aim for 120 grams of protein per day. With regards to cheat days, I…
  • An argument about early morning workouts is that it jump starts your metabolism early and your body tries to catch up the rest of the day. This is usually as soon as you wake up, no breakfast, etc. I've found that for myself, I tended to burn more fat in the morning. I stick to a protein shake and a multivitamin before…
  • A fruit before and a small snack after will help reduce the amount of muscle being broken down for energy. (And promote utilization of fat.) Branched Chain Aminos (BCAAs) also help do the same. In any case, I usually stick to 100-150 cals pre and 100-200 cals post workout.
  • I have a friend who has a similar issue with his hands. Never had the issue with his feet. He told me that his physician said he had a form or keratosis. He uses Cetaphil and occasionally vaseline lotions. I'd highly suggest visiting your Doctor or a dermatologist.
  • While all cardio is beneficial, I've never seen a use for the recumbent. It's a good novice tool if you are not wanting something that strenuous. However, I'd highly suggest sticking with the upright. The placement of your heart above your legs generally gets more blood pumping. Resistance depends on what you're trying to…
  • Caffeine + ephedra tend to give most people the shakes. Most products containing ephedra were banned last year due to people not sticking to the products suggested serving. Caffeine can work if you monitor dosage. If you plan to go that route caffeine anhydrous would work the best. It would be tough to suggest anything…
  • I'm a HUGE fan of their pre-packaged shakes. Especially EAS' "CarbControl". They're only 110 calories! They're semi-low on protein at 17 grams or so, but they're super convenient, taste great and have a few other good nutrients.
  • If you're looking for a deal, Target usually stocks Pure Protein and EAS. They offer 2 lbs for a really good price and occasionally go on sale. Both are pretty good protein bundles without a lot of fillers, calories, etc. I prefer EAS. Don't bother with GNC, they're way overpriced on almost everything they carry. If you…
  • Once or twice a week, for your own sanity. Also make sure it's at the same time, every time. I personally usually check Monday/Thursday as soon as I wake up before I've showered, eaten or done anything, round 5:30AM.
  • Well, after a yo-yo September I managed to meet the 5 lbs mark. Hopefully I can continue the trend.. Semi stuck right now, though. Hopefully I can lose another 5!
  • I've had a pair of bluetooth Sony HBH (HBH-DS970) series for around 3 years now, have sounded great and worked reliably this whole time. The new model is 980 or 990, or whatever, but they have improved battery life, can pair with more devices and have a few slight improvements. I'd suggest searching on Amazon or
  • This may be something you want to look into. I didn't have deprivation in mind.. But with a workout schedule similar to yours, I found out that I was undereating. My goals for 1 1/2 pounds per week consisted of a daily 1950 calorie intake. I was on target as far as calorie intake, but I was burning 400-800 cals on average…
  • I mix up stationary cycling, crossramp, elliptical, treadmill and a stair stepper. I try to keep cardio to an hour at most, since anything more than that ends up hindering rather than helping. To break up the monotony I'll stick to 30/30, 20/20/20, 10/25/25 of a given machine. My routine burns between 500-800 per day.…
  • This statement is true. Most people usually only do one or the other due to the time required for both. In general, for weight loss you should focus more on cardio but it is always a good idea to have some resistance training mixed in as well.
  • Just saw this topic today.. 7 pounds in 3 weeks for me. I won't get my hopes up quite yet though, one week left to go in September and I'll have to make sure I don't cheat too much on the weekends.
  • I was on a LONG plateau. I had been able to gain muscle without any issue but was having a very hard time losing weight. By the time I found myfitnesspal, I'd changed my workout and supplements and tried various fat loss thermogenic mixes. Myfitnesspal helped keep me accountable, as far as how much I was eating, curbed my…