Just bought a bike

About a week ago. So far I'm able to do 2 miles uphill with little trouble (prior to the bike I did 30 minutes walking up stairs nightly so I think my leg muscles and cardio vascular system are ok) and I haven't tried to go any further.

Tomorrow I was planning on going on an 8 mile one way/8 miles back ride..is this going to be too hard for a beginner? Tge route is mostly flat and the weather cool. Thanks!


  • introvert
    introvert Posts: 28 Member
    Mostly flat? Depending on your pace and gearing 16 miles shouldn't be too tough of a ride. Riding into a head wind can pack a punch. Pack extra bottles of water and make sure to stretch thighs/calves for 10-15 minutes before the ride. Have fun!
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    8 miles on a bike isn't too bad but I've found its less pressure to go for time and see how far you get. Set your watch or phone alarm or whatever to 30 minutes (or whatever), see how far you get and then turn around and go back home and then see how far you got. I bet it would surprise you! I love the imapmyride app, it tracks how far you go as well as how fast so you can track your progress. Keep going for the same amount of time but challenge yourself to get further as you get stronger :-) I LOVE riding my bike!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I agree with introvert - be carefull of a head wind!! The first big ride I did I had the wind at my back all the way out - and then turned round a nearly died trying to get home!!

    Just take it easy - and turn around before you are totally knacked - have fun - it is a great calorie burn - and just good fun as well....
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'd be careful - 16 miles seems ok, but be careful not to tire yourself out too much on the way there. Don't be discouraged if you don't make it the whole way! I've been riding for about 6 months now and it took me a while to get to a point where my 10 mile ride is 'comfortable' to complete in an hour. So allow yourself lots of time, take lots of water and be safe!

    ETA: take a little bag full of nuts or dried fruit or a muesli bar to nibble on if you get a chance to stop for a rest.