Best time to exercise?

hop3 Posts: 61 Member
Does anyone know when the best time of day to exercise is? Or does ti even matter? I try to do my workouts in the morning and when my daughter is down for her nap. However it doesn't always work out that way.

Any thoughts?


  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Does anyone know when the best time of day to exercise is? Or does ti even matter? I try to do my workouts in the morning and when my daughter is down for her nap. However it doesn't always work out that way.

    Any thoughts?

    Honestly, it doesn't even matter. As long as you're consistent and have the same energy for each workout, you can do your workouts in the morning/night/whenever.
  • kalisonh
    kalisonh Posts: 6 Member
    I have been told the best time to exercise is in the morning because you burn more fat, especially if you've not eaten breakfast yet.

    But a trainer in a gym once told me the best time to exercise is when it is convenient for you, because that is what will keep you motivated. If you try to do it at an inconvenient time, then it won't stick.

    Hope this helps :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    As long as you exercise I would say it doesn't matter a ton. The debate over when really, to me, seems to apply more when you get closer to being an athelete in the field- what will give you an edge over competition and what not. Time of day doesn't change cals burned.

    That being said- I always feel better when I do my hardcore workout in the morning, but when I do my "life activity" things (like walking to my bf's apt) after eating. So just try to listen to your body. Bottom line- there's no "bad" time to get a workout in.
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    A recent article in the NY Times had a study that showed before breakfast to burn more calories but the best time is when you do it. Don't lock yourself into a set time - plus mixing up the time of day you exercise confuses your body and doesn't allow it to get used to doing something during a specific time of day. So just do it whenever it you can!
  • introvert
    introvert Posts: 28 Member
    An argument about early morning workouts is that it jump starts your metabolism early and your body tries to catch up the rest of the day. This is usually as soon as you wake up, no breakfast, etc. I've found that for myself, I tended to burn more fat in the morning. I stick to a protein shake and a multivitamin before working out, sometimes a small fruit thrown in. I also feel more energetic throughout the day and it helps me focus on weights for my afternoon session.

    There really isn't a best time, per se. I suppose the "best time" would be what suits you best as far as energy, intensity and duration. As long as you're putting in the effort, elevating the heartrate and steadily burning calories any time will work well. Although there probably are a few worst times. These would be immediately after a large meal, or after a moderate to large intake of alcohol.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I have been told the best time to exercise is in the morning because you burn more fat, especially if you've not eaten breakfast yet.

    This is a common myth that has been debunked in quite a few recent studies. What the results of the studies actually showed was that when you exercise in the morning before breakfast, you increase your chance of catabolizing your muscles. Because yeah, you don't have food that you are burning, but the body's next choice of where to get fuel is NOT always fat stored up in the is most often time MUSCLE. This is another reason why it is so important to eat lots of protein (even if you are not trying to build muscle size) and also do your strength training in conjunction with your cardio. Lifting weights obviously combats the issue by increasing the amount of lean muscle. All in all, the studies basically say that working out in the morning is a great idea IF you have at least something small to eat beforehand.

    And as to when it is best to exercise, the differences in calories burned is really minimal, so do it whenever you have the time and whatever time you prefer because that is what you will stick with in the end.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    For me it is after work in the evenings...My oldest is doing homework and I can put some cartoons on for the little one or wait till she is in bed. But I have heard that you burn more fat in the morning...I'm however not a morning person but am trying for 3 days of working out atleast 20 minutes in the mornings before school and work...Got two days last week and blah I work harder and better at night I think :P