Twinlab Ripped Fuel reaction

Has anyone tried this stuff? My trainer put me on a whole pile of supplements, and this one seems to be making me jittery and tight-chested. I'm definitely quitting, but wanted to hear if anyone else has tried it.


  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I don't like any of that stuff because of that. Most of them you need to adjust to -- however, I would show your doctor if you want to keep taking it
  • introvert
    introvert Posts: 28 Member
    It's a stim, did the same for me. Same thing with GAT's Jet Fuel.

    If you've already purchased you might want to at least give it another try so it doesn't end up being money in the trash. You may want to try it after a meal, to see if it's effects ease up. That definitely helped with me. Also, make sure you take it early enough in the day.. Because I had trouble sleeping if I took it too late.

    As far as supplements go, Twinlabs isn't a very good manufacturer.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    It's a stim, did the same for me. Same thing with GAT's Jet Fuel.

    If you've already purchased you might want to at least give it another try so it doesn't end up being money in the trash. You may want to try it after a meal, to see if it's effects ease up. That definitely helped with me. Also, make sure you take it early enough in the day.. Because I had trouble sleeping if I took it too late.

    As far as supplements go, Twinlabs isn't a very good manufacturer.

    Don't like Twinlab huh? I knew it wasn't great, but I knew it wasn't bad either, and I was ready to do anything to see some change. I may try another supplier for supplements as these run out. I don't see going back to ripped fuel again, though.
  • introvert
    introvert Posts: 28 Member
    I've tried a few Twinlabs products.. They're fairly inexpensive compared to the competition and worth the try, but their effectiveness wasn't nearly as good as the competition. I figure they suit their market.

    Not sure how much you are affected by supplements but keep in mind that if you're going to take a caffeine based stim, you'll definitely want to work off quite a bit of that energy. If you take it on a non-workout day you'll end up getting jittery, tight-chested and probably even get some anxiety. Stick to taking it on workout days only.