

  • I haven't been on here for very long and haven't seen any attacks or negative posts - but I love a sense of humor with a bit of wit and sarcasm. It's good to be able to laugh at our pain sometimes. I hope this is ok : )
    in My plea. Comment by tosize2 May 2010
  • I may be an anomaly, but I have had four kids and one c-sections and have flat abs! (thank the good lord) I truly believe it is my training in ballet as a girl. Good posture is always automatic and my abs are always engaged. If you can somehow remember your posture - straight back, head high, abs engaged - and create a…
  • I think it's great that you ask us! I'm not a real creative cook, but we eat quite a bit of vegetarian (tomato-less, don't ask) meals, so I kind of have to be. Just got results from my annual physical and my good cholesterol is soaring because of it : P Here's a favorite . . Taco Salad! Brown some ground beef (morningstar…
  • You mean "punctuation."
    in pet peeve... Comment by tosize2 May 2010
  • I have/had the same problem, only when I get into bed at night. I worked on it every day for a long time and could not seem to break the cycle. then my therapist said i should begin to track my calories and see how much i was actually having. i couldn'y even log the cookies. Then, one day, after a few days watching what I…
  • Hands down - The Prodigy, "Breathe." -Breathe the pressure. Come play my game I'll test ya. Psychosomatic addict insane. -Inhale, inhale, youre the victim. Come play my game. Exhale, exhale, exhale.
  • I just asked my doctor about this at my annual physical on Friday! He said he had the same problem and biotin worked amazingly well for him. He recommends 2500mg or a brand called "Appear-X" which can be found in the nail products aisle at CVS.
  • OMGoodness! Thanks, everyone! Now, I'm hungry . . I love nutty, satisfying bread (with raw almond butter and bananas), so I'll buy more Ezekiel bread. I have for kids and don't have much time to make bread, or what success I'd have. I'd love to! But, can you make sprouted grain bread? You can also find Ezekiel bread at…
  • thanks, everyone! i brushed my teeth early and managed to not eat after dinner!!!!! I will try everything you suggested - the book, getting rid of the sweets, low carbs and more will power! hope you resisted the carrot cake ; )
    in Foodabuse? Comment by tosize2 May 2010
  • Your motivation, ideas and support got me off my butt!! I ran 10 flights of stairs in 10min! Now I'm sweatin' bullets at my desk, but it's been a LONG TIME COMIN! This site rules!! THX!
  • I just had Weight 'Watchers Smart Ones' (frozen) chicken enchilada suiza, it was yummy, but pretty mushy!
  • AWESOME!! (erussell,) you can also get the DVD, which is full of 10min workouts...
  • 10-4 Good Buddy! I'm reading a book from Prevention called, "Short Cuts to Big Weight Loss" and it promotes breaking up your workout into short bursts, saying people lose 30% more weight! The difference is, It revs up your metabolism every time and is more realistic in that people actually do it! I have 30 days to reach my…
  • You might try Morning Star Farms (frozen) Sausage Patties (vegetarian) with a slice of cheese melted on top, on an english muffin or toast. Easy, hot and hardy!
  • Thanks, everyone!!! I'm gonna try and add my 'ticker' below. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm THIS close to exercising! :tongue: All I've managed to do is upper body strength training (arms only, really, except some girly pushups) I just can't muster the energy/motivation to do cardio! (or lower body) Did my legs stop working or go on strike?) Someone please give me a creative excuse to take the plunge! What…
  • Thanks, everyone. So far so good today. Tomorrow I will weigh in and hopefully get to put one of those cute little progress tracker thingies in. I find this thing hard to navigate! Thanks again!!!
  • Carrie. Just introducing myself. I'm looking for motivation. A real kick in the pants. Something good, cause it has to get me off my butt after sitting on it, telling myself to exercise for months! Thank you in advance.