

  • While I agree that you should love someone else for who they are, her eating habits and exercise habits are NOT who she is. They are her habits. I def wouldn't mention her weight and take the DO approach. There's nothing wrong with wanting a healthier lifestyle for someone you care for.
  • To get those results in 2 weeks is impressive! Way to make it happen!
  • I see that now. It took me awhile to get past all the arguing... it was good while it lasted though! Great start of a thread wow.
  • Hey sweat pea- I think the "cheat day" is not a good habit to get into. A "cheat meal" ultimately won't hurt your results long term. Check out the ABS DIET for more on this sounds reasonable to me at least.
  • Hey I'll try and keep this short and simple...because I'm sure you have your hands full. Im 34 male college student (pretty sedentary except for my workouts) about 18% BF @ 200lbs. My goal is single digit% BF and I don't care much about increasing a lot of muscle mass. I'm doing P90X consistently and I'm on day 10. This…
  • There's "I can't" or "should I" and "I presently struggle with" Just keep plugging in the time, you'll be just fine. I know some very heavy people that have done Zumba and even P90X that struggled at first but very soon came out way on top! Keep it up!!
  • I second this!! I didn't even consider anorexia when trying to explain why starvation is not healthy. Excellent
  • I second this. If you want, there are "studies" that will disprove or prove a wide array of arguments. I would consider the credibility of your source.
  • Cool thanks! I think my body is still in shock mode, so I've actually gained a couple pounds in the last week....with a new intense exercise program I read thats typical...the calorie amounts are within good limits but I feel like I'm eating the wrong food. Just a worry I guess.
  • Thank you for the feedback! I know this is all about estimates....I'm just trying to make sure that my estimates are within reason!
  • Congrats!! Well I made it to week 7 last year but then strained my neck so I had to stop. I just started week 2 and I'm going full tilt. I'd love to join you. I think having someone else there for accountability helps a ton! The beachbody website is a great resource as well for questions you might have. So if you want to…
    in P90X Comment by cimonroe April 2012
  • Ok that makes more sense. I'm very weary about the fat/carb/prot breakdown that MFP has for me though. Your Daily Goal 1,860 carb 256 fat 62 protein 70..... for a very active person the carb count seems way too high and the protein level too low.
  • depends on how much coffee you drink
  • Interval training is better because it helps you develop/maintain muscle and increase the number of calories you burn when you are in between workouts. Have you seen long distance runners? They have no muscle mass! If you look at your decathletes and sprinters--they look much better (low body fat and tone) because they…
  • As a former athlete and as advice to very active people I find this to be very widely accepted and effective
  • Natural sugars are good for you....Fat has a terrible stigma and actually consuming the right fats can actually help burn fat. I think this has all been mentioned. I don't just believe this...but I know it works for me.
  • Its hard enough to start something like Insanity if youre a seasoned athlete getting back into the game....but for someone who hasn't done anything? thats commitment!! I know that takes a lot! You're well on your way! I'm doing P90X and its good to hear someone else gettin into that grind!! Cheers
  • Nevermind..had to erase. Didn't read your previous post...
  • I don't believe that noone has said public speaking! That is one...or dying in an avalanche
  • gaining muscle is more difficult to do than lose body fat. Bulk first then cut. However, when it comes to really getting control of your body composition, no matter how hard you work out, it won't matter unless you follow a stricter diet...
  • appologies..don't know how to erase something I already posted.. Good luck!!
  • Funny I've only been on this site for about a week and I hear this question soooo frequently. I believe the answer is to eat the calories back IF YOURE HUNGRY...don't force it. Very high deficits don't necessarily yield faster results. The body needs fuel and if you starve yourself especially after working out intensely,…
  • go look at the ABS DIET shakes...They incorporate a lot of high protein shakes that taste delicious! Regular protein with milk can get old! :)
  • This doesn't apply to me....but for ladies that aren't prego and get asked how far along they are...that's gotta be a wet blanket for sure ;(
  • Im totally down to exchange tidbits! I'm a former college athlete and I'm about 15-20 lbs from my old lean self! P90x and diet right now but I'd love to have peeps at my side...add me if you want...Cheers!
  • I'm a bit out of your age range, Im 34, but I'm back in school and broke again as well....I'm a bartender and I love seeing my freinds so I still like to go out when I can! I just started mfp and doing P90X... I'm about 15 lbs from my lean self but it's been so tough to discipline myself in general to get where I wanna…
  • Eat the calories back.. Not necessarily all...but the amount you should eat back is directly proportional to the intensity and volume of excercise you do. People with more body fat can support larger deficits and lose more fat in a shorter amount of time..but they have more fat to begin with. As you get to less body fat,…
  • I have battled with and overcome 20 years of depression and definitely some bipolar aspects as well. I'm not even on meds anymore and I'm a straight A student now and while my life isn't IDEAL i'm generally happy and healthy...with that said..I understand what youre going through I think..... what are the support systems…