What's the Craziest Diet Myth You've Heard?



  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    Did we all forget about the Baby food diet? Because pureed food apparently has less calories and is better for you....icky.
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    Here is the absolutely craziest diet advice. My Ex's mom who had bypass twice! Who is now in CHF and morbidly obese again, told me Fat and deepfried food was good for me while I was pregnant because she read that the baby needed fat for it's brain.

    Guess she missed the boat on DHA/ARA fatty acids and saturated/rans fats. I never followed her advise anyways. She was the same woman who kept trying to convince me a 2 week old baby should be eating tablefood and breastfeeding caused diseases.

    Side note her son is over 200 lbs overweight (had bypass too and gained it all back) and had intestinal rupture when he was a baby from her force feeding him solids.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Atkins means eating all the meat you want, prepared however you want. I knew a guy who because of his interpretation, would eat fried chicken wings nearly daily. The grease was clogging my arteries just being near it!

    My mom tried that and ate bacon every single day for almost every single meal and finally realized that she was gaining weight.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I have an aunt who doesn't eat anything after 3pm. Well she did lost weight but I think the most part of it came from muscle weight because she looks saggy & still have flabby belly, jiggly arms (aka skinny-fat)
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    That eating too few calories will make you gain weight.

    Doing that only makes me cranky...

    Mine is: that creating a huge caloric deficit is a good idea. I finally started eating my exercise calories (well about 3/4 of them) and have my calories set to lose 2 pounds/week and i'm a very happy person b/c of it.
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    The apple diet. You basically eat two apples a day and nothing else. Apparently Beyonce used it? Ridiculous.

    Apparently Beyonce did the maple syrup diet as well. I think I will refrain from taking dieting advice from Beyonce.

    I met a lady who did the maple syrup diet for 15 days, lost 31 pounds and ended up in the ICU due to her organs beginning to shut down.

    wtf a maple syrup diet? deff sounds like beyonce. she's such a dummy. as well as others who jump on that bandwaggon

    I highly doubt Beyonce ever did that "diet." More likely she just works out for 4 hours every day so she can eat what she pleases. Pop stars have that kind of time. Also, I'd be careful about calling people "dummy."

    The craziest diet I've heard of is going gluten free, or doing Paleo. I have no doubt these work, but damn, what a lot of extra bother to go to if you don't absolutely have to. I mean, gluten is really hard to avoid.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    My grandmother believed that eating a teaspoon of Dawn or Palmolive dish soap every day would dissolve fat in her body. She swore she read about it in Reader's Digest. She ate a lot of soap...

    Did she ever burp bubbles? haha like in little rascals

    *I realize now after reading through 8 pages, many have already made this joke..
  • Jladd42
    Jladd42 Posts: 23 Member
    never expose it to bright light (especially sunlight, which will kill it); never get it wet (which will make it multiply); and, most importantly: never, ever feed it after midnight.

    I heard this too. This one is true...
  • cimonroe
    cimonroe Posts: 36
    Dont eat. :)
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    The craziest diet I've heard of is going gluten free, or doing Paleo. I have no doubt these work, but damn, what a lot of extra bother to go to if you don't absolutely have to. I mean, gluten is really hard to avoid.

    Gluten free is all the rage now! Didn't you get the memo? Apparently everyone who farts more then once an hour has self diagnosed celiac.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    "hollywood diet" 2 lemons sqeezed+1 tbls of maple syrup+ 20 oz warm water+cayenne pepper. 10x's a day
    note: you dont eat or drink anything els on this:drinker:

    Oh, you do get to drink more... you also get to drink salt water and laxative tea!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Tape worms, can you imagine purposely giving yourself an intestinal parasite...NASTY!
  • That eating too few calories will make you gain weight.

    Believe it or not, a weight-loss program that overly restricts calories will set you up for failure, as will a skipped meal. There is a point at which cutting calories will work against weight loss because consuming too few calories leads to increased appetite and low satiety as your body prevents starvation. You will find it hard to implement your healthy eating goals when you’re feeling hungry and dissatisfied. And you will suffer from cravings, ultimately causing you to fall into under-eating and over-eating cycles.

    Your body will make a choice: lose body fat or lose muscle. An inadequately fueled body will choose to drop calorie-burning muscle rather than fat. Excessive loss of lean muscle mass leads to weight loss without improvement of body composition or health. This leaves you frustrated and ever-battling your weight. The body will slow it's metabolism to an absolute stand still to "keep it going".

    Get informed, and think about it!

    A few years back I very badly restricted calories, lost about 40 lbs, each week getting slower weight loss until I came to a complete halt, eating 300-1000 cals a day for FIVE monthes, and not dropping a single pound.

    (I gained a LOT after I quit, and maintained a much heavier 185 for years before beginning to lose weight more healthily last year, and have healthily dropped 39 lbs. I must admit, sometimes I fall back into some restricting ways, but generally I'm good.)
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    Was there one out years ago, when people got the mouth wired shut?

    I think the modern version of that is having a piece of metal SEWN TO YOUR TONGUE.

    The "tongue patch diet". It's a thing :o
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    Was there one out years ago, when people got the mouth wired shut?

    I think the modern version of that is having a piece of metal SEWN TO YOUR TONGUE.

    The "tongue patch diet". It's a thing :o

    I read that in a muppet voice. :flowerforyou:
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Banana splits are a perfectly balanced meal! You have your fruits, nuts for protein, ice cream is dairy and sugar...what more do you need! And another one from my darling grandmother "Well if you have lite food then you can have twice as much and still be cutting the calories"
  • mici0427
    mici0427 Posts: 54
    the one where people order tapeworms and ingest them so that you will lose weight...

    I hear that actually used to be popular, which is just disgusting!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Your link was not advocating the tape worm diet. It was actually listing pros and cons and telling readers why NOT to try it:-) Gross article,really

    Wasn't that like back in the 20s?

    Apparently there are still advocates! Wow! :s

  • Did we all forget about the Baby food diet? Because pureed food apparently has less calories and is better for you....icky.
    HAHA! Years ago I ate sooooo much baby food because I was sure it would help...
    Of course, I was highly under my calorie needs, so I DID lose weight... but rather unhealthily. ^^;; I'd reccomend just eating good and exercising. Works just fine.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I don't know if anyone else remembers Metrecal meal replacement shakes. My grandma insisted that you drink Metrecal WITH your meal..not instead of it. I guess she thought it would magically neutralize the calories.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    The craziest diet I've heard of is going gluten free, or doing Paleo. I have no doubt these work, but damn, what a lot of extra bother to go to if you don't absolutely have to. I mean, gluten is really hard to avoid.
    Gluten free is all the rage now! Didn't you get the memo? Apparently everyone who farts more then once an hour has self diagnosed celiac.

    then i guess i have celiac's disease... :P