What's the Craziest Diet Myth You've Heard?



  • jennieth
    jennieth Posts: 105
    My coworker drink some kind of green tea in the evening that she was told "gets rid of all the bad things you've eaten that day while letting you keep the good things." So she thinks that she can eat fruit and it will stay with her, but if she eats cookies and drinks the tea, she will crap out the cookies real quick while the fruit lingers. It's hilarious to hear her talk about it and how she believes it.

    That one cracks me up!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    "eat less move more"

    That is not a myth
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    " eating fat makes you fat" "eat everything in moderation" "if you don't eat every 2 hours you go into starvation mode" "just burn off what you eat" "eat less move more" "saturated fat will clog your arteries"

    "eat everything in moderation" and "eat less move more" are actually the cornerstone philosophies of my success! :-)

    I haven't found those tenets to be crazy or mythical. :bigsmile:
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    That woman told me a number of crazy diet stuff she'd read on the internet over the years. I remember the last time I saw her, I was 20 then, she patted my stomach and told me to take up smoking basically to smoke a cigarette every time I felt hungry and if that didn't work, do pot.

    wouldn't smoking pot actually be counter productive to decreasing your appetite?

    The woman smoked pot like it was going out of style and was thin enough I could've picked her up and thrown her across the street, but I doubt it was the pot. She had a lot of medical issues and she ate maybe once a day so she was thin but not a healthy thin, not that it didn't stop her from thinking she was hot stuff.

    She was nuts in the head, basically.
  • jennieth
    jennieth Posts: 105
    I'm not sure about crazy, but disgusting would be vinegar shots in the a.m. for metabolism boost

    I was just going to post this. My mom actually asked me the other day if I was doing this. I really needed to if I want to lose weight. GROSS!
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    My grandmother believed that eating a teaspoon of Dawn or Palmolive dish soap every day would dissolve fat in her body. She swore she read about it in Reader's Digest. She ate a lot of soap...

    This is hilarious!! I have visions of a grandmother blowing bubbles...
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    the beer diet! All your calories are liquid so it does not stay in your stomache and you lose weight! One of my friends is trying to lose 40 pounds doing this now.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    The HCG diet actually works. My step mother has lost about 100 lbs being on that.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That eating too few calories will make you gain weight.

    Believe it or not, a weight-loss program that overly restricts calories will set you up for failure, as will a skipped meal. There is a point at which cutting calories will work against weight loss because consuming too few calories leads to increased appetite and low satiety as your body prevents starvation. You will find it hard to implement your healthy eating goals when you’re feeling hungry and dissatisfied. And you will suffer from cravings, ultimately causing you to fall into under-eating and over-eating cycles.

    Your body will make a choice: lose body fat or lose muscle. An inadequately fueled body will choose to drop calorie-burning muscle rather than fat. Excessive loss of lean muscle mass leads to weight loss without improvement of body composition or health. This leaves you frustrated and ever-battling your weight. The body will slow it's metabolism to an absolute stand still to "keep it going".

    Get informed, and think about it!

    I didn't say eating too few calories was healthy or that it wouldn't eventually slow weight loss. I said it's a myth that it will make you gain weight, which is completely true. Think about that.

    Ok, you got me. Keep eating at a dangerous/unsustainable level.... forever.... don't ever start to eat more than that. Eventually, a person WILL eat more, and guess what happens.... just take a guess.........

    What happens when they start eating more doesn't make the original statement about eating less a myth.

    The OP was not asking about healthy diets. It's about truth vs myth. And the truth is that eating less calories will not make one gain weight.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    That eating too few calories will make you gain weight.

    Believe it or not, a weight-loss program that overly restricts calories will set you up for failure, as will a skipped meal. There is a point at which cutting calories will work against weight loss because consuming too few calories leads to increased appetite and low satiety as your body prevents starvation. You will find it hard to implement your healthy eating goals when you’re feeling hungry and dissatisfied. And you will suffer from cravings, ultimately causing you to fall into under-eating and over-eating cycles.

    Your body will make a choice: lose body fat or lose muscle. An inadequately fueled body will choose to drop calorie-burning muscle rather than fat. Excessive loss of lean muscle mass leads to weight loss without improvement of body composition or health. This leaves you frustrated and ever-battling your weight. The body will slow it's metabolism to an absolute stand still to "keep it going".

    Get informed, and think about it!

    I didn't say eating too few calories was healthy or that it wouldn't eventually slow weight loss. I said it's a myth that it will make you gain weight, which is completely true. Think about that.

    Ok, you got me. Keep eating at a dangerous/unsustainable level.... forever.... don't ever start to eat more than that. Eventually, a person WILL eat more, and guess what happens.... just take a guess.........

    What happens when they start eating more doesn't make the original statement about eating less a myth.

    The OP was not asking about healthy diets. It's about truth vs myth. And the truth is that eating less calories will not make one gain weight.

    I guess I was arguing context and you are arguing semantics. You win. :drinker:
  • GreenEyedDork
    GreenEyedDork Posts: 42 Member
    I can't remember what it was called, but it was some diet where you could only eat carbs like, during a certain 2 hour time period. Or many it was a 45 minute time period? And after that window of time, no more carbs. So you'd eat like a rabbit for most of the day, and then load up of donuts and corn muffins and bagels from the hours of 7 am to 9 am. It made no sense at all- I never understood how that was supposed to work.

    It's a low card diet you eat under 4carbs all day then get an hour to eat whatever as long as you eat a salad before the hour which is called a "Reward Meal" my mom lost 50 pounds on this diet and it's not that hard.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    bump to read later :]
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What happens when they start eating more doesn't make the original statement about eating less a myth.

    The OP was not asking about healthy diets. It's about truth vs myth. And the truth is that eating less calories will not make one gain weight.

    I guess I was arguing context and you are arguing semantics. You win. :drinker:

    Actually, I am not arguing semantics. I see posts on here all the time where people ask why they are gaining weight and a lot of time they get an answer like "because you are eating too little". This is simply not true and not helpful. You do not gain weight by eating too little. It's a myth.

    You can eat so little that it is unhealthy, and you can slow your resting metabolism if you do it over a long period of time. This could cause you to hit a plateau or dramatically slow your weight loss. But you will not gain weight because you are eating too little. That's not sematics. It's truth.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    the beer diet! All your calories are liquid so it does not stay in your stomache and you lose weight! One of my friends is trying to lose 40 pounds doing this now.

    Hmmm I need to try this one....
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    What happens when they start eating more doesn't make the original statement about eating less a myth.

    The OP was not asking about healthy diets. It's about truth vs myth. And the truth is that eating less calories will not make one gain weight.

    I guess I was arguing context and you are arguing semantics. You win. :drinker:

    Actually, I am not arguing semantics. I see posts on here all the time where people ask why they are gaining weight and a lot of time they get an answer like "because you are eating too little". This is simply not true and not helpful. You do not gain weight by eating too little. It's a myth.

    You can eat so little that it is unhealthy, and you can slow your resting metabolism if you do it over a long period of time. This could cause you to hit a plateau or dramatically slow your weight loss. But you will not gain weight because you are eating too little. That's not sematics. It's truth.

    Right again you are! :smokin:
  • Testosterone
    Testosterone Posts: 236 Member
    "eat every 3 hours to stoke the metabolic furnace."
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    My grandmother believed that eating a teaspoon of Dawn or Palmolive dish soap every day would dissolve fat in her body. She swore she read about it in Reader's Digest. She ate a lot of soap...

    This is hilarious!! I have visions of a grandmother blowing bubbles...

    from which end?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    That HFCS is the cause of obesity, good story though.
  • indiepops
    indiepops Posts: 96
    never expose it to bright light (especially sunlight, which will kill it); never get it wet (which will make it multiply); and, most importantly: never, ever feed it after midnight.