
Hi everyone,
I have been on every fad diet out there, decided to try something that is supposed to be tried and true and not a fad...good old excercise and eating healthy. I bought P90x off of ebay for almost a 1/3 of the cost in stores. I started my first work out today, the UML...upper middle and lower on the intro cd and my body is already feeling it..I am sick and tired of being lazy and lathargic. I am going to finish my nutrisystem food I have...I have always looked for an easy way out to losing weight, but ready to take the bull by the horns and do the work. The system comes with a nutritional guide and I am excited to see that the food looks pretty tasty and filling. Wondering if anyone else is doing p90x and willing to share progress. I started my 90 day challenge today and was looking for some motivation on my lazy i don't want to do it days. well good luck to everyone whatever changes they are making...



  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I'm not doing it right now. I've done it a couple times before, but I always stop about halfway through. Mostly I think I just get bored. Good luck to you! I hope you make it the whole 90 days! It's a great program.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I am buying the P90X today so I would definitely love to keep in touch about how it is going for you. I have nothing but good things about it.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I just started this program on Wednesday and I love it so far! It makes me feel kind of lame because of my puney weight selection.. there are some exercises where I can only use 5 pound weights haha. But that's okay. I was so sore after the chest and back workout, and today I did shoulders and arms and I know I'm going to be sore again tomorrow lol! I'm not doing the whole program as suggested, though. I'm only doing the weight/strength workouts 3 days a week, and then running outside on the others when I can. I can't wait to see my results. Good luck!
  • cimonroe
    cimonroe Posts: 36
    Congrats!! Well I made it to week 7 last year but then strained my neck so I had to stop. I just started week 2 and I'm going full tilt. I'd love to join you. I think having someone else there for accountability helps a ton! The beachbody website is a great resource as well for questions you might have. So if you want to add me, you'll have someone on your side who won't quit!
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    theres a p90x group....come on over!!! lots of good info and great people in all stages of the program. Im finishing up week 3 as we speak.
  • blittle2
    blittle2 Posts: 94 Member
    Just keep doing it. You may be sore for the first week or two and you may feel uncoordinated, i still do and I'm about 60 days into it, I'm taking a week off since I'm running a marathon on sunday but I really enjoy it and it has really helped me out.
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Congrats!! Well I made it to week 7 last year but then strained my neck so I had to stop. I just started week 2 and I'm going full tilt. I'd love to join you. I think having someone else there for accountability helps a ton! The beachbody website is a great resource as well for questions you might have. So if you want to add me, you'll have someone on your side who won't quit!

    you too..come on over to the group if youre not already in it!
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    I finished the program on April 7th. I LOVED IT! I had great results, but not on the scale. Friend me & you can see my before/after --- or they are on the success stories board somewhere too. I look a lot different and my clothes fit much better, but I only lost about 6-7 pounds. Don't get discouraged if you aren't losing weight. Your body will change and tone and firm up like you won't believe. I already miss the p90x workouts and plan to do it again in the future. I started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on April 16 and will do p90x again after that.

    Good luck and keep pressing play every day!!!
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Remember to do it at YOUR pace, do not become disheartened that you can't keep up! Eat plenty of protein, hell eat plenty of food, drink more water than you think you need & get that extra hour of sleep, you'll need it!

    Take before weight, photos & measurements, you'll be glad you did.

    Take a day off when you need it (& you will) & don't listen to the negative voice that says it's too tough.

    I have done P90X twice, P90X2 & am currently doing P90X/Insanity hybrid, they are great, well structured programs but they are hard & time consuming.

  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Like many have said, this is an intense program, but anyone can do it. You do it at YOUR pace. The people on the dvds are graduates and very active. So you do your very best. When I first started, I couldnt walk for 3 days after Plyometrics. I completed 2 months a year ago, lost 12 lbs and had great results. I am on it again, but on a different/weird workout schedule i designed temporarily. (Trying to shred a lot of fat before my vacation) But starting from Day 1 again on May 7th.

    Feel free to add me, I am always open for questions, suggestions and tips!
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    Nice I just started on monday and once again its kicking my but even at my own pace but I am going to finish this time around. Go for it.:happy: