Possible depression HELP?



  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    If you're experiencing manic and depressive swings, could be bi polar disorder. You Said you go from extreme highs to extreme lows. I'd definitely go get properly diagnosed by a professional. Not just a GP, either. The right meds can change your whole world around if it is BPD. Good luck :-)
  • oahugirl
    oahugirl Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! So sorry to hear you're feeling this way. I have suffered from depression and anxiety disorder for 15 years. I encourage you to see your doctor as there are meds that can help. I will say, in addition to the meds, the two things that have really helped me have been exercise and more importantly, cutting the bad carbs out of my diet. I know it sounds crazy but since i went on Atkins my drastic mood swings (even while on meds) have stopped and I am much more positive about life. Maybe it's just me but there's something about the sugar and processed carbs that really mess with my mood. I also take a supplement with Fish Oil and Flaxseed each day which seem to help. Please, please know you're not alone. Feel free to friend me and reach out if you have any questions/need support. It's a long, rough road and the meds, exercise, diet, etc are by no means a "solution/cure" to depression but they can help a ton. I'll be thinking of you and please reach out if I can help! Hang in there...things will get better!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you are having both highs and lows, you may be dealing with Bipolar disorder. There are several types of this disorder but both manic (or hypomanic) -- highs and depressive lows are prevalent in the disorder. If you think that you may be experiencing this, it is a medical condition that really needs medical attention... Some try to weather it alone and to one degree of success or another.

    I would recommend...
    1. Write down what you have been experiencing and for how long
    2. Take it to your doctor or better yet a mental health professional

    Treatments for this disorder will be some combination of medication and/or talk therapy most likely.

    All that being said. If you decide to go it alone, DO NOT HESITATE to go to the E.R. immediately if you have any thoughts of self-harm.. This is not normal and it is far better to be safe than sorry.
  • cassieko
    cassieko Posts: 40 Member
    I understand - this happens to me, too. I have an anxiety disorder and go through bouts of depression (usually around my birthday!) Ihave been on antidepressants before, too. I don't like taking medication and luckily for me I can manage without - some people can't, and that's fine. We're all different :)

    Anyway, what I do is try to avoid things I know will trigger my anxiety and depression. When I don't sleep enough, it gets worse. When I have too much caffeine, it gets worse. Drinking too much makes it worse. Exercise makes it better. Fresh air and sunshine makes it better. Going tanning makes it better (yeah yeah).
    Amazingly, things I do when I'm already stressed (no sleep! Coffee!) make the stress worse, and when I start to take some time for me (a nice walk!) it helps me manage.

    Keep track of your moods and see if you see a pattern. You owe it to yourself to get this under control - if lifestyle changes an do it, great. If not, then go talk to a doctor. Life is too short to feel miserable.
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    It's hard because often the weight is the cause of the depression, and then you gain weight because you're depressed. It's a vicious cycle. Can you see your doctor? Maybe an anti depressant would help; I've been on them in the past and they really can help (don't feel ashamed about having to take them, or even asking for help).
    This x infinity. Plus 2. Please see your doctor and discuss this with him/her. Depression is nothing to be ashamed of and it CAN be treated! Good luck.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Hello there!
    I've been on antidepressants for years now, and I feel great. My advice is this: see a psychiatrist and get a proper diagnosis. If you do need meds, make sure you get them prescribed by a psychiatrist, not a GP, as you need to be properly diagnosed first. This is important. Also, talk to your doctor about your weight gain issues, as some antidepressants and other psych drugs can cause weight gain. Some can cause weight loss, which would be a plus for you. Next, get to a support group! I cannot stress this enough. I used to facilitate a group for anxiety spectrum disorders which includes depression and OCD. This group was a life saver for me. Next, read any literature you can get your hands on. There are many books out there as well as videos. Also, there are on-line sites that often include on-line support groups. Try: http://www.adaa.org/ . Good luck!

    ^^^^ This. I have also spent years on them. I didn't not want to be "dependent" on a pill to make me feel better and so I attempted to stop taking them a year ago with really awful consequences. Then my wonderful husband put it in perspective for me. He said, "This is an illness. If you could will it away, would you?" To which I said, "Of course!" He continued, "Then why hasn't it worked? If you had diabetes, you would treat it. If you had heart disease, you would treat it. You are sick and there is no shame in treating it."

    And I haven't questioned staying on my meds long-term since. It's way better than the alternative for me. Some people are able to be on them short periods of time, others, like me, need them long-term. Whatever the case - get to a psychiatrist and see if you need something to help you through this time or if you would just benefit from counseling. Either way, you need to speak with a professional for a diagnosis. And I promise, it does get better.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Hello there!
    I've been on antidepressants for years now, and I feel great. My advice is this: see a psychiatrist and get a proper diagnosis. If you do need meds, make sure you get them prescribed by a psychiatrist, not a GP, as you need to be properly diagnosed first. This is important. Also, talk to your doctor about your weight gain issues, as some antidepressants and other psych drugs can cause weight gain. Some can cause weight loss, which would be a plus for you. Next, get to a support group! I cannot stress this enough. I used to facilitate a group for anxiety spectrum disorders which includes depression and OCD. This group was a life saver for me. Next, read any literature you can get your hands on. There are many books out there as well as videos. Also, there are on-line sites that often include on-line support groups. Try: http://www.adaa.org/ . Good luck!

    This is very good advice.

    Also know that your psychiatrist should recommend additional measures (counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise/diet (!), etc) and not just automatically write you a prescription for meds, unless other things don't help. I've been dealing with depression and anxiety for over 20 years and am currently med-free, although meds did help me at a certain point in my life.

    Best of luck! :)
  • cimonroe
    cimonroe Posts: 36
    I have battled with and overcome 20 years of depression and definitely some bipolar aspects as well. I'm not even on meds anymore and I'm a straight A student now and while my life isn't IDEAL i'm generally happy and healthy...with that said..I understand what youre going through I think.....
    what are the support systems in your life? Freinds? Family? Activities? Even though you probably want to say NOTHING....try to find shreds of positivity and gather them up or if something sticks out capitalize on it...its not a solution but it will give you a good starting point and keep you from getting dark, because while you can do things while a bit depressed you can't do anything dark. Therapists are a dime a dozen and they are a tailored fit so try a bunch out and don't settle for someone who isn't cutting the mustard... The best way to lose weight when youre depresssed??? Do a sport or ACTIVITY that you like AND must show up for regularly...such that there is an accountability..or else you probably won't show up as much or at all. Depending on how intense it is while youre doing it you wont feel depressed for the time being and that weight will fall off.....Sorry maybe a bit too random and unclear but this is what got me through everything and keeps me in shape!