Where are all the 20 somethings?



  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I'm 25 (26 in September) and I still need to lose about 17lbs!
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I'm 25 and wanting to lose about 10 - 15 more lbs. :) Feel free to add me!
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm 25, with about 20-25 more pounds to lose. A little more than what you're lookin for but I'm all about new friends! :) I have had 2 kids so no partying really for me!
  • iegeland
    iegeland Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm 22 and want to lose 8 kg. I'm a student, so it is really hard to stay away from the alcohol, but I believe I can do it. Add me and we can do it together :D
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    also 25 here with a load to lose.
  • Hi Im 26 (27 in July) have quite a bit too lose. Dont really party much these days but I will be this weekend because its my brothers 18th EEK! I don't exercise much coz Im always tired after work and just find it hard to get motivated. Feel free to add me people :)
  • I'm 25 and I have 13 lbs left to lose.
  • nmj1988
    nmj1988 Posts: 65 Member
    Im 23 and literally have been hating these last 10 pounds!!!!! im 6 pounds away from my first goal, but i want to go a little more. Feel free to add me!! goodluck with those last 10 pounds!
  • kellyo15
    kellyo15 Posts: 51
    I feel you on the intense program thing. I'm in pharmacy school, definitely eats up my whole life... lol! Which program are you in??

    Pharmacy is a great field, I know a few recent grads and everyone seems to love their job! I'm in vet school...currently in the middle of finals for my first year, so I've still got quite a ways to go :)
  • aqua172
    aqua172 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 27 and want to lose another 10, but am stuck :(
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Well I'm dead on 20 here.
  • Asiancyn
    Asiancyn Posts: 3
    I'm 27 and looking to lose 9 pounds. Does that count? I have a little extra winter weight I would like to shed that has accumulated since college.
  • mariobadr
    mariobadr Posts: 58 Member
    24 here, but I'm looking to do the opposite and gain 10 lb :P
  • tanyalevan
    tanyalevan Posts: 182
    22 Australian and looking to lose just over 20 pounds anyone who is motivating or looking for support add me :-)
  • AshDrews
    AshDrews Posts: 10
    I'm 21 and have 9 lbs to go to get to the weight I was BEFORE i got married 9 months ago. =)
    I live in a college town and my husband has a lot of college friends, so alcohol costs me some calories sometimes. I would love some buddies to keep me motivated to workout and eat better!
  • I'm 20, 10 pounds to go. I've gone from 185lbs in January to 155 now, still working towards my goal, I don't drink anymore or smoke, none of my friends know me anymore lol.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Hey, I'm 22! Feel free to add me, fellow 20 somethings :)
  • KrisC1122
    KrisC1122 Posts: 21
    Hey! I am also in my 20s. I am 24. Ill be 25 in November. I just started at the begining of the month, so I still have quite a ways to go, but feel free to add me also! :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Going out is the worst! When everyone is drinking and I'm sipping on water it sucks! My diet means designated driver!

    I love being deso!! I love watching my friends drunk its so funny! Plus you can still have loads of fun!!
  • cimonroe
    cimonroe Posts: 36
    I'm a bit out of your age range, Im 34, but I'm back in school and broke again as well....I'm a bartender and I love seeing my freinds so I still like to go out when I can! I just started mfp and doing P90X... I'm about 15 lbs from my lean self but it's been so tough to discipline myself in general to get where I wanna be...anyways hit me up as I could use the support as well....cheers!