

  • Thanks for posting this! It is a great reminder when things slow down.
  • I, too, love the oatmeal (old fashioned not quick cook) for breakfast. I add 2 TBSP of Zante Currants to the boiling water and it is so yummy! But my almost everyday go to.. quick, super healthy and yummy breakfast, is a green smoothie. Here is the very flexible recipe which makes 4-6 servings: 4-6 Cups raw spinach 3-4…
  • I am sometimes down in that 1000 calorie range too. I think the thing is that you don't want your body to go into starvation mode. If you are eating lots of veggies and fruits and healthy foods that your body will register that it is getting the nutrients you need. If you are worried about that though, you might just add…
  • Welcome back! It's good to see you!
  • Thanks for all the great advice! Mostly what I'm hearing is PLAN! Tomorrow I will go through the cupboards, plan my week, and make my shopping list. We'll see how this next week goes. Thanks again!
  • Perhaps try allowing yourself to eat the carbs as long as they are whole grain, low fat, low sugar, and low salt. This gives you the starchy feeling you crave but takes out all the carbs that tend to cause weight gain. You can have baked, boiled, or steamed potatoes with a small bit of salt and perhaps a spray of the…
  • I just joined MFP today so I'm right on track for this challenge! Yay! SW: 255 CW: 255 GW: 230
  • Okay, I updated my photo. This is current. I'll save my goal picture on my fridge instead of here. And I'll post an even better one down the road when i get there!
  • Which time? There have been a lot of attempts. I will share two. 2005 - My 20 year reunion was approaching, I felt sick, and my knees hurt all the time. I weighed 267 at the heaviest I ever let myself weigh, but was pretty sure I'd been up in the 275 range. One day I just realized this was an un-ending escalator. Every…
  • bump just moves the thread back up to the top of the list so it doesn't get lost. My two sisters have recently become nutritarians. Like vegan, but more about the nutrition than the ethics, and also with a bit more flexibility. My younger sister has incorporated it into her family with her kids who are 3 and 5. She still…
  • Thanks for all your great comments and support! Someone said to post before and after pictures. I will try to find one I like. I do like the profile picture I have, because it's a goal I have met before... and I know I can do it again. It was 60 lbs ago, 4 years ago. Someone else said they wished we would post our height.…
  • You are inspiring! I identified with wanting to know what it is like to be 100 lbs lighter. Really, what does it feel like to walk into a store and buy something that fits and looks great! What does it feel like to not cringe at a picture of yourself? What does it feel like to run a mile and not hate every single step of…
  • That is awesome that you have your daughter's support. I'm new too and am excited that I found this community! That is exciting that you've already lost 15 lbs! Yay for you!
  • Good luck! I hope the scale is kind to you. But even if it isn't, stick with it!
  • I laughed when you said sorry about being graphic. Heck, for about 4 months I was a total bulemic. I was vomitting with every single thing I ate, because i was too stubborn to get any of the fill removed. I lost a lot of weight in that time but felt like total crap! I finally got to the point that I realized I'd rather be…
  • I'm glad you came back. It's hard to keep trying over and over. But it's the only way to get where we want to be. There will always be set backs. You are worth it and you've got support here! What are your short term and long term goals? My goal is to lose 30 lbs by Christmas, 75 lbs by May 1st and then we'll go from there.
  • Hi! This is a great site! I think it's going to be very helpful! I'm new too and just started today. I have a short term goal to lose 30lbs by Christmas, and 75 by May 1st. I will then evaluate how it's going and set another goal for the last 25-35 lbs. I hope you will find the support here that you need!
  • Hi and welcome! My sister started eating a nutritarian diet. It is basically vegan, but with exceptions. Basically every calorie you eat should be backed by really solid nutritional value. So mostly she eats plant based foods. She started because of some test results and borderline diabetes. Within 2 months her test…
  • Hi. Welcome to MFP. I tried Atkins in the past but have now done an almost 180 and I am trying to eat a plant based diet, primarily. It's called a "nutritarian" diet because every calorie you eat should be backed by really good nutrition. We'll see how it goes. I am excited about it. Have you tried Atkins before? I think…
  • Glad you are here! I'm new here but it seems like a really great site.
  • I just joined MFP and I am so excited for this challenge!
  • That is a challenge. Do you have the opportunity to refrigerate snacks/meals at work. It seems like that would be a big help if you could plan your meals and snacks. You said you can't seem to loose when you are "good". What have you tried? Is it a matter of not seeing results in spite of truly eating healthy and…
  • Well, you are not alone. I also had the lapband and struggled with getting the right restriction. I finally had almost all the fluid taken out (due to choking on my saliva, etc). I only notice restriction in the early morning now, but it's not much. I get the frustration that goes with that, and I'm glad we both found this…