under the daily calories

I have been eating about 1000-1100 calories a day for about 5 weeks. I gave up sugar, flour, potatoes and red meat and all packaged foods(which was hard at first) I eat fish, chicken, loads of fruits and veggies, and i take a great multi vit. I feel great and always full. My question is....everything I read says not to go below 1200 cals. is this not healthy??? I have lost 19 lbs in about 5 weeks. I still need to lose about 55lbs. to be at my recommended weight! Did I mention I feel great! Anyone else eating under????


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Sometimes I eat a bit under. I use some of my exercise cals most days. My net cals are almost always under. As I see it, I am going to eat like this for the rest of my life - and exercise. Sure, I will get more cals when I am maintaining but that doesn't mean that I eat like I used to with out exercising. So - I am eating until I am not hungry - usually 5 small meals. I am not on a diet. Also finding new ways to cook things "on the skinny". Good luck!
  • strongerthanb4
    I am with you, this is a life style change and I want to be healthy above anything else. Glad to know I am not the only one who eats "under". Keep up the good work!
  • scentsykristen
    I am sometimes down in that 1000 calorie range too. I think the thing is that you don't want your body to go into starvation mode. If you are eating lots of veggies and fruits and healthy foods that your body will register that it is getting the nutrients you need. If you are worried about that though, you might just add in another apple or a green smoothie to give yourself another 60-80 calories of healthy nutrients. I'd keep an eye on your weight loss and if it begins to plateau then I would add a few calories in a healthy form and switch up your exercise. I would also be careful not to go below what you are eating now. Your body needs fuel to support the activity you do in daily life.

    I have two sisters who went to a full nutritarian fat free, sugar free, sodium free (other than what is natural in the foods they eat)plant based diet and they both feel awesome and have lost a lot of weight. You are eating very nutritiously and that will give your body what it needs. Great job!
  • strongerthanb4
    yea, i wouldn't want to go any less, i'm not trying to lose all my weight by next week....i just want to be healthy, healthy, healthy!
  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    i'm always right around the 1000 calorie range. i never hit what i'm supposed to eat. and then when u calculate what calories u get from exercise..ya, never there!!!