Almost 40 and wanting to be a little more fabulous

Hi all,
I've recently started tracking my food with MFP and really like it so far, but need to be more consistent. I turn 40 in 2 months and would like to lose 10-15 pounds by then...and 20 lbs. by January. I figure it's a gift I can give myself, to feel great in my own clothing!

Wish me luck!


  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Hey - good luck! You can do it!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    this is a great site and makes tracking your food and exercise easy. You can do it. Think of how much better you will feel on your bday 10-15 lbs lighter. Read some of the success stories to give you some motivation. You can do it
  • Annista
    Annista Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I've been on this site for a week and love it! It is so easy to track everything. You can meet your goal and you will feel and look fabulous!!!
  • scentsykristen
    Glad you are here! I'm new here but it seems like a really great site.