avivan Member


  • The weight gain was fairly quick - the first 2 lbs were pretty much immediate, like within the first week. The last 2 lbs really showed up about 1.5 weeks ago. I lose weight before my TOM, and I dropped to almost where I was before my reset started, but at the end of the week I was up like 7 lbs. This morning I was back…
  • Thanks, that's really helpful. I usually weigh in on Sunday, which is kind of stupid, because Saturday is my heavy lifting/trainer day. So really I should start weighing in on Monday or Tuesday a.m. depending on my soreness level. Would you guess that I'm still not eating enough? I'm sure lots of people go through this,…
  • "So my point was if eating that close to what you think is TDEE, there should already be a deficit in place and you should be losing weight or inches over a 2 wk time frame." I think I understand everything you're saying, except for that ^. If I'm eating close to or at TDEE, why should there be deficit already in place?…
  • What do you mean by "not causing stress"? How will I know when I'm done with the reset? I figured I would just try to eat as close to my TDEE as possible for at 8-12 weeks and that would be it. I haven't lost any weight since starting the reset. I've gained about 4 lbs, which I'm not happy about but I am dealing with it.
  • I've been working on a reset for about 4 weeks...or so I thought. I can't get MFP and bodymedia to sync up, so often times MFP says I burned 100-200 calories less than my BMF did. Because I use MFP to log, I often don't see that I ate 150-200 calories less than my TDEE until the next day. I'm eating more now than ever, I…
  • When you snack, your snacks should be protein (jerky, low fat cheese, protein bars, greek yogurt are good snacks). Meals should have lean high protein foods. Definitely drink a shake after your work outs and add a 2nd shake if you're still not getting enough protein. Eat back all your exercise calories.
  • I love baked salmon with a balsamic reduction. Or macadamia crusted mahi mahi. Or Ina Garten's [flourless] panko crusted salmon is sooo good.
  • feel free to add me! I'm just starting on this path of eating more :).
  • Thanks! Sent you a message too :).
  • Hah, well I could probably do 1800 or more tomorrow, I rarely have an issue with eating. I'm just worried I'll gain back the weight I worked so hard to lose in the first place.
  • Thanks for the feedback. It's really challenging going from one way of thinking (pre-set calories from MFP) to another. Yesterday was day 2 of eating 1700 calories and according to my scale I'm 2 lbs down. This seems like a lot to me, and of course could change over the course of the week(s). However, I have not seen the…
  • roasted brussels sprouts! I eat them 2x/week when they're in season.
  • And btw, congrats on everyone's successes!
  • I saw some family I hadn't seen in a few months and they said something as soon as they saw me. No one at work has said anything, not because I think they can't tell but they just haven't. Not good or bad, just wondering where people were at when co-workers or other people in their lives said something to them. My husband…
  • Yes! Haven't been there in more in than 5 years. I have about 7 lbs to go!! It feels so close yet so far away.
  • Great job! You should look into ring sizing beads or spacers. They're economical ways of temporarily getting your ring to fit you. Just ask your jeweler.
  • I really like Leslie! I got really sick of the few DVDs I had because I did them all the time. Otherwise, she is fantastic. You can go easy or hard with her program, depending on your fitness level and how you feel. If you need something more intense just dig deep like she says (keep your arms moving the entire time, etc).
  • Thanks! I really the all the positivity on MFP! Helps keep all the bad (sabotaging) stuff away :).
  • You look great! You can really see a difference :).
  • Hi Laura! I'm also from Chicago :). I try to log in every day and I would love it if we could support each other. It's a great big journey and it is really helpful to have friends along with you!
  • I missed the window on some cute dresses I grew out of and then saved to see if I could fit into them and found they were too big. Bittersweet!
  • Your story is really powerful! Thank you for sharing it. I think it is so often this culmination of different feelings and events that spurs us to move forward and change our lives. And then there's a catalyst to throw it all together and turn plans into action. I know what you mean about not being a fat person on the…
  • Thanks! I am loving the side effects that I'm getting from taking care of myself. Helps feed the motivation to push harder and do more.
    in NSV :) Comment by avivan September 2012
  • Well I waited forever to see my Doc, but since the pain is still there, it's whatever. He thinks it's an IT band issue, tendonitis. He recommended aleve 2x/day and physical therapy. Hopefully that will help! Need to ask the PT what type of exercises I can do.
  • I would worry about taking care of yourself first, and then loose skin later. You are young and your skin is still very elastic. I went from 220 to 160 and had zero issues with loose skin. Everyone is different (like stretch marks), but my advice is don't worry about what you can't control, only what you can.
  • I live in Lakeview and work in Hyde Park :).
  • I live in Lakeview. I'm definitely looking for workout buddies/support. Anyone go to LVAC or Quads?
  • I am trying to schedule an appointment with my Doc ASAP. In the meantime, trying to stay light but still active. I'll update if I have any news.