hip pain

Hi All! I just started the C25K program and after my 2nd time on week 1 I had really intense hip pain in both hips. I did a ton of static stretches on both sides, and my right hip improved tremendously. However, my left hip still hurts! I came down with the flu since my last day of doing C25K (last Wednesday) and haven't done much except a bit of walking since. My left hip hurts especially when getting up from sitting and climbing stairs. I have new running shoes that are extremely comfortable. I'm wondering if it's normal for the pain to last this long or if I should see a doctor. Is this just something my body is going through because I'm introducing it to high impact exercise?


  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    Take ibuprofin regulary for a week or so. If that doesn't help, time to go see a Dr. It might just be inflammed and need some rest.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    Dynamic stretches to warm up, static to cool down and invest in foam roller... worked wonders for me.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    When I first started running, I had pain in my right hip. I continued to push and push (push through the pain, right?). I ended up with a stress fracture. Apparently, it started out as bursitis and had I taken it easy and let it heal - all would have been fine, but noooo.. I kept going. I still have occasional issues with that hip, so please.. take it easy. Constant pain is your body's only way of telling you something isn't right. Please, don't ignore it.
  • brookident
    brookident Posts: 6 Member
    Hmmm.... This sounds suspiciously like what I'm coping with now. The pain is worst with standing up after sitting for a while and going up stairs. I bet if you press on the outside of your leg, right where it joins your pelvis you'll feel really tender too, right? Well, me too. I hate to tell you this but I was just diagnosed with trochanteric bursitis and it's a pain in the *kitten* to treat. Obviously, you'll need to see your doctor to be certain! Google it and you'll find loads of online 'advice'.

    I got an injection of steroids and painkiller (lidocaine) into the bursa last week, and it has improved slightly - but the pain killer has now worn off so I'm starting to feel it again - especially when standing up, going up stairs or any incline. My doctor reckons it will be 3 months before I'll be back up to speed again. I really hope it's something different for you!!! Take ibuprofen or naproxen regularly and ice it for 20 minutes at a time as often as you can to relieve some of the swelling and that will also help with pain...

    Best of luck! Let us know how you get on!
  • avivan
    avivan Posts: 45 Member
    Hmm well it sounds like the thing to do is rest and see my doctor. I don't want to stop working out though. For those of you with bursitis, what can you do? Can I bike? Do yoga? Walk on the treadmill? Use the elliptical? Swim? I don't want to do any more damage.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Might be a minor difference in leg length that is causing a problem.

    Often is poor wear on shoes - check your heels and see if you see a difference that is indicative of differences in stride and leg length.

    I am having horrible hip problems now due to a BACK problem. I thought it was a hip, but it's really my lower back from chronic bad posture sitting at the computer. It came out with a lot of very brisk walking over a number of weeks. Good posture, hard chair, no hip problem. :)

    Good luck. It hurts.
  • I have pain in my right hip. The doctor diagnosed it as arthritis and said to avoid high impact (or as much as I was doing). Ironically, running doesn't bother it - I ran a 10K and didn't have an issue afterwards.

    You may just need to rest and take ibuprofin, but definitely see a doctor if it doesn't improve soon.
  • Where in the pain is the hip? If it's on the outside, it sounds like you might have IT band issues (which is fairly common to new runners). In that instance - just make sure you're stretching it accordingly. Also, consider taking a day or two to do some other form of exercise (cycle, swim, walk et al...)

    If you don't notice a decrease in the discomfort after a few days, you may want to call your doctor.
  • alijane9
    alijane9 Posts: 67 Member
    I've had the one leg longer than the other hip pain, and the back problem causing hip/knee problems pain, and the bursitis in the hip pain over the years... All different types of pain. Who says exercise is good for you?!

    Go see your doctor. Make sure that they diagnose properly. Make sure they tell you what you can/can't do. Ask about remedial exercises to resolve the problem. Whatever you do, don't exercise through it at the moment, I'm not a doctor so I can't actually tell you what is wrong with you or what you can or can't do.

    FYI - my doc gave me remedial exercises, also an agreed list of types of exercise for all causes of my hip pain (i.e. walking/cycling/swimming), but then he is also a trained osteopath and a member of my local running club...
  • avivan
    avivan Posts: 45 Member
    I am trying to schedule an appointment with my Doc ASAP. In the meantime, trying to stay light but still active. I'll update if I have any news.
  • avivan
    avivan Posts: 45 Member
    Well I waited forever to see my Doc, but since the pain is still there, it's whatever. He thinks it's an IT band issue, tendonitis. He recommended aleve 2x/day and physical therapy. Hopefully that will help! Need to ask the PT what type of exercises I can do.