roseyrose2000 Member


  • Wow, thanks everyone for the input!!. Their are alot of opiniums about crossfit. Its great for some and not for others. Whatever works for you , you stick with. I do crossift 3 days and regular gym 3 other days. I will say one thing. My core since joining crossfit has really strenghthened to the point that i have no more…
  • Thanks for the input, i do appreciate it. While i will agree with you on this, This specific crossfit does not use heavy weights, it is more intense than a bootcamp, and less intense than other Crossfits that i have been too that use heavy weights. This is why i am sticking with this place. Trainor is excellent!!! But the…
  • Yes i will let you know how i like the 17day diet. So far day 3 doing good. I love veggies, all kinds from cooked to raw, love fruit, love fish, chicken and all that good stuff. So the eating meal part will be relativley easy. Its that after dinner heavy craving for sweet then salt that sabotages me. But Monday and tuesday…
  • Good for you for taking the 1st step. I am basically in the same boat, need to lose just 15llbs. I actually love to exercise, but i love food too, all of it from veggies to whatever. I myself just jumped back on the wagon, today is day 2, actually surprising myslef . I bought the book the "17 day diet", to give me…
  • Well, personally i think everyone is individual. From my experience, when i eat the calories i burn (using a hrm usually 600 -700 cal a day or more) i never seem to lose:sad: But when i stay around my 1200 going over a little here and there, i seem to lose.? I think everyones experience with this will be different. I hear…
  • Great Question. I have been wondering this for years.!! I never get a straight answer either. Soo, i do the cardio zone. I feel much better. When i work in the fat burn zone , i feel like i never worked out. Loving all the good answers!!!
  • Well, i hate to say this but a different excerise is going to be inevitable. I have had ankle tendiniits in addition to Plantars facitis. I went to physical therapy for 2months and changed my excercise from running to spin class, elliptical and stair climber. It took about 3months to finally get better. Its been 3months…
  • A gym with classes is great!! I sometimes do classes and sometimes do my own thing. It really helps to have classes , cause when i dont feel like going , there is always a class i like to get me there. My gym is pretty inexpensive. I pay 25 bucks a month which is pretty good, and i can go to multiple gyms(the same one in a…
  • Yes, i do am in the same boat, sarted dieting in Januar was killing myself at the gym and took 5weeks for 1lb. I went to the dr and they did a complete work up. I found have hypothyrodism also. I know take synthroid, a mild dosage but has made a difference. Since January i have lost 12lbs(which considering i work out 6…
  • I workout at 5am and have for the past 5years. I actually had a similiar problem . I woke up at 4:30 and left at 4:45 for the gym. That didint work well , i still wasnt awake, and felt i wasnt working out hard enough. I peronsally dont like to eat that early before, the gym although people say you should. i just dont like…
  • OMG this is all great info!! Thank you , i am going to absorb everyones comment, then go hit the nearest bar(LOL).. Really this is great. I do a variety of things.. I do a Weight class 2 to 3 days a week and on those days i do 30 mins of cardio. I am injured at the moment, so no running for me. On the days i do not do…
  • I have the best sports bra around. I love it. I am a 36DD and i swear by it. I turned it on to some gals at work and they love it to. Its by Champion, its called Womens shape scoop((hight impact). Its about $40 bucks in a sports store, but you can get them on amazon for 26bucks. Hope you check it out! It has made running a…
  • Yes, I agree... Thank you again!!!. :happy:
  • Thanks Gilleeman for the great news.(hee hee). I knew those strong anti-inflamitorys were too good to be true. lol. Well the good news is, i have been icing it and i sit at a desk all day. I have been doing more weights at the gym and backed off the cardio for now, not completely. i will do spin but no up and down…
  • Hey does the $1800 include food...LOL. I would love to go, would like to try those workouts and bring it home.. But 1800 without airfare is a bit much!!
  • Rice it??? Whats that, never heard of it????
  • Well, Finally went to the Dr. Said it is tendinitis. He gave me some real strong prescription and guarntee'd me to be ok in 2 weeks..... We will see...Thanks again everyone.!
  • :wink: Thanks .. i would love to try the message, even if painful. ..
  • Thanks everyone for all the tips, I never tried wrapping it, but its worth it. Rest 1st them i will try to wrap it and see what happens. !!! Ugh, and i was doing a 5k next Sunday, I think i was doing it more for the party afterword(beer , food, music.). LOL Oh, well, i will just have to skip right to the beer an food. LOL…
  • OMG thanks Nick, its funny i always have tigt calves...If i stretch in the morning i am good all day , then by night time It tightens again. I will start a strecthing routine. I am aware to the stari strecth , will add more of that in too. I went to the gym today and did the stair climber and a weight class. Gotta say even…
  • WOW, kudos to you and god bless you!! I definalty would have given in.. That is some will power you have!!! I will get there and slowly but surely i am. I used to be a full time smoker, and while quitting years back, friends would ask if i wanted a cigerette and i would give in, hence back to smoking full time. But one…
  • Yeah, i guess rest is inevitable.... Thanks for all the good news. :happy: LOL My pain is near my ankle and extends up....I have been icing for 2 days, and advil.........Can i at least speed walk and walk up hills/incline???
  • Thanks, ok well i guess i have no choice. This is fairly new issue for me, i did go to my foot guy, he said stay off for 3 weeks, i did and look. Ugh..Ok , Thanks for the prescription. LOL
  • Thanks for the info. , Its frustating. I do go to the gym and do other cardio, like spin, the elliptcal and the stair climber, but its not that same as running. Ok well maybe if i stay off until January, i can go right into training. :-). Do you know once its gone, how to prevent it?
  • Well, I eat Early. Like 5pm and i go to bed at 9:00pm. I drink alot of water with my meal. I do get a little hungry before bed, but i dont give into it., i will drink more water and if i have a little something , its a healthy treat..
  • I have been working out for about 7years consistanlty and never used a heart rate monitor. About 3 months ago, my sister bought me one,w ith the strap that goes acrross your chest. I absolutly love it and can't beleive all this time i did without.!!! It keeps me pumped up and I actually know how hard i am working. I think…