Achilles Tendon issuere

roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a question about the achilles. I have been running for a couple of years and recently in the last 6months have been running into an achilles issue. I run both outside and on the treadmill and make sure i dont pound too hard when i run. As soon as i stay off it for awhile(couple weeks). It gets better. I start running again,and next thing you know it comes back. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it for good, or how to avoid getting it? I would like to start training for a half marathon and this could hinder my training and the marthon. I wont start training until January(marathon in May), but at the rate i am going, i will never get there.:sad:


  • I had torn a part of my Achilles and when i talked to my doctor about it he said that it should take 6-8 weeks to heal. He said that walking on it was probably okay but doing more than that was bad for it until it completely healed. For mine to heal without any pain it took 3 months of staying off of it because at first i wanted to work out, so i did. Be very careful, reinjurying it while its trying to heal will make it take longer to heal.
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the info. , Its frustating. I do go to the gym and do other cardio, like spin, the elliptcal and the stair climber, but its not that same as running. Ok well maybe if i stay off until January, i can go right into training. :-). Do you know once its gone, how to prevent it?
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Sounds like tell tale symptoms of tendonistus to me. I had the same things. I used to do alot of running and had very simular symptoms. It's basically inflamation of the Achilles tendon hence the soreness. This a common over use injury in runners.

    There are some things you can do to remedy it.

    1- Stop running and do an alternative CV exercise thats non impact and that puts no strain on the achilles (swimming,weight training or cyling)

    2- Ice and elvation on the sore part

    3- Maybe see a physio and get some treatment to speed recovery

    Rest is the main thing if you don't it WILL get worse until it becomes a long term problem.

    Try the above for a few weeks then try a light run and see how it is

    Good luck
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks, ok well i guess i have no choice. This is fairly new issue for me, i did go to my foot guy, he said stay off for 3 weeks, i did and look. Ugh..Ok , Thanks for the prescription. LOL
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I have a thickening of my achilles and ankle tendons. I don't really notice any pain in my achilles, but more along my extensor tendons. My doctor said the only way to deal with it is to rest between inflammation (10 days), or try lower impact activities. I have to step back from running, so I'm rowing and on the elliptical. I'll jump when I have to and rotate between ice and heat compresses and ibuprofen. As Nick suggested the problem can get significantly worse (tears...) and then you will really be laid up.
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Yeah, i guess rest is inevitable.... Thanks for all the good news. :happy: LOL My pain is near my ankle and extends up....I have been icing for 2 days, and advil.........Can i at least speed walk and walk up hills/incline???
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Have you tried the wrap/brace to stabilize your ankle? i use one for every time i workout. I had a Tibialis tendon transfer when I was young so i always run into tendon issues if I don't make sure the ankle has enough support... Good luck
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Have you tried the wrap/brace to stabilize your ankle? i use one for every time i workout. I had a Tibialis tendon transfer when I was young so i always run into tendon issues if I don't make sure the ankle has enough support... Good luck

    I agree. I have knee problems intermittently and a brace does me good. You may have some shifting going on when you run, a brace would offer more support.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Tight calves can lead to achilles issues. Make sure you are stretching VERY well. And check your shoes, are you wearing the right kind for your feet/ pronation? Go to a good running shoe store and have them check.

    Try the stair step stretch... stand on a step and drop your calves until you feel the stretch. You should feel it all down your leg. Be careful increasing your mileage too quickly also.

    let me know if you have any questions, I had a bad case of AT a couple years ago and still get flare ups if I'm not really diligent with stretching. Also, ice and Aleve are good.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Tight calves can lead to achilles issues. Make sure you are stretching VERY well. And check your shoes, are you wearing the right kind for your feet/ pronation? Go to a good running shoe store and have them check.

    Try the stair step stretch... stand on a step and drop your calves until you feel the stretch. You should feel it all down your leg. Be careful increasing your mileage too quickly also.

    The stretching also a good comment as is the shoes one. I wouldn't bother with a brace it only hides the problem temporarily.

    Walking is the same type of movement as running so I would avoid that, especially on an incline. Rest up, use the ice and stretching and cross train for the time being would be sound advice in my opinion. It is frustrating but best to recover than be out long term
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    OMG thanks Nick, its funny i always have tigt calves...If i stretch in the morning i am good all day , then by night time It tightens again. I will start a strecthing routine. I am aware to the stari strecth , will add more of that in too. I went to the gym today and did the stair climber and a weight class. Gotta say even that hurt. Took advil, now icing it. I am definatly staying off it. Thanks for all the tips!!! I did also recently increased my milelage but only from 3 to 4 now 5.. and boom!!LOL
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the tips, I never tried wrapping it, but its worth it. Rest 1st them i will try to wrap it and see what happens. !!! Ugh, and i was doing a 5k next Sunday, I think i was doing it more for the party afterword(beer , food, music.). LOL Oh, well, i will just have to skip right to the beer an food. LOL ..Nahhhh,, too many calories, was really doing the 5k for me!! Thanks again
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Tight calves can lead to achilles issues. Make sure you are stretching VERY well. And check your shoes, are you wearing the right kind for your feet/ pronation? Go to a good running shoe store and have them check.

    Try the stair step stretch... stand on a step and drop your calves until you feel the stretch. You should feel it all down your leg. Be careful increasing your mileage too quickly also.

    The stretching also a good comment as is the shoes one. I wouldn't bother with a brace it only hides the problem temporarily.

    Walking is the same type of movement as running so I would avoid that, especially on an incline. Rest up, use the ice and stretching and cross train for the time being would be sound advice in my opinion. It is frustrating but best to recover than be out long term

    Good advice and accurate!! Added thought. After you have healed up. To prevent reoccurance, get your calves periodically massaged. It won't be a pleasant experience but it should help prevent reoccurance. (just make sure you find a MT that knows what they are doing, a Sports MT is your best bet) Plus be balanced and listen to your body!!!
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    :wink: Thanks .. i would love to try the message, even if painful. ..
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Painful but well worth it if you can afford it
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Well, Finally went to the Dr. Said it is tendinitis. He gave me some real strong prescription and guarntee'd me to be ok in 2 weeks..... We will see...Thanks again everyone.!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Good, I was going to mention tendonitis, I had it on the top of my foot and same thing, went away and came back but the second time was not as bad.

    RICE it and hope you heal as fast as your doc says :drinker:
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Rice it??? Whats that, never heard of it????
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi rosey I am a sports therapist and I'm afraid that just pain killers and rest which the doc prescribed will not guarantee you'll be ok in two week. RICE btw means Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.

    Achilles tendonitis can lead to tears if not treated properly. You need to rest from running completely until you've seen a physio or sports therapist. Choose a weight bearing exercise to maintain your fitness i.e. swimming, rowing machine, cycle (if it doesn't hurt). Ice for 10 mins every 2 hours for first day then 2-3 times over next 48 hours. Gentle calf stretches (drop stretches are good for achilles like nick suggested(?), roughly 3 times a day and then regulary every day to keep the problem from returning. Get to a sports therapist who can perform massage techniques to prevent adhesions forming within the tendon. These adhesions stop the tendon sliding smoothly back into the sheath.

    Find the root to the problem, get your shoes checked (over pronation causes achilles problems), look at your training (are you upping it too fast, are you not taking long enough rest periods, are you stretching properly after workouts), achilles tendonitis could be an over-use injury caused by too much, too soon. Sorry to be the bearer or bad news.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Sorry meant non weight bearing exercise!
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