heart rate monitor or not????

well i made it to 60 + days of logging...i told myself i would get a HRM if i made that goal...then i decided maybe i didnt need it....now i'm not sure...convince me either way please....do i need it or am i wasting my money...i value all your opinions......


  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I resisted getting one for a while but now I'm glad I did. There are a lot of opinions on how accurate the calorie estimates are in the database ... and for me, since I work out at home, it's more about it being a 'coach' - I find that knowing what and where my heart rate is challenges me to keep doing my best in my workouts. It's easy for me to take it a little easier otherwise if I'm feeling lazy :wink: .

    As for WHAT to get, my suggestion is get one with a chest strap. They are way more accurate and much more comfortable than they sound. After a few uses you don't even notice the strap anymore.

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I really think you should. I made it 2 months before I decided to get mine. But I love how accurate they are and I don't question how much I'm burning... it's a great tool for weight loss!

    I suggest anything polar- FT7 is what alot of men seem to like.

    Good Luck on your future endevor! :0)
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I really think you should. I made it 2 months before I decided to get mine. But I love how accurate they are and I don't question how much I'm burning... it's a great tool for weight loss!

    I suggest anything polar- FT7 is what alot of men seem to like.

    Good Luck on your future endevor! :0)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    The biggest thing is the better accuracy for calories burns during workouts, and just being able to know a better picture it was worth the $90.
    I was short changing myself on my spin classes I would log about 600 when I was really burning like 900-1100 cals
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    My husband gave me mine for a Valentine's Day gift (I'd been hinting at wanting one lol) and I love it! Even though I've been maintaining for a month now, I still use it when I work out to help me better estimate my calories to make sure I don't over eat my exercise calories and slowly gain some weight back. That and it's always fun to see exactly how many calories are expended when trying to swim against the tide :wink: I would say go for it, but do your research and get one that you really want so you're happy with it and will use it. Reviews, reviews, and more reviews!!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member

    I suggest anything polar- FT7 is what alot of men seem to like.

    That's what I have too - it's a great model!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member

    I suggest anything polar- FT7 is what alot of men seem to like.

    i'm a woman...does that make a difference???
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    They make women's versions of the FT7 and it is great (I have one and LOVE IT)
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    No one needs one, since you just need to watch your foood and use the databse entry to log your workout.

    With that said, they are great toys and I would hate to go out walking with out mine. It great to go back and look at the records of what I did. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/50225969 as an example of my walk yesterday. Note, this is from a GPS one so, most will not give you this detail.
  • sblades
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Polar F6 - I bought it for myself for Valentines Day as well!
    It's amazing, and it's been instrumental in being accurate for me. I bought mine at Mountain Equipment Co-op, www.mec.ca
    and felt it was worth every penny.

    Good luck!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    No one needs one, since you just need to watch your foood and use the databse entry to log your workout.

    With that said, they are great toys and I would hate to go out walking with out mine. It great to go back and look at the records of what I did. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/50225969 as an example of my walk yesterday. Note, this is from a GPS one so, most will not give you this detail.

    i have an app on my iphone that gives me that info and i could then input my heart rate info into once i get the HRM....
    think i'll check them out this weekend....still would love suggestions on type and what not....all information will be "processed" :wink:
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been working out for about 7years consistanlty and never used a heart rate monitor. About 3 months ago, my sister bought me one,w ith the strap that goes acrross your chest. I absolutly love it and can't beleive all this time i did without.!!! It keeps me pumped up and I actually know how hard i am working. I think its great to have and when this one goes, i will buy another. Good luck with your decision!! :smile:
  • k_eye
    k_eye Posts: 18
    My HR monitor I use when training- I don't look at the amount of calories I burned cos then one becomes number obsessed. I do however keep an eye on my HR. I started enjoying intervals cardio training ( eg. 2min walking HR 110-120 then running for a min or 2 with a HR at 160ish- then walking about 2 for my HR to go back down to 120). 20 mins of that = 1 hour of cardio - it works on your recovery time.

    So all in all I use my HRM to see if I am in my training zone. Not necessary but a great tool.
  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    I can't imagine working out withone mine anymore. I can't beleive I went so long before getting mine. I have the Polar FT7 in the women's version. I got mine from Walmart.com for around 90, they don't have in the store but you can order it online. It was the cheapest I was seeing it. Let us know what you decide and what model you go with. I did a lot of research on mine before I bought it and found that Polar gets the best reviews. I would make sure that you get a Polar F6 or higher because anything above this will not interfere with other people's HRM if you go to a gym.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    do i need to spend the extra money on the protection plan from Walmart for the polar FT7 HRM?????
    i typically don't for things that are less than $100 but since it will be something i use "every day" i work out maybe it is worth the $17.33??????