

  • This is kinda my "trick" too, except that I switch up & make lunch & dinner more filling. I try to up my protein b/c, for me, I've found that if I have that, I'm not as hungry. Sometimes I have to really consider if I'm truly hungry or if I'm just bored & want to indulge in being snacky. The latter takes some willpower to…
  • I'm 5'2" and currently weight fluctuates b/w 125-127 lbs. Haven't been able to lose anything as yet (been on MFP since April 16). Would really like to get down to 112 lbs. Have been experimenting with a more primal lifestyle/way of eating. Still working on cutting out sugary snacks throughout the weekends though - I'm a…
  • Hopefully you haven't been put off by the argumentative side discussions! That can become draining when you're seeking advice & help. From all the resources I've been tackling over the past 6 months, it seems that primal is a bit more lenient than paleo, overall. Some helpful reading for me have been at 3 New Leaves,…
  • Agreed! I've also used coconut oil - the flavor is subtle, but still there, so if you don't like that, might be best to stick with a dash of olive oil. The coconut oil I use appears as a solid in the jar, but is very soft, easy to spoon out. You don't need much (!) as it melts quickly & coats nicely. I've also found that…
  • Paul Walker - kill Channing Tatum - marry Ian Somerhalder - bang (a lot) Daniel Craig Cam Gigandet Joe Manganiello
  • Tom Hanks = marry Nicholas Cage = bang Dr. Phil = kill Ryan Reynolds Jason Statham Gerard Butler
  • Definitely in the same circle! A few gals have offered some great ideas about how to help through this time. Duly noted. Will try some things b/c it just sucks sooooo bad to feel this off! I've found that walks help me a great deal. Typically I do a fast paced 40 min walk after lunch; when I'm not quite feeling up to that,…
  • Looks like it's pretty unanimous, lol... I'll join the crowd on this one: Numero 4. Dress 2 is pretty. LOVE the lace detailing. Could be dressy or more casual depending on accessories. Dress 4 appears a little more evening & could also be accented further with simple accessories. Overall, it's very flattering on you. Have…
  • Haha, love this one! As I've become more health conscious, paying attention to labels - if there IS one, wink, wink - has been comedy. There is so much excess junk in the majority of food! It's absolutely incredible. :noway: I try to stick to the rule of: stay to the outside areas of the market & avoid the inner aisles.…
  • Everyone has mentioned working out. I was hoping for an easier solution, y'all! :grumble: Haha, JK :wink: :laugh:
  • Thank you for the recipe!! I'm definitely gonna try those (this weekend, lol). :flowerforyou:
  • Hehehehehe!
  • I've heard a lot of people talking about kale chips! Never had it as a chip, just cooked & have found it to be more difficult to digest than spinach or collards. BUT, things usually taste do different when they're in that crunchy form. I'll have to give those a try! Do you use a dehydrator?? And chocolate anything sounds…
  • You go with your progress! (41 lbs ain't nothing to sneeze at!) :wink: I've found that Midol works for me w/ headaches & aches in general, but dang it it does any good w/ the cravings! Lol... I haven't tried the pretzel M&M's (that sounds gooooooood). I guess one of the things I *try* to stay conscious of is to set aside…
  • Always looking for motivational peeps to have on board! (Friend request sent - check!) Anyone else may feel free to add me also :flowerforyou:
  • Weird. I'll def give peeps the benefit of the doubt until they really prove me right about how stupid they are (haha - glass half full, eh). What about just calling him out & asking where the heck are your props for reaching your goal?? As your friend & someone you're known for some time, he has to know/should know how…
  • I'd like to attempt :wink: I've been reading things online almost non-stop for the past week & incorporating them into my daily routine. I even went so far as to cut out Activia yogurt, which has been a staple for awhile due to gastrointestinal issues last year. I ended up "indulging" in half a serving (1 serving = 4 oz)…
  • You can't make someone do what they don't wanna. Life lesson, lol. However, people CAN learn by example! I've been doing tons of reading & then amending to my eating/lifestyle & my husband is super supportive. While he (still) enjoys his breads/pastas/rice, there has been a DRAMATIC decline in his consumption of those b/c…
    in I need help. Comment by uniqsol May 2012
  • I have read about people using spaghetti squash instead of pasta or rice. Typically when I've eaten it in the past, it's just been w/ butter, by itself.
  • Congratulations on the recent nuptials! I loved looking at your (profile) pics :) Just realized over the weekend that our local Farmer's Market in Raleigh (NC) that hosts an every-Wednesday event downtown often has local farmers & also all natural meats. WOOOOOHOOOOO! Now I just gotta remember to bring some $$, lol. I went…
  • By the by, I've been reading the above suggested about the Primal diet over my lunch break... Very enjoyable & super easy to follow for anyone just starting out or interested in learning more about Primal/Paleo!
  • There are some interesting links here...thanks peeps! I'ma get to readin' :glasses:
  • Kooooo-dos!!! You & soon-to-be hubby absolutely rock! (And congrats on the wedding :) ) My husband & I were married 11/11/11. Prior to the wedding, we did P90X and along with that, our eating habits cleaned up majorly. Now that we're post-wedding, eating for me has been about the same, but he's reverted back to soda (at…
  • I've been using "purely elizabeth" granola in my yogurt for awhile & it contains Chia seeds (plus other "good stuff" - anyone that's vegan, gluten catuious or just wants a purely natural granola check it out). http://purelyelizabeth.com/OriginalAncientGrainGranolaCereal.htm It's really good, and I can definitely tell it's…
    in Chia Seeds Comment by uniqsol April 2012
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/567092--read-this-figuring-out-your-calorie-goals That link was super helpful to me when I joined! It's an older post w/ lots of great info. Follow the links w/in it to Fat2Fit's site & check out the tools they have there. It's not a site like this one...more informational than…
  • Hiya! I'm a newbie, but def add me into the mix if you like. Always happy to make new friends!
  • When hubby & I did P90X last year, we eventually got into a groove such that we weren't always sore (key words "not always", haha). Good stretching before & after, warm ups & cools downs, post work out shakes all really seemed to help alleviate any soreness. If you feel as though you're not quite putting in as much as…
  • Thanks for mentioning Candida Control! I went to a naturopathic doc last year for some health issues that traditional docs couldn't help with & the naturopath recommended this. Definitely made a difference to cut out many things. Here's a link to info (absolutely not promoting her business...in fact I don't go there save…
  • To everyone thus far (& whoever else jumps in)... How did you decide on Primal versus Paleo? I understand there are some differences (major/minor, depending on who you ask). As an example... One thing that I currently "depend" on daily is the Activia yogurt for my breakfast. I've tried switching to greek yogurt for the…
  • In my mind, it depends on how you're viewing your journey. If you're aiming to get to a place where healthier eating & living overall is the key, then what you eat (on a daily basis/over time) has an impact. If it's solely weight loss that is your concern, likey a good balance of calories, physical activity, portion…