This question is *really* for the ladies



  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    1. take an iron pill for energy to compensate for all the blood loss and possible mild anemia
    2. up your calories because
    a. your BMR is higher (usually around 8-12% higher than normal) (more if you commonly have a fever during your period)
    b. undernourishing yourself during such a hormonal time can cause your moods to get even wackier
    3. eat healthy sources of fat to help your body repair itself quicker
    4. add an extra hour of sleep to those days
    5. workout to flood your body with the good drugs, the endorphines and testosterone that make you happy and motivated


    Its waiting 6 minutes into your workout.

    If you're cramping, do something low impact. Just dont let your period brain make excuses. Get mad at it and explain that this is your body's business, not your brain's.

    Thanks for the tips! Unfortunately iron pills make me sick even if I eat a solid meal before I take it, and I'm mildly anemic- enough to where eating a lot of iron-rich foods still isn't enough to get my hemoglobin levels high enough to donate blood. Any suggestions?

    Also, I have another question since you seem to know how our crazy female bodies work during TOM- the "weight gain" that happens during that time is due to retained water, right? (Assuming what I eat/drink does not change during that time). If that's the case, when does the gain happen, how much gain is normal, and when can I expect it to drop back off? (Again, assuming I stick to a healthy, low-sodium meal plan). I'm sure everyone is different to an extent but I I'm sick of TOM interfering with my goals (and therefore my head!) so I want to understand it.
  • uniqsol
    uniqsol Posts: 36
    Definitely in the same circle!

    A few gals have offered some great ideas about how to help through this time. Duly noted. Will try some things b/c it just sucks sooooo bad to feel this off!
    I've found that walks help me a great deal. Typically I do a fast paced 40 min walk after lunch; when I'm not quite feeling up to that, I have to talk myself into doing "just a walk". Even if it ends up being only 20 min, at a slower pace, I've found I feel much better.

    Haven't yet been able to totally fight the cravings though. Some I can talk myself down from, others not so much (salt & sweet salt & sweet salt & sweet). I try not to be too hard on myself & make up for it by eating as healthy as possible the rest of the time & taking an extra walk throughout the day.
  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    Are there any other ladies out there that loose motivation or feel completely drained during your "lady time"? I could not even workout yesterday nor could I get past the warm up of my Insanity today. Not like me at all. I HATE this feeling. I REALLY want to get back on track!

    Unfortunately, I'm the COMPLETE opposite. It's my 'lady time' the last day or two and so far I've painted a bedroom, had 3 long walks, cleared out a shed, cleared out the kitchen presses, and completely re-organized our bedroom and wardrobe. It's like I'm hyper, I can't stop going?!

    Haha when it's over I'll be like.... nah, can't be bothered...
  • Yep - useless for the first day. All I want to do is sit in a jaccuzi with a tub of ice cream and cry. Painful as it is, I have found that I do feel better after some light exercise, like walking the dog.
  • redsohare
    redsohare Posts: 14 Member
    Me toooooo! Drained. Tired. Lethargic. Whiney. Cranky. Bloated. Hmm. Can we tell what I am going through right now?

    Some great suggestions though.

    I had "forgotten" that if I just "go for a warm up and if I still feel like not working out I wont" tricks me every time and I end up getting a great warm up in.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    If I waited to feel like doing exercise I would never start.
    Feelings are not always good things to follow!!
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    yep. i skipped tae kwon do last night, then i made it to the gym today and got through my whole workout, but it took me a bit longer than usual to get it done.
  • rachellem86
    rachellem86 Posts: 62 Member
    I get really sick for the first 2-3 days, so I can't exercise or eat properly and it sucks. I am usually bed ridden and can't even go to work. At least I am not over-indulging, but it still interferes in my nutrition/exercise schedule.
  • tugers2
    tugers2 Posts: 139
    yes... give it 3 days lol you'll be back on track
  • tugers2
    tugers2 Posts: 139
    just stay within your calories
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    It's my favorite time to work out because it takes away my horrible mood and cramps.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I don't lose motivaiton or eat more/less, however, I hurt like a S.O.B
  • lc971
    lc971 Posts: 104 Member
    It's my TOM now. I totally binged last night. I just crave chocolate and salt. I did manage to drag my body on the treadmill for 30 minutes, though. Towards the end I am just mush!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    your BMR is higher (usually around 8-12% higher than normal) (more if you commonly have a fever during your period)

    Not to be rude, but can you post your source for this information? Someone made a similar claim a while back, and I did a lot of googling to try to determine if it was true or not, but the only reputable studies (not from Yahoo Answers) were either inconclusive or completely refuted the claim that metabolism is faster during menstruation.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    geez, lol my bad, I forgot that women chasing the cotton mouse only want to hear what they want to hear.

    sorry about the real info.

    Eat whatever you want and go back to bed!!!

    Um...I was interested in the real info and asked you a couple questions before you posted this...I feel the same way other people on this thread feel (crappy, unmotivated, moody, tired) so I'm not going to judge anyone like you are doing, but that doesn't mean I want to resign myself to those feelings which is why I thanked you for the tips and asked for some advice....
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    I never WANT to workout during shark week. as a matter of fact, it always seems like an awful idea. but then when i've finished working out, i always feel so damn good. those endorphins do wonders.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Cramps get to me..... I load up on the advil. I might take it down a notch or just go for a long walk instead. I still try to exercise because my metabolism is up during my TOM. So I try to take advantage of it an hopefully lose an extra 1/2 lb when it's all over with.

    But lots of water, some advil, a little extra exercise so I can eat a little extra more for the cravings etc. I work through it like anything else and listen to my body.
  • This happens to me, but it usually the week before i actually start and than the week of i have energy!
  • Langlady
    Langlady Posts: 51 Member
    1. take an iron pill for energy to compensate for all the blood loss and possible mild anemia
    2. up your calories because
    a. your BMR is higher (usually around 8-12% higher than normal) (more if you commonly have a fever during your period)
    b. undernourishing yourself during such a hormonal time can cause your moods to get even wackier
    3. eat healthy sources of fat to help your body repair itself quicker
    4. add an extra hour of sleep to those days
    5. workout to flood your body with the good drugs, the endorphines and testosterone that make you happy and motivated


    Its waiting 6 minutes into your workout.

    If you're cramping, do something low impact. Just dont let your period brain make excuses. Get mad at it and explain that this is your body's business, not your brain's.

    I try do this as much as possible. Mine vary each month it seems but have found it really does work. When I start getting my anger issues the week before I prep for the next week. Lots of water during the anger issues and yoga helps alot.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    your BMR is higher (usually around 8-12% higher than normal) (more if you commonly have a fever during your period)

    Not to be rude, but can you post your source for this information? Someone made a similar claim a while back, and I did a lot of googling to try to determine if it was true or not, but the only reputable studies (not from Yahoo Answers) were either inconclusive or completely refuted the claim that metabolism is faster during menstruation.

    besides my doctor - which isnt a reputable source for the experts registered here on MFP, this is what I got, which isnt as igh a number, but its still the increase

    link is too long, it goes off the page, if you can copy it and paste it together yourself, then have a blast