Late night snacking



  • I think it's an individual thing!! When I was in the Navy at sea, I had no access to the refrigerator at night. I ate like a pig all day including sweets etc. Last meal would be at 5P then workout then Rack!! I stayed at my lightest weight of my adult life. I was in my mid-30's at the time!!

    Used to go to bed hungry a lot but I looked forward to a huge breakfast when I got up!!

    Trying to not eat after 7. 3 squares and no snacking throughout the day.

    Chew gum and do veggies when I am out of control at 11P LOL
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    Years ago when I dieted I would go to bed hungry almost every single night. No wonder I failed!!!

    My schedule dictates that I don't eat dinner until 8 or 9pm most every night. As long as I am within my daily calorie goal, I eat whenever I feel like it, even right before going to sleep and I'm still losing! I don't believe it matters if you eat right before bed. So, just reserve some calories and EAT! :)

    I used to go to bed hungry and wake up starving too! That is definitely the reason I put myself on a schedule and got used to eating through out the day.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I think the worst time of day for me is the evening....does anyone have suggestions on how to handle the cravings during the evening?
    Eat enough through out the day, balanced meals and you won't be hungry. Don't buy junk foods, that's the simplest way to avoid it. It veggies if you need to eat anything.
  • tsaarloos
    tsaarloos Posts: 58 Member
    I, too, am a late night snacker... I purposely reserve enough calories to snack at night... My biggest challenge after my 1st week on MFP was I was finding myself alone and renting a movie- the old me would have had "movie snacks" chocolate icecream, or candy and a soda... So I went to Walgreens and for about an hour I read nutrition facts on what seemed like hundreds of candies, chocolates, ice cream...what I knew I was looking for was the most bang for my buck! I went home with Act II light popcorn - only 15 cal. per (popped) cup and a bag of pretzel M & M's 150 per serving which is about 17 pieces... I made myself divide the m & m bag into serving sizes stuck them in the freezer, leaving one out for my movie....made iced tea sweetened w/Splenda and ate 5 cups of popcorn and intermittently popping an m & m....I wasn't left feeling cheated at all. My "splurge" was 225 calories... this is surely not a healthy way to go, but a HUGE step from where I had been. So I guess my advice would be to plan your snacks, read the calories, have what you want but be mindful of what you are eating. Good luck!
  • Mary831331
    Mary831331 Posts: 53 Member
    I try to keep busy at night if I'm thinking about food (doing laundry, playing games online, running up and down the stairs). Or go for a walk (even around the house).
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    I just finished my work out and am getting ready to make a smoothie.... if you're hungry eat! Nothing worse then waking up and starting your day hungry IMO. :wink:
  • Shawn8216
    Shawn8216 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm terrible about worrying about going over calories in the day and so ALWAYS end up eating most of my calories late at night, in bed while reading or studying haha. I still lose eating about 500 at 11 or later at night! If the calories are the same there's no harm in eating later, it's a silly rumour.

    THAT IS EXACTLY my problem. I'm so scared I'll overeat in the day that I wont eat and end up starving at night. Meaning, I'll just eat something and keep going and just doesnt end well for me. I'm learning to control that. I chew a lot of gum, ALOT.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    Plan to eat at night. There is nothing inherantly wrong with eating late at night, as long as it doesn't result in you going over your calorie limit. Keep 300cals up your sleeve and just eat.

    This. I plan this way for the weekends as I usually stay up a bit later and thus get hungrier. I also eat later on nights I go to the gym (8-830) and I haven't had a problem.
  • onyxaj
    onyxaj Posts: 17
    I find that if I'm hungry at night, and I have a few calories left, I'll do Ants on a Log. Stick of celery, some peanut butter, and sprinkled with raisins (I don't even like raisins, but they complete it). Its a light snack and competely satifies any sweet cravings I have.
  • Anola13
    Anola13 Posts: 36 Member
    I have found that if I don't eat a good, filling breakfast and lunch I am much hungruer at night. Try beefing up those two meals and see if that helps.
  • uniqsol
    uniqsol Posts: 36
    I have found that if I don't eat a good, filling breakfast and lunch I am much hungruer at night. Try beefing up those two meals and see if that helps.

    This is kinda my "trick" too, except that I switch up & make lunch & dinner more filling. I try to up my protein b/c, for me, I've found that if I have that, I'm not as hungry.
    Sometimes I have to really consider if I'm truly hungry or if I'm just bored & want to indulge in being snacky. The latter takes some willpower to fight against, but when I can rationalize it, it seems to help me find ways around snacking (drinking some water/tea, working on things around the house, etc).

    When I can't work my way around rationalizing it (meaning my willpower has absolutely no will other than to have a sweet treat, lol), I try to take the time to portion something out to slightly under a serving size and eat slowly. Often just a bite or two is all it takes to satiate the "need" and I don't even finish the snack. (Mind you, this is coming from someone who LOVES the salt-sweet combo!).

    Hope this helps a little! Feel free to friend me as extra support is always welcome :happy:
  • bigpenguin570
    bigpenguin570 Posts: 52 Member
    sugar free jello w/fat free cool whip - go to town!! or raw carrots/celery sticks with 1-2 tbsp. of diet dressing ;)
  • I love the Freezies for snacking. I bought a huge box at Sam's club. They are so good. Soda flavors: Orange Crush, A&W Rootbeer, Doctor Pepper, etc. I snip open 3 every evening and they take me around a half hour to eat all 3. And only 60 calories. I also make up my own hundred calorie bags. I use the Chocholate Cheerios, a few Almonds or Walnuts, mini pretzels, raisins, etc. I add up all the calories as I make my batch and then divide it into individual snack bags to equal 100 calories. much cheaper than the already made ones.
    There are also lots of Weight Watcher's snacks that I make up for a once a week treat. Like where you use just a chocholate cake mix and a diet coke, mix up like you would a regular cake, divide into cupcakes and they are 1 points for each cupcake if you make them into 18 cupcakes. They freeze well too. I love cake and brownies and this is a good substitute.