nick1109 Member


  • Go nuts, eat as you wish. Fast for 16-24 hours before the meal and might fit your daily calories anyway. If its the only cheat meal in a while it will do no harm
  • Always interested to get like minded MFP friends. My diary is always open and always interested to see others!
  • And how do you suppose MFP or Scooby calculates numbers? do you think they consider every facet of the individual and their health to calculate the numbers they provide, no I doubt it, its likely generic formulea which is as good as making a sensible guess and making adjustments over time as everyone will be different Have…
  • Ok this is stupid, maybe I should explian how 1700 is derived then you can see its not so insane. My advice to anyone cutting (and I've used this myself to get to sub 10% at 185lbs) would be to start calories at somewhere between 10-14 calories per pound of body weight. The number would depend on how aggressively one…
  • Its individual I know, Which is also why starting at a modest number for her age, height and weight and monitoring and adjusting over time is the way to go.
  • Actually I do know her and happen to know she is very petit
  • Perhaps you'd like to explain why is so far out with your extensive knowledge?
  • Would personally start at around 1700, monitor and adjust down until you're loosing 1lb a week, when you stall reduce by 100kcals and so forth until you hit 1200. Once at 1200 you can start thinking about carb munipulation and adding a little cardio
  • in this order.. 1. Vanity 2. health 3. enjoyment
  • Weigh food, aim for 1g protein per lbs body weight. Start at a calorie number and stick to it. Monitor and adjust by adding 250kcals before monitoring again. The MFP numbers it gives you for adding or loosing weight are bogus
  • Always looking for people who love heavy lifting/strongman.
  • Add me/view my diary I usually eat in excess of 3000kcals a day (without any trouble either)
  • Can you add on the 5 lbs I've GAINED
  • Very true, I do swear by low carb though, it simply works. The amount any individual can eat varies depending on insulin resistance. The only physical activity I do is 2 very high intensity strength training sessions a week which last just 30 mins a time, and I do zero cardio which blows right in the face of conventional…
  • I think thats it, a consistent steady appraoch that is maintainable long term obviously works better than staying say under 20g then falling off the wagon. Needs to be maintainable and for me eating between 50g and 150g a day is easy as pie (no eating of pie though!)
  • Interesting, Yes I remain 6 pack lean on up to 150g a day, even once I notice a little fat gain I can just remain strict (like less than 100g a day) for a few weeks and the fat drops off, guess I'm lucky
  • Reading this makes me realize how high my carbs are, I'm usually eating between 40 and 150 a day!
  • Incline decline flat smith what ever! it doesn't matter as long as you're doing one vertical pushing movement and one horizontal pushing movement, intensely and basing your sessions poundage progression it makes little difference. So much bro bro science on hitting the 'muscle for all angles' blah blah. OP its very simple,…
  • Many train to balls to the wall failure, namely HIT advocates but its not stricktly required. IMO its better to stick to your choosen set/rep range and aim to hit your numbres and work on poundage progression over time. This will mean less deloads and less chance of burnout of the CNS, also training to failure is brutally…
  • Haha! small world? Where do you train? Bournemouth Pier and the gardens are great spots. Yes been to Studland a few times, got to be careful though. A lot of old men love to 'hang out' (literally) there
    in Dorset! Comment by nick1109 July 2014
  • I'm in Bournemouth (Dorset), loads of nice places. Bournemouth Beach, old Harry rock, Lulworth is near by too and the forest on my door step
    in Dorset! Comment by nick1109 July 2014
  • Glad there are other like minded lunatics out there, I weight train 3 days a week. Up out of the house at 5:45 in the gym at 6
  • It makes no difference when you eat, this is why people still manage to gain muscle while using IF. If 2 meals a day suits you then so be it. Obviously its a benefit eating a good quality meal post workout but other than that I would just eat when it suits you. Its more important 'what' and 'how much' you eat than when you…
  • Yeah agree with you. I can't be arsed with the whole bulk, get fat and have no abs for a large portion of the year thing, all in aid of gaining a few extra pounds. Much prefer to stay six pack lean all year round and only make modest gains, slow and steadily in slight surplus is the way for me
  • BF% can be done by yourself at home. Get some calipers and do a 3/5 site skin fold measurement. I get a fairly accurate reading doing it myself
  • I did HIT for a over a year using the methods prescribed by Baye,Doug MCguff and Mike Mentzer. It was a very time efficient way to train and I took a lot from it but I actually lost a lot of size from it (albeit I got slightly stronger). Since returning to a 3x5 protocol 2x per week I've gained size again and strength is…
  • The problem I had from a paleo type diet was it sent my cholesterol through the roof. Also its my opinion now that unless you have inflammatory issues there is no need to exclude groups of foods from your diet. The law of thermodynamics and all that jazz is far my important
  • You will never see your abs without loosing body fat, you can do as many ab exercises as you want but as long as you're eating too much they will never be revealed. I have pretty visible abs and do no direct ab work, they will strengthen through deads and squats. Get the diet right and they will shine through!
    in Cutting Comment by nick1109 August 2013
  • Having read most books out there I would say that Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert is the cream of the crop for me