

  • We don't really do the mascot thing in the UK or Australia but if I had to pick, it would be a Beaver.
  • Best thing to do girls, is upload a picture of your breasts. Let us help you to help yourself.
  • Ive been toying with weighing my food but is this not bordering on obsessive? Correct me if I am wrong - if its right, Ill do it.
  • Too many acronyms for me
  • Give me a shout if you get divorced!
  • I think you have hit the nail on the head. I have dropped down to roughly 1200 calories a day and only lost 2kg in a 3 week period nearly. My weight seems to have levelled out at this, which I find strange. I am not hungry and usually eating well, ensuring lots of veggies but I have picked up on my fruit intake though.…
  • Thanks for reply. I am not really watching my sodium levels to be honest but I will be more concious of it but processed foods, very rarely eat them - if ever. Need to probably up my intake of vegetables - I will resolve that today - going shopping. I eat plenty vegetables and usually have them in every meal we eat. Maybe…
    in stuck Comment by riboid January 2013
  • Im not sure. What are the symptoms?
    in stuck Comment by riboid January 2013
  • Why are you waiting that long to weigh yourself. Take it day at a time but don't be a slave to the scales.
  • I don't like to dance as I am that good everybody copies me and steals my moves!
  • if you buy crap you eat crap. when going grocery shopping make sure you buy healthy stuff and healthy stuff that you have to make an effort to prepare. The preparation is the good thing too, it will take your mind off and you know that you have spent all that energy and time making something healthy. You can do it!
    in I suck Comment by riboid January 2013
  • What friends or llbs?
  • Yeh, everday..Nothing wrong with obsessions.
  • When making your dinner the night previous, just make some extra and take it with you for lunch. Just make sure its healthy.
  • If you are bored the last place I would be is on this site. Get yer *kitten* onto twitter and add some saucy contacts. That;ll keep you busy for a few seconds.
    in bored! Comment by riboid January 2013
  • I think you have more sleep issues than eating issues.
  • x1 small banana handful of frozen berries pour in some apple juice or tropical juice blend and bingo very very nice
  • Amber..you have made the first step, so put your hand behind your back and give yourself a pat. Well done. Ive not had a sugar drink for a week, not alcohol and hit my 1200 a day and for me, being a greedy so and so...that is good. Small steps but over a long time, small steps can have a large impact.
  • We had a ham hock for xmas. So, thought I would emulate silence of the lambs for a bit. Kids liked it!
  • Don't take a look at my profile picture - truly scarey.
  • I hope the picture doesn't upset anyone. Thanks for the reply Ms Lamby
  • Put the application on your phone and as soon as you eat something, add it and be honest. This is a form of discipline too and if you can get into a routine with your phone, you can get into a good routine with eating. You have made the first step - that is the hardest.
  • HI all, I installed this app months ago but never bothered me backside. Ok, installed it again and being going well now for 3 days!! Working in the oil and gas and a bit sedentary at the moment and possibly over indulged over xmas time. Not sure if mine is private or what - my diary that is. :smile: p.s excuse the profile…