

  • Hey all, Well I am trying something new as I am in a transition period with my "lifestyle"....I use way too many websites and find myself getting into them all the time. So I am going to try to use from now on to log my food and exercise to see how I like it and use just that site instead of this one…
  • Shin splits often occur because your "shins" aren't loose enough stretching wise and also need to be strengthened. Same for your calves. Try to strengthen your shins and calves, while also stretching them to keep loose and you'll be fine. Be sure to balance if one is stronger than the other it can cause that too!…
  • Good morning all, Slowly but surely getting rid of soreness and head cold. There is a LOT going around (flu!) so trying to keep my immunity up! Other than walking..didn't do anything else yesterday to rest. This am I did a walk on the treadmill again and the legs went a little faster today-ha! Think I'll do some yoga at…
  • Morning jammers, Wasn't sure what to expect this am. Nursed a head cold all weekend-I slept a lot this weekend! Didn't work out at all on Sat-which is fine as I had my half marathon yesterday! For being sick, dealing with hamstring issues, and having it bitterly cold-I was pretty happy with my time! I thought I'd be dead…
  • Hey guys, Still under the weather :sick: . I actually skipped my shorter strength session last body just hurts. I did a power walk this am instead of running-I need to rest my body and get better before my half marathon on Sunday! I am REALLY sore...but I think most of that is due to being sick. I am glad I got…
  • Oh snap Erika I wish I had done that! Although I did have a good CE and Turbo cardio workout-I feel like *kitten* today. All stuffed up, I was achy yesterday...if this turns into the flu I am going to be flaming pissed :mad: ..and that's probably understating it a bit! I am days away from my half marathon and ironically my…
  • Good morning, Where is everyone this week?????? I did some P90X Yoga over lunch yesterday..then did Turbo Sculpt when I got home. This morning I did my 5 mile run again but added some hills..same pace too! It was a GREAT workout! I think I'll do ChaLEAN core over lunch and Recharge later (might wear the weighted gloves!).…
  • Morning all, Well I did some walks at work yesterday and the standing part of Ab Jam..last night I worked at the Y so did a light walk when got home to work on hammie. Then relax time...we watched the office wedding-so cute:heart: This morning had a few glitches..but my 5 mile run was awesome-I was imagining the finish…
  • Morning peeps, Well I am EXHAUSTED from the weekend. I baked/packed Fri nt after Burn 2...worked at the Y on Sat am...walked like 5-10 miles tailgating in addition to the 3 I did in the am on the treadmill...then didn't get home from the IA/Michigan game and to bed til 2 AM Sat night..then got up and did a 13 mile run…
  • Good morning all! TGIF! :glasses: Well I did the new CE Yoga last night..there are parts that really work you..and you can DEF tell the weight hand gloves you wear work your arms a lot more. It loosened my tight hammie up a bit..but it's still REALLY tight..had to start out my 5 mile run a litlte slower this am and make…
  • Good morning all, Well I did Punch, Kick, Jam after work last night-had such a blast! I hadn't gotten to to much of the cardio turbo jam lately and typically do cardio in am. This morning I did a tempo...that was a TOUGH workout-I burned over 425 cals...even with my 5 mile runs I usually burn only like 380 tops. I am so…
  • Morning jammers, Spent most of my night last night watching the Twins on and off...eventually sat down in the 8th inning...only to have it go for 12! Good game though..and they won thankfully! Lord if I am going to watch that long they freakin better! Although I do admit..Joe Mauer ain't bad to look at:) This am I did Burn…
  • Morning all, I did Burn 1 last night and then a new Chalean workout this am: Extreme Intervals. It a lot like Burn Intervals (well not a lot but that type of workout) but she uses the ball a lot. I like the workout..but need more room as you swing it side to side while jumping side to side and also lift above your head.…
  • I haven't but judging from her ball workout I got on the CE Upgrade I would say they would be very effective!:wink: Casey
  • Good morning team! Safely back from vacation-I was glad to be home even if it is a LOT cooler than where I was or even when I left! It's def fall here in Iowa! Finally got to see Jason last night as he was away fishing for the weekend... I am SORE today-and I rarely get sore. I did the new ChaLEAN workouts for lower body…
  • Starting a new thread for October...
  • Hey all! I'm baaaack! And damn it's cold! Still out of sorts from all the craziness the last week. Ready to get back in a regular routine again-will restart my own little version of CE on Monday!:) Also getting ready for half marathon in 2 weeks...and def glad to be home with my own food!!! More later..just wanted to pop…
  • Hey jammers! Well I am leaving this afternoon for vaca-so this will probably be my last post for a week or so-I'll be here in spirit! I rocked out 5.5 miles this am before work-got the cal burn up to 400! I also got the CE upgrade-tried the one cardio and I've Got Abs-good workouts. I watched the lower body upgrade while…
  • Morning jammers, Well another long day down and another one today. Stress level here at work is high-wish I could leave and not have a big pile of things to do-but at least I have a job. I had gained a few pounds a few months ago-attributed part of it to all my stomach issues but I wonder too if it wasn't the effects of…
  • I have lots of things from them and never had a problem. I had to call in once to get help on the website and they were very helpful and got it resolved quickly! Casey
  • Hey all! Well I was able to get in some light strength yesterday (turbo sculpt and ab jam) for a mix up and break for my body..and then also did a walk when I got home too. It felt good..but didn't push it even though I felt pretty good. This am I did a good 5 mile run-pushed it as I felt great but still only 370 cals. I…
  • Hey guys, More later today or this week-trying to get a bunch done at work before vaca! I haven't gotten to workout since Sat am due to my testing..hopefully later today can do something light... Casey
  • Hey all! Gonna be a CRAZY day..but I got some great news this am..I am able to get in for my colonoscopy on Monday now! So not only do I figure out what's wrong before vaca, but my sister can also take me as she won't be working yet (just got a new job). Jas will drop me off in the am and be nearby at work if needed (he's…
  • Good morning all! Man it sounds like everyone is having a tough week..guess I am glad it's not just me! My health problems have taken a huge toll on me this week..not only physically but mentally as well. I have a vacation coming up and part of me just wants to stay home and relax (in addition to finding out what's wrong).…
  • :bigsmile: Mornin jammers, It is so nice here in Iowa this week..about 80 and sunny during day and cools down at night (great for windows open and morning workouts:wink: ). I watched most of Biggest Loser last night and this am on the treadmill..I am at weigh in part:) I did my tempo run this am (I always dread that…
  • Hey all, I finished out my day yesterday with some core work over lunch and then CE Lean 1 (only 2 more..thank god!). Man you burn some cals with CE my hr monitor back! This am I did my usual am run...and stomach problems continued (it's never a good thing to be swearing at 5:30 in the morning:mad: ). I am…
  • Morning jammers! We are having beautiful weather here in Iowa..all weekend and this week so far! I love it I love it I love it! And Iowa beat ISU..yeah! I worked at the Y Sat am..did some walking that day and a little turbo jam (my rest day). Yesterday I rocked out a 12.5 mile run! Then I proceeded to clean like there was…
  • Hey jammers! Thanks to all of you for your kind really means a lot to me:) I've been struggling with my stomach again for the past day or two. I had to tone down the am run this am to take it easy on my body..but it was nice to get outside on a beautiful morning and get some movement. Jason was there for me…
  • Morning Jammers, Well yesterday I worked both jobs and had a tough workout needless to say I was EXHAUSTED when I hit bed..I was out cold! I did my CE Lean 2 later last night after both proud that I got it done! This am was CE Burn of day is more relaxing as just maybe a short walk and then…
  • Morning jammers! Well I am with's been crazy. Today is a LONG day for me...I work my full time job and then coach tonight..then need to go home to do my Lean 2. Then basically go to bed! I did some treadmill running speedwork this am..and will do a walk/CE Extreme Abs over lunch. I guess I'll have some good…