Turbo Jammers 9/21-9/27



  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey jammers!
    Well I am leaving this afternoon for vaca-so this will probably be my last post for a week or so-I'll be here in spirit! I rocked out 5.5 miles this am before work-got the cal burn up to 400! I also got the CE upgrade-tried the one cardio and I've Got Abs-good workouts. I watched the lower body upgrade while running this am-looks like my buttocks will be hurting if I do that-score! They are packed in my backpack to go along for the ride:)
    I know all about the stress of work-but you are ALL doing so awesome staying active and not let it get the best of you. You guys keep me going day to day!
    Praying for some good test results soon-will leave my sisters number with the doctor as she's a nurse and my best friend:smile: And Jason too:wink: He thinks he's so tough and can handle like 9 days without me-ha we'll see about that..he'll be crying for me to come home!:laugh: I am so glad I've found a man that I finally am sad to leave and not need a break from.
    And I think each day that I have a tough day-at least I have someone to go home to that loves me. Because that girl on biggest loser that lost her husband and 2 kids in an accident sends me into tears every time!
    Peace out jammers-oh and welcome newbies!!!
    Casey:bigsmile: :glasses:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Morning ladies!! I just finished breakfast, and I am feeling great because I got up and went for my long run! It was kinda chilly- so I tried out a new UnderArmor long sleeve I got a few days ago. Last weekend I froze during my run one morning so decided I better get something to have as the weather gets colder. Worked out pretty well actually:smile: Rest of the day is pretty lax again..I have pretty intense stressy weeks and then not too much to do but workout on the weekends-which is great, but sometimes borinngg.. :ohwell: Plan is to do Burn It Off and Recharge this afternoon, and probably go walking with my friend again tonight:glasses:
    Casey- We will miss you!!!! But I hope you have a great time on vaca girl, you deserve it!:wink:
    I hope everyone has a great Friday! I'll check in later!:bigsmile:
    Just wanted to add-I am going to decrease my daily calories and try staying under 1700 (I was eating almost all my exercise cals-sometimes like 1900 on the weekends) but it just seems really hard to eat so much AND not be full when I want to work out...I don't know exactly how my body will react....do you guys think that will be ok? I don't want to go too low and have "starvation mode" kick in again...:frown:
  • ecrb77
    Hello Jammers!
    It was raining this morning so I dusted off my Biggest Loser Cardio Max and did Level 1 and 2. My butt is going to be sore later!:laugh: Hopefully I can run tomorrow instead.

    Off to work, happy I will have a 3 day weekend! The higher ups from worked emailed me and said they would speak to me soon. Hopefully that means there will be a change for the better.

    Happy Friday!:flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Evening Jammers!
    I finally got my butt in gear and did a 3 mile run today after work...I needed that! I've been keeping up with the workouts all week, but really struggling to get into them like I normally am. I hope to get a run in tomorrow and Sunday to get my butt into gear and get next week started right!

    Hope you all are having a great night! I'm headed to bed early...I need some sleep!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I actually just finished my AM run and am enjoying a nice big protein shake with PB (my breakfast got a little screwy today and I had to push my run back a little because I wanted to go with mom to a local farmers market and get some goodies:bigsmile: )I didn't actually find that much-but did get a spaghetti squash! I have a recipe that uses that in replacement for pasta so I think I will try it tomorrow and hope it turns out yummy! Anyway, it is SUPER windy here and my run suffered a little...:grumble: ..I still ran the same distance, pushing against the wind and freezing (it didn't help that I started out wearing a long sleeve and puffy vest to layer then got too hot and had to leave it swinging open..ugh, just not the best run when you're uncomfortable..:ohwell: The weather is certainly changing quick over here..yuck.
    I think I'll keep the rest of the afternoon work indoors..maybe do some TJ FatBlaster and throw in a BootySculpt:tongue: Depends on what I feel like-It's definitely a "curl up in blankets and lounge on the couch" kinda day..but I really hate just sitting around all day:frown:
    I've decided to play with my cals again and am going to stick to around 1700 planned out so that way I can still spread some of my exercise cals through the day and not have too many at the end to use. I am going to leave the leftovers as security or just eat them if my body feels it needs a little extra. Also then I won't feel the need to do an extra workout if I've eaten too much to pick up the slack either.
    I hope you all had a great morning! I'm done rambling now lol:embarassed:
    Erica-Hope work went better today and some things got figured out for you!
    Erika-Good job getting that run in after work! That's tough! Hope you got to this AM too!
    Check back later ladies!:heart:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Family,
    Checking in w/ 45 min FIRM Sculpt - I upped my weights to 10lb dumbells and added another 5lbs on some of the excercises. Its strength training and some cardio thrown in to keep that heart rate up. Got in 20 min and Abjam yesterday. Friday was our 5 yr wedding anniversary !!:heart::heart: :heart: and it has been a lovely weekend. I didn't w/o on Friday (let's just call that a "rest" day :wink: ) but I did stay on track yesterday and so far for today. it's still eary:laugh:
    I didn't go over board but we did get a delicious lemon cake that I have thoroughly enjoyed. I indulged Friday and Saturday - and that doesn't seem to have done too much damage. It seems a little selfish to me to be so concerned about calories and my stuff rather than focusing on the moment. I am still learning how to enjoy eating without 1: having too much of those special occasion foods and 2: feeling guilty for having it. Isn't that crazy??? Surely there is a way to enjoy life, reach your goals and not restrict yourself so much that you have a hard time in social situations. I guess I tend to go over board in one direction or the other and that's why it's taken me so long to even get this far. Just trying to find that elusive balance:laugh:
    Hope all are having a wonderful weekend , will check back later,

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I trust you all had a great Sunday AM! It was raining here all morning, no run for me..boo. But I did exchange it for TJ CardioPartyMix1- I like how it's a bit longer! I am going to get my Push1 in today as well, and probably some AbJam. Also might throw in some extra abs exercises I've been wanting to try or pilates..we will see! I hope that it isn't raining tomorrow..otherwise I guess its another CardioParty for me! lol! I do like that one, but maybe should get some other longer videos to tide me over..plus as the weather gets snowy I don't intend to run on ice in a blizzard..so DVD's are going to be it. Any suggestions for longer ones?
    Janet-Definitely feel the same way you do. I am still pretty new at this, and just seem to be having trouble finding a happy medium. My plan now is just to eat as clean as possible and make sure everything is in moderation. I need to learn that it is ok to just do ONE workout a day if need be..or if my body is feeling pressure. I need to stop comparing myself to others and how much they workout and just focus on what my body can do. I mean, I did lose the weight by doing only 30 min TJ everyday, so why wouldn't that be enough still? The rest is just watching what I am eating and how much. That is why I have decided to back down my calories (little under 1700 on days I know I will be exercising more, only around 1600 on weekdays, with respect to my 1460 Wednesday rest day) So far so good, I guess that way I can add a little something at the end if I want to or if my body is craving. I hear ya about the "enjoying life and not restricting so much" part..I hope others have suggestions because I feel like if say I go to a picnic I can't have dessert without feeling really guilty..I know it shouldn't be that way! I guess it is my fear of "letting myself go" again but I hate coming off so obsessive!:cry: I know that ONE piece of cake isn't going to ruin my hard work but I just beat myself up later on so I've tended to stay away from food oriented events lately..which sucks! I don't WANT to miss out because I feel guilty!:sad:
    Hum..Sorry for the rant Janet! lol...I just meant you are not alone with that feeling. I've been trying to pick up tips from others and just experiment with how my body reacts..In the long run I think just eating cleaner is the key:smile:
    Anyways..I am off to do Push1 and some AbJam (I really am working on flattening my abs..thats the one part of me I am not super happy with yet..:grumble: ..Anybody got suggestions? It's coming slowly and I guess alot of that has to do with diet so I guess I REALLY gotta watch my eats..UGH!:explode:
    Thanks for listening all..I'm so lame:blushing:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Well, in preparation for my fast that starts in about 2 hours, I took the advice of a friend and had a lot of red meat today including the first prime rib I've had in almost a year (red meat takes a really long time to digest).

    Hubby got a start date finally. He goes in on Wednesday which is when I start to walk 4-miles a day. So that will be my main workout, especially with this current heat, hehe. But I'll stick with the CE strength workouts too and that will be the plan until the weather starts to cool again.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I am feeling a bit bummed today because I woke up to the wind howling and rain pelting my windows-major bummer to a new runner! I really was hoping to get out there this AM! :mad: Oh well, I kicked off my morning with another TJ CardioPartyMix1 and burned it up! I still have Push2 to go before I head to work for the afternoon. I am happy getting my exercises done before work coz it gives me the evening to just relax and make a more extravagant dinner:laugh: . I am planning a recipe from my newest Clean Eating Magazine- Chicken Cordon Bleu. It should be well worth it since I have the time. I have been one to make different foods at every meal but I think that it adds to my stress with my diet, so beginning next week I am going to try making more and doing leftovers:ohwell: I say starting next week because this Thursday I am going out to eat lunch at Olive Garden:huh: ..not my choice but it's a work thing I am going to with the Drs. and they go out to lunch before the meeting...sooo I have already planned out a fresh salad no dressing and minestrone soup (salty-but the best option):bigsmile: I'm kinda proud I've got it all figured out already:laugh:
    I am so thankful all of you put up with my blabbing..lol I guess I just love all the support you guys give and it makes me feel good being able to talk about anything and not be judged.
    Ghanie-I hope you enjoy the 4-mile walks! That's gonna be GREAT!:drinker:
    Have a good rest of AM and afternoon everyone! Thanks again!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hi again

    Well I finally did a Turbo workout. It's been MONTHS since I pulled out my DVDs. I purchased the Fan pak a while ago and never did it. I just opened this morning. I did the Turbo Kick workout and it was great. I can honestly say I've missed Chalene and Mindy and Anna Rita :happy: The Turbo Kick workouts are a little more intense than the regular Turbo Jam but I loved it. It was just what I need to get my head back in the game. The cooler weather is coming (we are suppose to drop 20 degrees tomorrow...90 to 70 is a big shock to the system), so I'm excited to get back to my indoor workouts. I will miss my walks and jogs though.

    I hope to post more frequently...but then again I'm desperately trying to find a job so my regular routine may change....hopefully soon.

    I hope everyone has a good day.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies! I was kinda MIA this weekend, but that's because I decided to spend some well deserved time with my hubby and kiddos since I've been working so much lately. We le the kids pick the activites for the days, and I for once just let my house sit...normally I'm a cleaning freak and clean all weekend long (I love to clean), but I put everything down and focused on the kiddos. I also got caught up on scrapbooking while they napped yesterday, which was nice!

    This morning was another struggle to get out of bed...too cozy! But, I got up and rocked it out to Hip Hop Abs again....love that workout!

    Janet, I am so with you on the eating thing. I have had such a hard time with turning away special occasion treats, and unfortunately, both my fam and my hubby's fam are not clean eaters, so they just pick on me for it...it's not fun! So, I've been trying to figure out how I can let in some sweets here and there, without going crazy. I used to have a major sweet tooth, but not so much anymore, so I think I'll do ok.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    Wow, morning has just flown by - checking in w/ 20 min before work (I can thank my little pooch for that one he jumped on my chest at 345 this morning wanting to play:noway: ) After hitting the snooze button a little I dragged my carcass down for some TJ to start the monday off right! Abjam and possibly something else on for later (firm has an "express" w/o I might throw in). And something good" for dinner. Gotta keep the mind on track w/ the food!, lol!!
    Thanks for all the support with the "guilt" thing - i'm leaning on the 80/20 rule 80% clean and 20% uhhhhh not as clean:laugh: I just hat to become obsessed with the exercise , cals, the dreaded scale and all the other stuff - this is supposed to be fun , right? Hahahahaha!
    Lilangel - keep up the great work, planning ahead always helps!!!
    Fitz - good job on getting you w/o in best to do one you like on a monday!
    Lynn - Hey,Sunshine!!! so glad to see you! I can't wait for some extra bucks so I can order a fan pack.
    Really wanting to try Plyometrics and some of the TK Rounds! Glad you like them - keep me posted on what you've got and how it's working for you.
    Ghanie - You will probably love the walking, that really was working for me when it was really hot. then I could do my dvds inside. Wrist weights really up the intensity a notch if you don't want to run/sprint in the heat!
    Hope all have a fantastic day,

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I forgot mention this earlier....

    LilAngel and anyone else....I :heart: Clean Eating Magazine. We have been eating recipes from this mag for the last month almost exclusively. We've done things in the past but we have really been enjoying a lot of their budget recipes recently. My son who is a picky eater hasn't complained but maybe twice in almost a month. He loves everything. I really should just get a subscription because I buy one every month.

    It's not that I'm going clean (although I probably should) it just the recipes are so great! I love how the instructions lay out everything (time wise) so it all comes together perfectly in the end. I also love that a lot of the dishes include a side so you don't have to wonder what to serve with it.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Anyway I just wanted to share how much I :heart: Clean Eating Magazine :laugh:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, I survived the fast. For my prefast meal I went for some bread with fruit and a hot cup of tea; then I sipped a cup of warm water during the last 5 minutes.

    The post-fast meal was great. We went to Gelsons to pick out whatever looked good, then created a mini buffet at a friend's house. I had matzot ball soup, rotisserie chicken, butternut squash, mac and cheese, challah, fruit, and these dill flavored cucumbers. I didn't keep track of portions or anything; I just made sure to not stuff myself.

    Now I'm re-hydrating myself and thinking about what I'll be doing for the rest of the week. I think I want to see how I do with those walks before going back to CE.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Well, I lucked out this morning as I was able to lounge in bed for awhile before I had to get up and get moving...was so much more motivated! I'm getting enough sleep, but need a few minutes to wake up instead of my usual jump out of bed and start working out routine! Maybe I'll set the alarm a few minutes earlier and allow myself some time to wake up.

    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill on the 12% incline...my calves are not liking me so much right now! I was surprised I got almost the same calorie burn as a 30 minute run...my HR was really up there. I'll have to start doing that while I'm watching my shows at night...I tend to get bored with just watching TV, so this will give me extra incentive by doing something productive at the same time!

    Well, on the road again for work. More either later or tomorrow AM. Have a great day!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    fitzfour: It's amazing what an extra couple minutes in the morning does for me. I set my alarm about 15 minutes earlier than I really need to get up so that I can get out of bed leisurely rather than bounce out. It makes my mornings less hectic and stressful. WTG on your workout as well. I wish I had a treadmill for one reason...so that I can do SOMETHING productive while watching tv.

    ghanie: great job on your fast. And I think as long as you didn't stuff yourself you probably did fine with your meal...it sounds pretty healthy anyway.

    Well I walked 3 miles this morning and jogged one. It would have been the other way around but a friend joined me today and she's not ready to jog yet. I came home and did Ab Jam. Haven't done that in forever and boy could I feel it....plus I was a little sore from the Turbo Kick workout yesterday :) Tonight is Zumba so I consider today almost a "cheat" day because I feel like I can almost eat ANYTHING and not go over my calories. I burned about 900 this morning and I'll burn another 600 tonight....1500 cals to eat :noway: plus my regular allotment. I love Tuesdays PLUS its Biggest Loser night!! I love Tuesdays :heart:

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • smiley61
    This turbo jam workout is addictive and fun. Been sticking to the turbo jam program for a week now having a lot of fun with Charlene. She really keeps you motivated and I want her body. Been doing daily walking to burn extra calories. Did two mile on exercise tv with Leslie. There are some cool workouts on Demand TV. Hoping to drop a pound a week that is my goal. The food diary is awesome it keeps me aware of what I put in my mouth. It can be a bit time consuming. I wish there were better report like on fitday.com but it really helps. Does anyone preplan their dinners.? My breakfast and lunch are pretty much the same everyday to keep it simple right now. I never know from day to day what to cook for dinner it depends on the weather and my appetite.
  • smiley61
    does anyone know the calories burned in the ab jam?
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I hope you all had a great Tuesday! I rocked it out after work with CE Burn Intervals and Extreme Abs. I'm feeling pretty good tonight!
    Ghanie-Sounds like you enjoyed your post-fast meal-YUM!:love:
    Erika and Drevansmom- GREAT job on the workouts ladies! Keep it up! I wish I had a treadmill too!:frown: OH Drevans-FYI the Chicken Cordon Bleu in the CE magazine was AMAZING! I tweaked a few things but YUMMY!:drinker:
    Smiley-I always preplan my meals. It really has helped me from going to the fridge at meal times and staring there for 20 minutes saying what do I want??? This way I know exactly what to prepare, and also what to take with me to work for yummy snacks that are my healthy choices:happy: I am finding it easier to keep my meals simpler too-I am going to start doing "easier" dinners and leftover stuff for lunches more often. I don't know exactly how many calories are burned with AbJam. I have a HRM and only wore it once for AbJam-I think I only burned like 45 cals, but I never log that in anyways. Someone here had posted before that they just count it as "extra" and never log it because its so low cal. So thats what I do too:tongue:
    Have a great night all! Tomorrow is my "rest" day, but if the weather gets nicer than it has been (nasty stormy/rainy/windy weather lately) I will be walking with my friend again:smile: Night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning...we're halfway through the week...yeah! Tried a workout I haven't done in probably 6 months...Billy Blanks Bootcamp...all I can say is OUCH! This is the first DVD I've not been able to keep up with and had to take breaks. I really felt this one. It's fun to see how different the moves are between Billy and Chalene; I like to switch it up and try new stuff (if you can't tell!).

    I'm thinking I'm going to start P90X next week. I'll see how it goes...I'm used to some mornings only doing a 30 minute workout, so I'm not sure how it will work doing 1 hour every morning. Hopefully things slow down at work, so I can have time for 1 hour each morning!

    Well, off to get ready for work. Have a great day!