Turbo Jammers 09/07 - 09/13



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies...I feel like I've been away so long! Had a VERY long weekend, and food was not my friend this weekend at all. First time I've not eaten well in probably a year! We got new floors in the mail level of our house, so while my hubby and brother were putting them in, I had to keep my 2 boys (ages 4 and 6) as well as my 2 nephews (ages 3 and 9 months) confined to the basement for 2 full 12 hour days. It was brutal! We had to stay out of the way so the guys could get the work done, but had to go upstairs to eat and use the bathroom. It was crazy!!! But, I made it, and am glad to be done!

    I still got a run in on Saturday morning (ran a 5k instead of walked it at a fundraiser event), but no workout Sunday. I ate pretty much anything I could grab while trying to feed the little and big boys! But, I'm back on track now! Whew!

    This morning was Shape Bikini Body Program 2 and Hip Hob Abs Booty Shakin. I was so tired, I wasn't really feelin the HHA, but I'm sure I'll be back to normal tomorrow...just need some sleep!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Oh, I had a question about resting calorie burn-should I be subtracting from my exercise cals that my HRM says I burned?? I usually have been leaving around 100 cals at the end of the day to accommodate, but I heard somewhere to subtract about 80 cals per hour exercised...huh

    Don't worry about it unless you're gaining inches.

    I subtract a calorie per minute but that's mostly out of habit from when I used to have long yoga sessions.
  • Hey all,
    I finished out my day yesterday with some core work over lunch and then CE Lean 1 (only 2 more..thank god!). Man you burn some cals with CE strength...got my hr monitor back! This am I did my usual am run...and stomach problems continued (it's never a good thing to be swearing at 5:30 in the morning:mad: ).
    I am going to do some yoga later....
    Ghanie: Love the new photo:)
    Fitz: Hey we all have those times...you seem like a straight shooter so I wouldn't worry! I bet those boys burned off all those calories you ate keeping you busy!
    leshawnturner: Great to "meet' you..and welcome! I like ChaLEAN as I am so busy I like to just go home and worout! I am lucky as I get gym memberships for free (as I work there:) but it saves if you do!
    Janet: Great to hear from you! I get busy too and can't always get on here to post..we know you are here in spirit. I agree..tracking helps...it's so easy to forget litlte things you ate or not realize how much cals you are eating. Welcome back:)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Family,
    Checking in to see how everybody's doing and to keep me accountable!
    I got home last night and felt really weak - like I was trying to get the "crudd" that's going around the office. I decided to go for a fast walk and ended up doing only 3 miles but at least it was something.
    I went over my cals by 156 :grumble: guess it's going to take a minute to get that under control again.
    Thank goodness there's always a new day!! I re-read a post from Banks on eating all of your exercise cals (or close to it) and I reset my goals to account for the couple of pounds I've picked up ~ keeping myself honest.
    Had a bad sore throut this morning but pushed thru fat blaster and I packed a healthy lunch. Now if I can just stay away from the bit o honey's on the admin's front desk:laugh:
    So glad to be back!!

    Have a fantastic day ladies :heart:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey ladies! I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday thus far! I am at work (on lunch break actually) and decided to check in. I was feeling a bit lazy yesterday when I got home (I had to work all day when Mondays are usually one of my days off) and so I only got to doing Push2 (was planning a short run too but just decided to give myself a break:ohwell: .) I'm feeling a little guilty about that...:frown: Anyways, tonight is Burn Intervals and Ab Burner, have been eating ok, but craving bad this week:explode: I don't really know why...
    I looked a little more into how many calories I should be eating daily (checked different websites and such) and all say around 1800 net calories! I have MFP set to lose 1/2lb a week but really I am trying to just maintain:huh: Maybe I should change my setting? I really don't know about eating that much PLUS my exercise cals so any suggestions?? I am a pretty active person as far as working out (I'm sure you all know lol) and consider my job "lightly active". :huh:
    Ghanie-Love your new pic, super cute!
    Casey-I hope you feel better soon girl, it's been going on tooo long I'd be dying in your shoes:cry: Good job pushing through the workouts though-Your definitely an inspiration to me!
    Hope everyone else is doing well also! Check in later!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I looked a little more into how many calories I should be eating daily (checked different websites and such) and all say around 1800 net calories!

    The 1800 is estimating your exercise calories already, it's not 1800 plus exercise. Though I would probably wait until the LEAN month before switching the MFP to full maintenance (will probably be around 1650 plus exercise) unless you're already starting to lose weight again.

    And thanks, that's my favorite photo of me with hubby.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks for all the help, I am still trying to get everything figured out..once I finally think I do I get confused again because something in my routine changes!:explode: ..lol I am eating 1460 plus exercise cals right now, so yea I'm gonna leave it there, usually ends up about 1600-1700 a day, with the exception of my rest day where I eat just around 1460.
    I am feeling kinda crappy right now and want to get this off my chest-well I am actually quite mad at myself because my dad came home with Oreos-one of my previous enemies- welllll like I said I have been craving alot the last few days and I ate more cookies than I should have:blushing: I can't believe myself, I have been doing so well..maybe too well and I just gave in:sad: THAT doesn't help my calorie intake for the day-with that said, I really pushed myself with my Burn Intervals tonight but still doesn't help my feeling horrible..I guess I just have to take it and get back on track RIGHT NOW:devil: ugh..I can't believe myself..:frown:
  • :bigsmile: Mornin jammers,
    It is so nice here in Iowa this week..about 80 and sunny during day and cools down at night (great for windows open and morning workouts:wink: ).
    I watched most of Biggest Loser last night and this am on the treadmill..I am at weigh in part:) I did my tempo run this am (I always dread that workout) but they were doing their workouts when I got to the hard part of my run so it motivated me! Although I got off the treadmill after 45 in and only burned 380 cals..I was like wtf? The treadmill with my weight put in said 470...but will take the hr monitor. Gotta get Extreme with ChaLEAN later..only 2 more lean workouts!
    Lilangel: I do a lot of reserach with my diet/cals, etc..but in the end..you have to listen to your body and adapt to changes. As the years go on you learn more and more! Don't get upset over a litlte binge..hey it happens! If you continue to have cravings..consider increasing cals as maybe that's your bodies way of telling you something. And I'll tell you this..as time goes on..it gets easier and easier to say no to bad foods!
    Janet: Great to see you keep working hard...love that you are back with us!! Office settings can be hard..I used to avoid areas that had food..now I am good enough most days to just say no! Plus I bring so much of my own food I just eat that...I eat pretty good stuff!
    Rock it out girls..and thanks as always for all your support!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies! What an absolutely upside down, crazy week for me. My eating has been horrible--mainly in the evenings, as I'm running from work, pickup the kids, sports, home, back out again for another deal and home and to bed. This is night #3 of this, and I'm wiped out. I am dragging through my workouts in the morning, and come mid afternoon, I'm rushing from one thing to the other and lucky to get food to my mouth in the few seconds I have. Yesterday I did back to back presentations for a client from 9am-3pm. I was stuffing almonds in my mouth in the 30 seconds I had between presentations and had about 10 minutes to stuff as much lunch as I could. By the time I got home at 5:30, I was shaking because I was so tired and hungry. I had 5 minutes to eat before the whole night got crazy. So, my cals have been either way high or way low...no consistency! And, I'm eating what I can grab and run with :grumble: But, hopefully by this weekend my work and home life will calm down for awhile...I'm not sure I can handle much more of this!

    Workouts have been ok. I did CE Burn #1 today just for something different and went with heavier weights than I did when I first did Burn #1 and it was so easy I got terribly bored. I was doing the same weights at Chalene and never broke a sweat...not sure why it was so easy?!?! I find I get my HR up more if I do lighter weights and lots of reps these days. Hmm...still trying to figure that all out!

    Ok, back to work. I gotta get on the road soon for afternoon and evening meetings. Won't be home from work until after 8 tonight :grumble:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, checking in with Push 2.

    I also might get in another workout during my afternoon shift .. my patient thinks her PT is too boring and she used to go on some 2-hour hikes on a regular basis so I thought I'd show her some of my strength videos and see if she likes any of them.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls, It was a crazily busy Wednesday at work for me. I am certainly glad it is my "rest" day. I have done really good with my eating so far today, and I've got dinner all planned out just have to make it..haha. I am really tired tonight BUT I am going to do AbJam as usual and then just try to get to bed earlier tonight. I didn't sleep very well, and have had a little stress headache all day. I am looking forward to a AbJam, a shower and bed..:laugh:
    Casey-Thank you for the support girl- I KNOW it is ok to eat "bad" once in awhile, it's not going to kill me or cause a 10lb weight gain but I HAVE been trying to eat clean. I just was very disappointed with myself for doing that...:frown: I had been doing really good, but it has been a ROUGH week:grumble: I am just going to shake it off and ROCK it this weekend cause I have off:bigsmile:
    Erika-It sounds like you've had a rough week too! Great job keeping up with the workouts, I've been feeling the same way this week (dragging a bit with the workouts)...
    Ghanie-I hope you're enjoying ChaLean as much as I am! Hiking sounds REALLY fun!!! I should try to plan some hiking trip out soon, but my biggest problem is there's nobody who'd really like to go with:frown:
    Have a good night everyone!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    hope everybody is doing well and staying on point!! So far so good today, got 20 min in before work and getting ready to either do CP3 or a taebo boot camp dvd I found just for something different. Leaning toward the taebo because it's probably been 2 yrs since I done it - kickboxing + strength.
    My body feels a little under the weather still but I am going to just push on through - maybe the different w/o will force me to push harder. I do have one good thing to report - not one bit o honey passed my lips today ~~~ Yea me!! I got some reduced fat vanilla wafers and took a serving w/ me today so I had a litte treat to squash that taste for something sweet , probably better for me too!!
    Lilangel- hang in there - you look really fit from your pix. I'm sure that one oreo indulgence isn' t going to ruin all of your hard work. Good for you getting back on track. I just love Abjam!! Especially the floor sequence - killer!
    Ghanie- Your transformation pix are really looking great (as well as the new one w/ DH) keep up the great work. Soon I'll be checking out CE w/ the rest of you guys - seems to really be working for you
    Casey - I watched Biggest Loser last night too!! (DVR is such a wonderful thing). It always motivates me as well, their trainers push them so hard!! You amaze me with the amount of time you're able to devote to your w/os - what an inspiration!
    Hey Fitzfour - your days sound like mine:noway: Hang in there and remember to take care of you!
    Drevans- So gald to see you're bacK!!!!!! We've missed you!!! Keep working hard!!

    Hey,anyone seen Megan????

    It's off to sweat for me - maybe I can sweat this crud out of my system or whatever's got me dragging:laugh:

    Have a great nite ladies ,
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Janet-I'm happy to see you as well

    I haven't seen Megan in week or so....at least not here. She's bouncin around Facebook though so she's alive :happy:

    Sorry I haven't checked in this week yet ladies, it's been a very busy week so far! I've walked/jogged every morning and did Zumba again Tuesday night. Hubby has started night classes again so my evenings aren't as "free" as they used to be. I'm off to bed...I'll have to catch up tomorrow.

  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! I haven't been posting much but still working out. I restarted CE last night because I was finally able to talk my husband into doing the program with me. So...pretty much doing BURN for the second month in a row.

    Hope all are well! I still have to catch up on posts.
  • Good morning all!
    Man it sounds like everyone is having a tough week..guess I am glad it's not just me! My health problems have taken a huge toll on me this week..not only physically but mentally as well. I have a vacation coming up and part of me just wants to stay home and relax (in addition to finding out what's wrong). We are flying to Miami and then on a cruise...not the ideal vacation for someone not feeling well..but I can relax in the room and try to avoid the crowds:) Never thought I'd see the day I wouldn't want to go on a beach vacation-but I really just want to stay home and sleep/relax:)
    I did CE Burn Int this am-I think it' time for the upgrade for me-it's on the way! Will just walk and do some yoga/stretch later..perhaps CE Recharge.
    Spiral: NICE-have fun with your hubby!
    Drevansmom-Yeah it's odd to not see her on here isn't it? I know she hurt her back...so maybe that's partially it. Glad to see you are keeping active...
    Janet: Good to see you pushing through. I don't think I devote any more time than anyone else on here..I just break my workouts up as I don't have long blocks of time to just gettr done! ha!
    Lilangel: Sometimes our mess ups reset us and make us work harder! You'll be great:)
    Ghanie: That sounds great...good for you showing her your stuff! A hike does sound nice...
    Have a great day all-since we are having a tough week-let's all rememer to keep our heads up:):bigsmile:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone,
    Still pushing thru this crud- yuk!! alternating between chills and just enough of a fever to let me know it's there. I did the Taebo Boot camp last night and it kicked my ___!! I used bands from a Tony Horton TMT set I have and it was way more difficult than I imagined. Similar to TJ in many ways but not as much plain ole fun!! They count all their reps out and then trick you.. and like add 2-3 more sets!!
    My glutes are screamin!! Got in 20min and the floor part of abjam before work, not sure what's on for later but something for sure.

    I agree with Casey.. Lets all keep our heads up ; this too shall pass!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gotta run, will check in later,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies...I think the worst part of the week has finally come to a close for me...whew! I hope I don't get another week like that in a long time!!! I decided to start out my day with some Shaun T...a new HHA DVD I didn't have yet...fun, fun, fun! He makes me instantly get in a good mood!

    I'm just starting to get the cold my boys have, so I'm feeling run down, but I'm going to push through it. Not sure why, but I've been sick more in the last 9 months, than I have in the last several years. Ever since I got on a workout routine...weird! Oh well, I'll kick it in the butt and be done with it!

    My hottie UPS guy just delivered my Power90 DVD...yipee! I'm not quite ready for P90X, so thought I'd do Power90 instead. Can hardly wait to workout with Tony some more!

    Well, gotta get my work done so I can go get the boys. Then, packing for a weekend at Mom and Dad's with my SIL and nephews.

    One thing to look forward to....it'a just about Friday!!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening ladies! I am feeling MUCH better today! And not so down on myself:tongue: I had a full day at work, but it's now my weekend!!!! I am thrilled! Needless to say I completed Push3 and even went for a half hour run! I am proud and feel really pumped (especially after my rough week and relapse with oreos:laugh: ) Anyways, I plan to get up early all weekend and do my longer runs...my goal is to jog more/walk less until finally I can jog the whole thing..I've been doing pretty good increasing slowly:smile:
    I hope you all had a great Thursday as well! I can't wait to hear all your successes!
    Casey-Have fun on your cruise, I certainly hope you get better soon girlie!
    Drevansmom-Great job with the jogs everyday! It will be my goal for the weekend to get my butt out bed in the AM and go daily too!
    Spiralgirl- I hope you enjoy CE! I know I am!!!
    Janet-I hope you feel better too! I (cross my fingers) have not been sick in AWHILE and do not intend to! :laugh:
    Erika-It sounds like EVERYONE is getting sick! Oh no!!! Man girls-I hope you ALL feel better! Just remember: keep your germs to yourselves thanks--:tongue::laugh:
    Have a good night everyone! I will check in tomorrow after my AM run!!:heart:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Aww nobody else has checked in yet! Haha, that's ok I just wanted to be the first to say Happy Friday all! I just finished breakfast (cheese omelet and a piece of cinnamon ezekiel w/cream cheese-YUM:love: ) Anyway, I had a GREAT run-so happy I got up and out there this AM:wink: Oh! Thanks Casey-I used a couple different online "mapping" sites to figure out the distance I run-My longer run is just about 5 miles!!(4.97m) :laugh: I am so proud! I was expecting more around 4.
    The plan for the rest of the day is early afternoon Burn It Off and Recharge, then probably the usual errands/cleaning up that has slacked this week lol.
    I hope everyone had a good morning as well, Check in with ya later ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday! Just a quick checkin...no workout this AM, my 2 little boys woke up at 5am both coughing like crazy, so had to take care of them. Maybe tonight when we get to my Mom and Dad's house I can get my workout in...we'll see!

    Hope you all have a great Friday!
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