Turbo Jammers 09/07 - 09/13

New Week new thread.. I'll be back later after I do something constructive :laugh:


  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    and after my workout :wink:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers! Haha-It's about time we opened a new thread..I didn't even realize! Oh well-Thanks deedun:tongue:
    I had a GREAT run this AM! It felt soo good to see that my cal burn was the highest it has been-apparently I am getting more efficient:bigsmile: ..lol I hope you are all having great success in your workouts this weekend also! Keep it up ladies!
    Plan is to maybe do some TurboSculpt along with my mom (be a motivator) and Push2 later this afternoon:happy: which is perfect that I got my run in this AM-looks like its going to rain! Yuck!
    Erica-Thanks for the update on the vettech stuff-I do know about it, I actually work at a very small practice currently..so maybe eventually I might want to move to a larger area and become more specialized:tongue:
    Have a great AM everyone! I will check back to see what you're all up to later!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Haha I found you!

    Yes that's right Dara and Megan here I am! I haven't done TJ in about 3 months...and it's starting to show!!! I am trying to walk/jog about 6 miles a day but I'm realizing that I'm gonna have to get some Turbo Sculpt or Ab Jam or Booty Sculpt or something in as well. My tummy is TERRIBLE! Must fix it!

    Well since being gone I gained about 10 lbs...not too bad for an entire summer of eating what I want and no exercise but it sure is a big slide backwards. I'm hoping to loose the nasty 10 lbs by Halloween and then focus on the last 10 lbs from Halloween until summer...I know its gonna take a long time to get them off so I'm getting myself mentally prepared.

    My plan of action for the first 10 lbs is watching my calories and lots of cardio. Then for the last 10 lbs I will drop the cardio to about 3 times a week and focus on toning. This should have been what I was doing all summer but I got lazy and now I have to pay for it!

    Well it's time to go walk/jog. Gonna get my 4 miles in and then off to a Rib Cook off....maybe I should put in more that 4 miles :tongue:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hi everyone, tagging for later :happy:.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ok, two things to report for this morning. First off, my ticker moved another pound. And second, I broke below 130 for the first time in a LONG time (my driver's license says I'm 135).

    So anyway, I'm celebrating at 129.8 lbs today. I don't know if the push workouts will let me keep it but I'll take the win for now.

    In any case, Push 1 later today. :flowerforyou:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Just wanted to say- Way to go Ghanie! Great work!! I hope you enjoy Push^_^
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey jammers!
    More tomorrow..just thought I'd get on the new thread..and some old "new" faces are back..that's great! And Ghanie..great job on being below 130!
    It's been a busy weekend...wish I had been more productive..so kicked it into gear this afternoon!
    Back to reality tomorrow...
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies! I was raring to go at 5am this morning, so got out my Shaun T Rockin Body DVD and I worked it out! Wow!!! I forgot how hard that one was...almost the same calorie burn as a 45 minute run! I was glad to be done, my body was like Jello at the end!

    Now, time to get some work done before my oldest heads off to his 1st day of Kindergarten!

    Have a great one everyone!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    Congrats Ghanie!!!

    I am back to working out at nights so I will report my workout later tonight!

    Have a great day all!
  • ecrb77
    Way to go Ghanie!!!:drinker:

    Got called in to work at the last minute because someone is ill- goofed up my morning plans for a long run and then TurboSculpt- hopefully I won't get out too late so I'll be able to workout tonight. Catch up with you later!
  • leshawnturner
    May I join this group?? I have Turbo Jam and I was just thinking about picking it back up to do...my sister even agreed to do it with me...I need something to counter act the trouble I'm having staying with in my calories lately hopefully the the workouts will motivate me to keep the calories in check. I'll start today, this evening when I get home. I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how it went.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Good morning all

    I got my 4 mile walk/jog in this morning and tonight I'm going to Zumba.
    I really need to get inspired to do TJ again. I really do love the workouts and I haven't done them forever. I bought the Fan pak with PiYo, HHH and Turbo Kick...haven't touched them :cry: I keep telling myself winter is coming and I will need an indoor workout...so I guess that's what I'm waiting for, until then I will continue to enjoy the outdoors.

    I'm not pleased with the scale so far. I started exercising and eating well last week and thought I would see some positive results....instead I've gained 3 lbs :grumble: I need to be sure I'm logging everything that goes in my mouth and keep on exercising and hopefully I will see better results next week.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all,

    Checking in with TJ20... :angry: I used to be able to fly through this dvd but now its kicking my *kitten*, I have a stitch from it and I'm wrecked! I hate the way I have to build up again, I need to remember this feeling for the next time I think about skipping a workout or two!!

    Lyn, what's the fanpack?? Sounds interesting! And don't worry about the scale, it could be a number of things, just try and avoid getting on it every day and leave it for a week and see how you get on then...
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! I hope you all had a great Tuesday!
    It was CE Burn Intervals and Ab Burner for me tonight after work! Phew! But-I am just not seeing the same calorie burn as when I first started! I guess that means improvement but still! It's hard to judge my cals at the end of the day:ohwell: I just adjust as needed and I did just fine..
    Well it's already getting late and I've got another whole work day ahead:grumble: ..Tomorrow is a scheduled "rest day" but we will see what I feel like after work--I will probably still do AbJam later in the evening:tongue:
    Erica-I hate when my plans get disrupted..:explode: Haha!
    Have a great PM all! Check in tomorrow:wink:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    May I join this group??

    You don't even need to be doing Turbo Jam to join this group :laugh:.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Mornin' Ladies! I got some Jillian Michaels in this morning...once again, a workout that used to be difficult for me, was actually pretty easy! The only part I found was difficult was shoulders, so I need to work them some more!

    I'm glad today is Wednesday, what a crazy day yesterday with my oldest starting K-garten and work was just insane. I'm glad it's over and today is a new day!

    Have a great one everyone!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Morning jammers!
    Well I am with Erika...it's been crazy. Today is a LONG day for me...I work my full time job and then coach tonight..then need to go home to do my Lean 2. Then basically go to bed! I did some treadmill running speedwork this am..and will do a walk/CE Extreme Abs over lunch. I guess I'll have some good calorie burn today!
    Lets see..what else is new..um Polar still has my heart rate monitor..I wasn't too happy that it took them like 3 days after it was recieved to even enter it into the system to get the new battery. Note to self..next time just take my chances and take it to a jewelry store to change it!
    Still training for my half marathon..went over 12 miles this past weekend and it felt awesome! I see rain in the forecast for this weekend..which means I'll probably just be wet...I will NOT run 12.5 miles on a treamilll!
    I am so glad to see some newbies and returners..we take all types here! You can never have too many good fitness and motivation buddies!:bigsmile:
    Lilangel: I don't get the same burn from Burn Intervals either. I think I am going to purchase the upgrade DVD's to it soon to get more of a challenge!
    Keep it real all...:glasses:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!! Welcome leshawnturner!

    Last night I did CP Remix, HHA Last Minute Abs, Burn 3 and 20 minutes of stretching.

    Tonight the plan is more turbo (not sure which one), Burn It Off, Recharge & some ab work and additional stretching.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Just got in from my 4 miles....I was actually able to jog 3 outta 4 today. My body is slowly remembering the routine :happy:
    I went to Zumba last night....good calorie burn but I don't feel it's as good a workout as Turbo Jam. Still it's fun, and it's new and that's what I need right now. I've never done a group workout kinda thing so that's a step outside my comfort zone....yea me :laugh:

    Dara-Fan Pak is just like Chalene's gym workouts....rather than made for dvd kinda thing...if that makes sense. I have PiYo, Hip Hop Hustle, and Turbo Kick.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Well, I didn't get in a workout today and I probably won't. I ended up with an extra 5-hour shift and even though it's my night off, I have the usual 12-hour shift in addition to the 3 hour shift I start in another half hour. So yeah, I'll be going for close to 20 hours strait before I'm home long enough to workout :grumble:.

    Anyway, I gotta grab some lunch before I head back out. :explode: