Turbo Jammers-October



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I hope you feel better for this weekends race. Sounds like the weather is supposed to cooperate, at least it won't be rainy/snowy up here!

    I usually try to take one morning a week to "sleep in", usually on a cardio day, as I know I can get my workout in when I get home. Plus, I've been doing strength in the mornings on M-W-F and then cardio at night those 3 nights, so I'm usually feeling it in the AM! I did Mel B's DVD, just the cardio part, and I'm walking like I got beat up! I thought it might be from P90X legs, but I did a lot of inner thigh work with Mel B and that's where I ache. She reminds me of Chalene, in that you don't get breaks with her...not even a couple seconds...it's from one move to the other, non stop! I forgot how much I love it! Hopefully tonight I'll be loosened up a bit to do some cardio!

    Looks like it's just us two the last few posts...I hope everyone is having an ok week out there!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey I'm still here, just finally getting my online business back in order. I even got a laptop so I can work while my evening patient is sleeping.

    Here's to another 4 miles!
  • Hey guys,
    Still under the weather :sick: . I actually skipped my shorter strength session last night..my body just hurts. I did a power walk this am instead of running-I need to rest my body and get better before my half marathon on Sunday!
    I am REALLY sore...but I think most of that is due to being sick. I am glad I got up this am and walked as that seemed to help with congestion and loosen my body up. However, I will be excited to get back into my warm bed later!!
    Hope you have a great weekend all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    It's FINALLY Friday!!! Yeah! I rocked out a run/walk and a little HHA last night...great workout! Had a baby shower and work yesterday, and although the food wasn't all that bad, I looked it up after I ate it and WOW a sub that I thought was not so high in cals, was horrible, so I had to get a workout in last night to negate that!

    This morning was Power90 Sculpt 5-6 and TJ Fat Blaster. I am going on a date with my hubby and a few friends of ours and can't find nutrition info on the restaurant we're going to, so thought I'd work out a little longer this morning to make up for it. Hopefully I get some healthy choices!

    Casey, I sure hope you feel better quickly! I was thinking in my head that race day is tomorrow, so I'm glad you have until Sunday! Walking is definately good to get your body moving, but not putting too much stress on it...lots of rest!

    I'll check in tomorrow again!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there Jammers! I hope you're all having a great Friday:smile: I started my AM off with a pretty chilly/snowy (few flakes floating down already!) run-I am soo proud of myself because I really debated going. I sucked it up, bundled a little and hit the road! I didn't even think I'd make it halfway-but I surprised myself and actually had a great run-went the whole 6 miles I've been doing lately! Woohoo! I felt great when I got back in, cooled down with some stretching and relaxed with some oatmeal in front of the wood stove:bigsmile: lol..
    I just completed CE Burn It Off and a Recharge session which felt awesome:tongue: I burned almost 800 calories today-but I have decided to just keep my calories within limits-I just cannot eat that much without feeling stuffed and theres no point-So if I'm feeling a little hungrier..I will eat, if not then just stack some extra cals for when I do want them:smile: I think that's my newest strategy. Haven't gained/lost any weight so I think I'm doing fine messing around with this still! haha..I've been trying the different strategies from all of you and other MFP'ers, so thanks for helping with my weird transition..:ohwell:
    Casey-Hope you feel better soon girl, and good luck this weekend!!!!
    Erika-Great job with the workouts, let's keep it up!:drinker:
    I'm off to snack! :laugh: Have a great afternoon everyone!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Sunday Ladies! What a great weekend...weather here in MN is perfect!!!!

    I received my new TurboKick and Hip Hop Hustle DVD's on Friday, so did one of each this weekend...wow, those are fun!!! Good calorie burn too!

    Well, off to shower and get ready to watch the Vikes!

    Have a good one!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon girls! So yesterday I got up and did TJ CardioPartyMix1 because of rain-did great, thought the rest of the AM I would relax a bit-well I ended up thinking "I'm kinda tired and just wanted to take an easier day. I did a workout, so what the heck-give your body a break"..OK I was doing well just surfing the net, cleaning the house, etc, I even made a whole wheat crust for my dinner of shrimp pesto pizza. That's when I found this stupid recipe for healthy mini cinnamon rolls-I decided to spend the time and make those lil buggers--and proceed to eat ALOT of them:sad: I am trying not to beat myself up about it anymore, just thought getting it off my chest would help-it does, so thanks for listening. I just can't figure out why I do that-needless to say I feel I didn't exercise enough, ate WAY too much yesterday and felt crappy in the end.:ohwell:
    Today though, I kicked it outta the park! Ran my 6 miles early, did CE Lean1 and Extreme Abs:bigsmile: I even made it to church this AM:smile: My late afternoon consists of helping my mom with some things at her work and then we're getting some groceries-one of my favorite activities now..hah! I am feeling much much better today...I think my body may have needed a little break..just wish I hadn't eaten because of boredom:sick:
    I hope you all had a better Saturday than I did, and a Sunday to push on again towards your goals! Thanks and have a good one all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good afternoon girls! So yesterday I got up and did TJ CardioPartyMix1 because of rain-did great, thought the rest of the AM I would relax a bit-well I ended up thinking "I'm kinda tired and just wanted to take an easier day. I did a workout, so what the heck-give your body a break"..OK I was doing well just surfing the net, cleaning the house, etc, I even made a whole wheat crust for my dinner of shrimp pesto pizza. That's when I found this stupid recipe for healthy mini cinnamon rolls-I decided to spend the time and make those lil buggers--and proceed to eat ALOT of them:sad: I am trying not to beat myself up about it anymore, just thought getting it off my chest would help-it does, so thanks for listening. I just can't figure out why I do that-needless to say I feel I didn't exercise enough, ate WAY too much yesterday and felt crappy in the end.:ohwell:
    Today though, I kicked it outta the park! Ran my 6 miles early, did CE Lean1 and Extreme Abs:bigsmile: I even made it to church this AM:smile: My late afternoon consists of helping my mom with some things at her work and then we're getting some groceries-one of my favorite activities now..hah! I am feeling much much better today...I think my body may have needed a little break..just wish I hadn't eaten because of boredom:sick:
    I hope you all had a better Saturday than I did, and a Sunday to push on again towards your goals! Thanks and have a good one all!

    Don't feel bad, I was right there with you, but mine was Apple Crisp. I ate so much I got a tummy ache. I used to have a major sweet tooth, and now not so much. But, I guess it came out with the Apple Crisp. I ate too much today too, but still w/in my cals, so I think I'll just do a short extra workout tonight to offset yesterday a bit!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    I found you!! I thought you all disappeared or something, lol!! It's been a great weekend here in Spring - 70's and blue skies which is so awesome after the many days of rain. Did 4 miles outside yesterday and today and have been within my cals so I'm real happy about that!!

    Hope everyone is doing well,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    We're supposed to get our last nice day here in MN, so I hope to get out and enjoy it for a walk at lunchtime! This morning was CE Burn 1. I upped the weights in every category...wow, is it getting tough...I'm up to 20 pounds for everything but the posterior flies! I got a new HRM over the weekend, and I'm finding my calorie burn was higher than it was with my old HRM. I'm going to assume the new one is right, given that I spent a heck of a lot more $$ on it than the other one! But, I'm looking at about 50 more calories burned per workout.! I guess that's what happens when your HRM actually reads your HR and not jumping from 0 to 220 all the time!

    Well, I better get my workday started! Have a great Monday!
  • Morning jammers,
    Wasn't sure what to expect this am. Nursed a head cold all weekend-I slept a lot this weekend! Didn't work out at all on Sat-which is fine as I had my half marathon yesterday! For being sick, dealing with hamstring issues, and having it bitterly cold-I was pretty happy with my time! I thought I'd be dead the rest of the day..but I was intent on cleaning the house apparently!
    This am I just got up and did a light walk on the treadmill and stretched. Might do some more of that today and then ab jam..otherwise letting my body rest!
    Hope you all had a GREAT weekend!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Peeps!

    Well, it was CE Lean Intervals and I've got Abs this AM...that was fun! I was missing Chalene last week, so glad to have her back!

    I've got a question for you all. I used to have a Reebok HRM that I paid $30 for. It was obviously designed for a man as the chest strap was way too big, the watch the same. I got a new one because as I lost a few pounds, eventually I couldn't keep the band from sliding, so it wasn't reading my HR half the time. Now, I have a Timex designed for women. I paid close to $100 for it. But, what I've found is my calorie burn is much higher. I feel like it should be that high, but with my old HRM, it was about 1/3 less in calorie burn (I repeated some workouts). So, I'm wondering if a HRM can be wrong? I've checked my HR and it's dead on with what I normally see with those workouts, so that's right, just wondering if the calorie calc could be off, or is this what I've always burned? Part of me says it's what I've always burned, and it would explain why I was always tired...I was burning more calories than I thought and thus probably leaving 500+ calories at the end of the day--which my body probably needed. I hadn't lost any weight at all in the last 3 months, and then when I got my new HRM, I dropped a pound that first week. Whatcha all think?
  • Good morning all,
    Slowly but surely getting rid of soreness and head cold. There is a LOT going around (flu!) so trying to keep my immunity up! Other than walking..didn't do anything else yesterday to rest. This am I did a walk on the treadmill again and the legs went a little faster today-ha! Think I'll do some yoga at lunch and maybe a 20 min TJ after work and maybe a walk.
    I am in a "transition" week of sorts...looking at my fitness program (including my dvds:) and also eating.
    Erika: I think your new one is accurate. Especially if you check online in a few places to compare. If you weren't getting enough cals..that can also stall the weight loss process as when your body is in starvation mode it holds onto things-much like your body holds onto water when dehydrated. I'll send you a note back today on Shakeology and I also did some P90X research for you!
    Have a GREAT and HEALTHY day all!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there Jammers! I hope you all had a lovely Tuesday:tongue:
    I worked all day today-kinda a slow day (actually, quick question: I have my setting on "lightly active" but what about a slow day at work where I'm not always on my feet?-should I just not worry about it? I've been messing with my calories anyways right now, I think simpler meals/snacks is the way to go and I find myself not stressing over it so much. But we shall see!)
    Anyway, it was Burn Intervals and Extreme Abs tonight-love it! I am DEFINITELY seeing my abs pop right before my eyes over the last 2 weeks-(thank you Lean circuit!:laugh: ) That is EXACTLY the spot I need the most work, so I'm thrilled! I'm still running as well, so that helps too.
    Tomorrow is my rest day but usually me and a co-worker have such a boring day (coz no Dr.) and do some TJ anyway:laugh: So I never end up resting coz I get so bored! Oh well...
    It's great to hear from you guys-Idk where the rest of you are! So keep up the good work Casey and Erika-Hope everyone else is as well! G-Night!
  • Hey all,
    Well I am trying something new as I am in a transition period with my "lifestyle"....I use way too many websites and find myself getting into them all the time. So I am going to try to use www.sparkspeople.com from now on to log my food and exercise to see how I like it and use just that site instead of this one AND that one!
    Keep in touch though..I am on facebook (Casey Fett) and am on Spark/Team Beach Body as ccfett. Or you can just email me at ccfett@hotmail.com. I also got asked to lead the group "turbo jammers" on Spark so you should all join! That site is free too:wink:
    Keep it real jammers!
    Casey:bigsmile: :glasses:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm still here...anyone else?

    Did HHA tonight...just couldn't resist, plus I had TONS of energy for some reason!

    CE in the morning...yay!!

    Have a good night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm still here...anyone else?

    Did HHA tonight...just couldn't resist, plus I had TONS of energy for some reason!

    CE in the morning...yay!!

    Have a good night!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Erika I'm still here too! haha! I think we might be the only ones left!:cry: Well GREAT job with the workouts girl-guess we gotta keep motivating each other for the time being! I got in TJ Fatblaster and Abjam today myself-woohoo!
    Tomorrow is Lean3 for me! Have a good night:tongue:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey ladies! I LOVE turbo jam! Mind if I join ya? I've been doing Turbo Jam for about 6 years, and have fallen in love! I love Chalean and her enthusiasm and how fun the work outs are. I love to shake my big ol' booty! I am certified to teach Turbo Kick, but never have the time to...so I use my routines as my workouts at night! Its fun...hopefully someday. (First I have to get back into shape! And second I'd have to quit my day-job..haha..not happening right now!)

    I just ordered CE, and should get it in the mail today! I am really excited...because I was getting sick of Turbo Sculpt. I had to start taking Cardio Pump classes to get a variety.

    So, with CE.....does Chalean do more lighter weights and more reps...and then just increase it over time? What are the workouts like compared to Turbo Sculpt? do you have any recommendations? advice? problems you've seen? areas it really toned you? areas you wish it toned better? cardio involved? Also...do you have to use resistence bands or can you just use free weights? Thanks!!

    Fitzfour-- I'm from MN too! Although currently in ID while my husband finishes school... I miss it there!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey ladies! I LOVE turbo jam! Mind if I join ya? I've been doing Turbo Jam for about 6 years, and have fallen in love! I love Chalean and her enthusiasm and how fun the work outs are. I love to shake my big ol' booty! I am certified to teach Turbo Kick, but never have the time to...so I use my routines as my workouts at night! Its fun...hopefully someday. (First I have to get back into shape! And second I'd have to quit my day-job..haha..not happening right now!)

    I just ordered CE, and should get it in the mail today! I am really excited...because I was getting sick of Turbo Sculpt. I had to start taking Cardio Pump classes to get a variety.

    So, with CE.....does Chalean do more lighter weights and more reps...and then just increase it over time? What are the workouts like compared to Turbo Sculpt? do you have any recommendations? advice? problems you've seen? areas it really toned you? areas you wish it toned better? cardio involved? Also...do you have to use resistence bands or can you just use free weights? Thanks!!

    Fitzfour-- I'm from MN too! Although currently in ID while my husband finishes school... I miss it there!

    Sure, you can join us!! We had a pretty good group going, but we're not sure where they all are!

    CE is in 3 phases. Burn is higher reps (10-12) with moderate weights, and Push is heavy weights with 6-8 reps. Lean is kinda in the middle. I LOVE it! I'm on round 2 (I'm doing one week on one week off with other strength training, just to mix it up). I noticed toning everywhere, and honestly I think it's a very thorough program. You can do her cardio that comes with it, or do your own (TJ for example). I love how she incorporates upper and lower body together (ie bicep curl with a squat) in the Burn and Lean phases...it's a good calorie burner!

    LilAngel is doing CE too, so feel free to ask us questions if you have any!! Welcome!

    Today was CE Fat Burn Challenge and Core Cardio Circuit...whew! I might have to do some TurboKick tonight...I'm addicted. I just got Fan Volume 1, 2, and 3 last week!
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