Turbo Jammers 9/21-9/27

lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
New thread woohoo! I hope I did it right:embarassed: lol


  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    So good morning everyone! I have the Am off and so I've kept my goal to get out of bed and go run every morning this weekend! And I did it! Officially just got back:bigsmile: It is a GORGEOUS morning here in NY, not cold as it has been..not too sunny but calm and quiet. Perfect.
    I am going to do Push2 before I leave to work the afternoon. I am really looking forward to being able to come home after 6, make a good dinner, and relax instead of rushing to get exercises in too:smile:
    Erika-It sounds like you had a pretty rotten weekend! How scary! I hope your son (and you!) are feeling much better though, and I would say it's understandable for the situation to not get all your workouts in this weekend-but great job squeezing in what you did!
    Erica-I'm so sorry for your loss:frown: I will keep all your family in my thoughts. I know how hard it can be to not let people get to you about your eating-my family likes HUGE portions of the worst things, and TONS of desserts. I am dreading Christmas Day dinners.....:grumble: I hope your family becomes more supportive though, it's not fun being made to feel guilty about the way you eat- just think of it this way, YOU feel good, YOU look good and YOU'RE happy right?. That's what matters. Unfortunately it was in conjunction with a tough time, so maybe people just needed an out for suppressed emotions-but still.
    Have a happy Monday girls! I'm sure I will be checking back before I go to work:tongue:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, I have Push 1 today and whatever my afternoon patient wants for physical therapy, hehe.

    Is anyone fasting next Monday? I haven't done it in a few years because I was nursing but I'm thinking of starting again this year. Yom Kippur is among my favorite holidays and I wish work would let me attend all the services. But I'll be able to attend part of the afternoon service which I'm really looking forward to. I never attended Chabad during the high holidays so it will be a new experience for me. Hubby says he'll stay in the rec room with the boys because he wouldn't know what to do by himself on the men's side :laugh:. I'm sure it will be really different from the conservative synagogue we normally attend (couldn't afford tickets this year).

    Anyway, I'm going old school: no food or water for the 25 hours.

    EDIT: Just found out that I get Monday night off, yay! So I can attend the entire afternoon service :bigsmile:.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Everybody ,
    Happy Monday! I was down most of the weekend and rested - which my body definetly needed! My food was way off too! Hardly ate anything on Saturday except coffee (big mistake) and then ate way too much yesterday - No w/o either so I am feeling it , primarily in my attitude. I have just gotten really used to exercising, even when the food isn't quite right. Plan on getting a lite one in tonight: 20min and Abjam for me and a nice healthy salad. I'll be well within my cals with that.

    Hope all had good weekend - I didn't log in once so I hope all are okay.
    Glad you get to celebrate Ghanie! Enjoy!!
    Lilangel - Cute new pix! Enjoy the nice weather!!

    Check in Later
  • Hi Everyone-
    Sounds like everyone had a good day. I did 20 min TJ this morning and the I'm going to do Ab Jam tonight. Work was crazy but it was nice to have TJ done before hand. I do like working out before I go. My husband started a new job today. We're hoping after we get some of our bills paid off we can by an elliptical- hope it happens soon!

    Ghanie- I'll be right with you on Monday for Yom Kippur. It's a really great way to cleanse the body and soul- didn't start appreciating it until I was older. I did chabad in college- I am conservative as well. We snuck in to Rosh Hashanah services because we can't afford tickets either. Hope the new year is wonderful to you and your family filled with only the sweetness of apples and honey!

    See you in the AM!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning (and what a good morning it is!) FINALLY, I think we are all back to feeling normal around here. I was nervous to push myself too hard this morning, but thought, I gotta do it sometime! I did PK&J and upped my calorie burn from last time I did it, so I was very happy! I feel raring to go...got lots of sleep last night and starting my day with some TJ just makes it all feel so much better!
  • Hey guys,
    More later today or this week-trying to get a bunch done at work before vaca! I haven't gotten to workout since Sat am due to my testing..hopefully later today can do something light...
  • Hey all!
    Well I was able to get in some light strength yesterday (turbo sculpt and ab jam) for a mix up and break for my body..and then also did a walk when I got home too. It felt good..but didn't push it even though I felt pretty good.
    This am I did a good 5 mile run-pushed it as I felt great but still only 370 cals. I am excited as the new ChaLEAN upgrade is on it's way!!! I am going to mix in her strength and cardio with other things and completely change up my schedule! I like CE...but will do that with other things mixed in on and off weeks.
    Might do a light walk on the treadmill tonight after done with both jobs and stretch so I can watch more of biggest loser!
    Erika: Hope you are feeling better-I am so getting the flu shot this year-I am not doing that again this winter!
    Erica: Hope things are back to "normal" for you and your shoulder is getting all healed!
    Ghanie: Congrats to your husband and family!!!! No fasting for me-I think I've had enough food and drink deprivation this week! I was about as cleansed as it gets!
    Janet: Hope you get back on track-you are what you eat-ha! I discovered that on Sun-Mon..I felt like such a pile:)
    I will be leaving on vaca on Friday afternoon-so if you don't hear from me for about a week don't think I died-just relaxing and resetting:)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Just checking in to see how everyone's doing before I start my day! Weather was in the 60's when I got up this am (slept late!) so no am w/o for me but I plan on CP2 + Abjam when I get home. I did one of the FIRMs w/o's last night, cardio + weights, and that was really good my heart rate was up almost as much as from the TJ - I feel it this am!! Nice to feel like my old self again, the crud is mostly gone, Hurray!!!!
    I hope all are feeling good this am and looking forward to making it a great day!

    Casey - you're in my prayers:heart::flowerforyou:
    Lilangel - keep rockin it, girl!
    Fitz- glad to see you're feeling better!!!!
    Erica- WTG on getting your am w/o's in - I really need to quit hitting the snooze button:laugh:
    Ghanie - nice to hear you're committed to honoring your spiritual side as well as your physical. That's really important to me as well. I don't know where I'd be with out it!

    Have a great day everybody,
  • Hi Everyone-

    The plague is going around work, so we are very understaffed and I keep staying until the wee hours of the night trying to get everything in order for the next day- not ideal but manageable at this point. Just trying to stay positive.

    This morning I hit a milestone- I was able to run for 30 minutes straight without stopping:happy: I'm thrilled! I fast walked 20 minutes as well.

    Erika- glad you're feeling better!
    Casey- hope the dr. has some good news for you and glad you're going to be able to go on vacation and relax. Thanks for the website- I'm running faster than I thought I was!

    Check in later- going to try to do Ab Jam tonight if I'm not too tired.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good morning all you beautiful ladies! I am so glad to be back at 100%...whew, that crud knocked me down for several days. I'm with you Casey, I'm getting a flu shot! Not sure if it will help or not (I got the flu last year, even though I had a flu shot), but I'll take my chances!

    Did a workout I haven't done for a long time this morning, Jari Love's Slim & Lean...all I gotta say is OUCH! I was struggling to get through this one, and my HR was sky high. I have a feeling I won't be able to move tomorrow. She does LOTS of reps, and I tried to do heavy weights...just couldn't get up there. I really missed that workout...it's been a long time since I've struggled like that with a strength workout! All of my muscles are still shaking 2 hours later!

    Well, looks like a gloomy day here in MN. Good day to be at work!

    Have a great one!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! So I had to work all day, but since it's technically my "rest day" that's just fine. The weather was warm but gloomy here too-looked like rain but nothing ever happened:tongue: Anyway, after work I had plans to walk with a friend I'm helping out at a local track-we walked about 1 1/2 miles at a slow pace-a good start for her! Woohoo! I just finished dinner, planning to do AbJam in a little bit. Then it's a shower and bed-the usual..lol! Such a looong day..I should sleep good:wink:
    Tomorrow is Push3 and a short run after work.
    It sounds like everyone is getting over their colds and things just fine! YAY- Now back to work!-Kidding, you girls are great! :laugh:
    Casey-Thanks so much girl for all your help, I am still trying to get the hang of things..and thanks for the tips to help my friend also. You're such an inspiration:smile: Oh- and hope you have a blast on your vaca!
    Great job ladies! Let's keep it up!:drinker:
  • Morning jammers,
    Well another long day down and another one today. Stress level here at work is high-wish I could leave and not have a big pile of things to do-but at least I have a job.
    I had gained a few pounds a few months ago-attributed part of it to all my stomach issues but I wonder too if it wasn't the effects of CE. I am basically back to where I was now..I have dropped 2 pounds just since I was done with CE. Could be all that flushing from my testing too-ha!
    I rocked out one of the new CE upgrade workouts this am...got some good cal burn! Excited to get ther rest of the upgrade tonight-I will be stalking the UPS truck while packing:) I am also going to try the upgrade core dvd after work-it looks tough!
    Still waiting on test results...which I think is making the stress at work worse. Praying for some answers and good ones before I leave!
    Lilangel: Glad to help out anytime-good to see you really enjoying your lifestyle!
    Fitz: Amen on flu shot..ironically got the order from on my desk yesterday! I have enough problems with my health lately-I am not doing that flu thing again this winter!
    Erica: Thanks for the kind words and you are in my thoughts too!
    Janet: Always good to see you pushing play and for the prayers:)
    I am off...fly out tomorrow afternoon but will try to check in tomorrow am!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning everyone! Man, am I struggling with getting my butt out of bed in the AM!!! I finally managed to get out ( I wasn't tired, just really comfy under the covers all snuggled up!) and did Power 90 Sweat 1-2. That was the perfect amount for me this AM, as I was done after that. I wonder if I'm still not 100% recovered from that crappy virus I had? But, I am hoping I can kick it up a notch this weekend!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    I had gained a few pounds a few months ago-attributed part of it to all my stomach issues but I wonder too if it wasn't the effects of CE. I am basically back to where I was now..I have dropped 2 pounds just since I was done with CE. Could be all that flushing from my testing too-ha!

    I had the same thing happen...I gained I think 3 pounds from the my pre-CE weight to the last day. Since being off of CE, I've lost those 3 pounds. Weird. Can't quite figure it out...
  • Hello all!

    The past 3 days of work have been really really bad- and I've gotten home 3 hours last the past three days:explode: Hard to have a life outside of work when you don't get to leave. I'm going to take a lot of issues to the higher ups and hope it makes some positive changes for us all, because I can tell I'm going to burn out soon- which is a shame for I've only been there 2 months!

    I didn't get my rear in gear this morning to work out- hopefully I will after work tonight and do Turbosculpt.
    Erika- those covers are the best- I try to focus on how I feel after I work out and sometimes that'll motivate me to pull myself from bed!
    Angel- way to help a friend! Hope you enjoyed the walk!
    Casey- enjoy your vacation!

    Check back with you all later!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Checking in w/ FIRM CP last night and ABjam and got in 20min before work this am. Tracking w/ food pretty good - was over by 95 cals for yesterday so it's getting better! I'm feeling PK & J for this evening. I haven't done that one in a minute so it should be pretty hard. Funny how that happens - your muscles get used to doing certain w/os then you switch to something new. When I go back to the old one it always seems harder than I remember.... makes the w/o more intense!
    Erika - hang in there and take care of self! job can burn us out if we let them!
    Angel - keep that positive attitude , I'm sure it has a wonderful affect on those you're helping
    Casey - have a fantastic vacation, enjoy yourself!!
    Fitz- great job getting that am w/o in!! keep it up!!

    Will check back later!

    Have a super day everybody!,
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm focusing this week on teshuvah related tasks. It's time my spiritual fitness caught up a bit with my physical fitness, hehe. In the mean time I'm staying within my calories and eating well enough.

    Take care!
  • Started turbo jam on Monday the learn and burn and 20min workout. Also doing daily walks in the neighborhood for 40 minutes and in the evening for 15 mins. I lost 3 lbs this week. I hope to stay motivated to lose another 30 lbs. It is sometimes difficult to get going again when some event interfers with my day. I lose weight at a pace of .5 lb a week. Hoping the daily diary helps.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers! It was a long day at work again today-BUT thus starts my weekend! WOOHOO! I am planning another weekend of AM runs-It really was motivating to push myself, get my butt outta bed and DO IT every day!- (I hear ya'll about the covers)...:grumble: haha! It's kinda my mini goal for the weekends, and it feels good:smile:
    It sounds like everyone has had some great workouts lately! I think soon enough I might have to invest in some new TJ's or different workouts to change things up. I hear alot of you talking about PKJ and such, so maybe one of those. Anybody tried Total body blast?
    Ghanie- It is great you're taking some time to tap into your spiritual side as well this week-relax and enjoy:flowerforyou:
    Erica-Work stress is just plain evil isn't it? My peev is feeling rushed to get home, work out and cram dinner in so I can get to bed at a decent hour...:explode:
    Janet-Good job getting the workout in before work! I love my Monday half-days where I can still run in the AM -sets my mood all day..sooo nice:happy: I am pretty sad my schedule changes for October..grr
    Smiley-Welcome! I hope you enjoy TJ as much as we do! Walking is always a good add-in and stress reliever- which everyone ALWAYS needs:laugh: Have fun!
    I hope you all have a great Thursday PM-I'll check in tomorrow after my AM run! Peace out girlscouts!:laugh:
  • Hi Everyone-
    Today the stress level really got to me at work. I'm really proud of myself because during my lunch break (at 4:00) I did not give in to temptation to eat either the pumpkin cheesecake or godiva cheesecake at barnes and noble. That is my little victory for the day.:laugh: I got TJ 20 min and Absculpt in- it's quite late but I didn't want "work to win" and me miss another workout. I emailed the higher ups when I got home so hopefully things will go better at work. Otherwise I'm going to start job hunting because they don't pay me enough to get my hair redyed enough from this stress! :explode:

    My goal is to go for a run tomorrow morning. Hopefully I'll be able to do my 30 minutes again! On days you sculpt and cardio- which is better to do first?

    Smiley- WELCOME! This message board has helped through so much- I hope it helps you as well!:flowerforyou:
    Angel- enjoy your weekend! mini goals are a great idea!:wink:
    Ghanie- enjoy your Teshuvah and hope you're able to find your happy place in mind, body and soul.:flowerforyou:
    Janet- thanks for reminding me to switch up my workouts- I think I'm going to dust off my biggest loser cardio max this weekend and workout my tushie! :bigsmile:
    Casey enjoy your vaca!

    See you in the AM,
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