Turbo Jammers 9/21-9/27



  • ecrb77
    Hi Everyone,
    Can't talk a lot now- will check in again tonight. REALLY BAD day at work yesterday- but this morning woke up and ran for 35 minutes, fast walked for 15 and did 10 minutes of yoga to cool down. Off to work now, how I get out at a decent hour and things become more stable. I feel the instability has affected my weight loss- I've actually gained weight again this past week. I guess I just need to try harder to not let work get in the way of my workouts.

    Miss you all and hope you have a terrific day
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Can't talk a lot now- will check in again tonight. REALLY BAD day at work yesterday- but this morning woke up and ran for 35 minutes, fast walked for 15 and did 10 minutes of yoga to cool down. Off to work now, how I get out at a decent hour and things become more stable. I feel the instability has affected my weight loss- I've actually gained weight again this past week. I guess I just need to try harder to not let work get in the way of my workouts.

    Miss you all and hope you have a terrific day

    Hang in there Erica! Sounds like work is becoming very challenging for you lately! I don't have the challenges, but have been working odd ball hours from day to day. It really messes with your body and I find it harder to want to workout, versus relaxing or sleeping! We're all here for you...keep up the good work!!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Well, I just hit another goal today. At 26% body fat, I just hit the high end of "ideal" for my age. :heart:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hello Ladies-

    Lilangel-which magazine is that recipe in? I looked thru all mine and didn't find it, but I don't have the new one that was suppose to come out yesterday (stupid Walmart!)

    Erika-I like to switch it up too. thats actually a great way to stay motivated, you don't want to get bored.

    Erica-stay positive. Stress can cause weight gain. Changes always cause weight gain for me...just roll with it until you can figure out a new schedule and then work it :wink: I hope today is a better day for you.

    Ghanie-CONGRATS!!! Thats amazing. I don't know what my body fat is....and I'm not sure I wanna know :grumble:

    I just finished CP3 and Lower body jam. Ohhhh I'm gonna feel it tomorrow!!! It was way too cold to go jog today. I probably could have gone out but it was definitely too cold for the baby.

    I need to do some last minute birthday shopping for my son today (his birthday is Sunday but he's out of school Thursday and Friday). I can't believe he's going to be 7 :cry:

    Hope you all have a great day
  • smiley61
    Hey, today is my Birthday! Did the Cardio Party this morning it really kicked my butt but was a lot of fun. Going out the Chicago style pizza and some wine tonight with my family. I burned over 532 cal doing the workout so I should be able to enjoy at least one piece. My calorie count says I have 1041 calories to eat today after breakfast lunch and dinner. I don't agree to eat all these calories. If I am not hungry why should I feed my fat cells. It will just store these calories as fat especially if you consume them all at once and your body does not require them. Has anyone read the book how to Outsmart your Female Fat Cells. It tells you to watch your hunger signals. I am going to use my hunger as my guide. If I can burn over 500 cal per day that would mean the weight loss would be greater. I don't see anything wrong with that. On average I loose 1/2 lb a week not counting my calories and working out. It gets harder to lose weight when your in perimenopause. When memopause hits look out your fat cells produce estrogen and you continue to put on weight. So I have to keep moving and lose weight for my health sake. Heart disease and stroke run in my family.
  • smiley61
    I see you lost 9 lbs great for you. You give me encouragement. I am just beginning but we are about the same weight. I am 164 and would love to be 145. Lots to lose. I've been really focused on the TJ workouts they are a lot of fun. Burning a lot of calories. Keep up the good work.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening ladies!
    It was my "rest" day today but I did meet up with my friend for a walk this evening:smile: I'm proud of her!
    Erika-Great job!-always gotta keep the body guessing!
    Erica-Try not to let work get in the way, but it's not always possible so just trying your best is all you can do:wink:
    Ghanie-AMAZING girl!!! Great job I'm so happy for you:happy:
    Lyn-Yea it's in the newest CE. YUMMY!
    Smiley-First off, happy birthday!! Hope you enjoy your dinner tonight! Second, make sure to eat enough of your exercise cals though, this is my problem right now. I don't think I AM eating enough of them, but I am still trying to figure out where I should be because I am "maintaining" my weight now.
    Have a good night everyone! It's Push3 for me tomorrow, next week starts Lean already! Holy cow!!! Time is just flying! Also will probably add either a short run or TJ after that:wink: Night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!! I was feeling a little more motivated this morning so I did a 30 minute run on the treadmill and then 20 minute walk at a 12% incline. I checked my calorie burn, and I burned almost as much during my 20 minute incline walk as 20 minutes of running! YEAH! I like running, but some mornings I just want to walk. To know that it's burning almost as many calories as running makes me happy!:happy: Now I have no excuse to not get on the treadmill tonight while I watch my Thursday night shows!

    Well, off to hit the shower and get ready for work. I hope you all have a fantastic day!
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone-
    Wasn't able to get in my morning workout today:mad: hopefully I won't get out of work too late to do it when I get home tonight. Not ready to talk about work- but I'm sure between my inconsistent schedule and my stress level that probably why I can't lose weight.

    Congrats Ghanie!:drinker:

    Thank you for all your support through this tough time. I feel like I'm just a fragile shell right now about to crack.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    So I'm burning 400-500 calories during my walks and I really don't want to eat more than that right now, especially considering I'm going to start bumping into maintenance. So I might roatate through the CE Lean workouts once per week or something like that.

    As for maintenance, the plan is to zigzag between 1320 and 1520 net calories during the week with one cheat day. That's where I'm starting anyhow. I'm sure I'll tweak it in the future.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Trying to get motivation to workout today...my legs are SOOOO sore from my incline walk on my treadmill--I can hardly move. So, I'm going to have to get myself motivated to want to workout today.

    Rainy, yucky day here today. Looking forward to being lazy tonight with my boys!

    Have an awesome Friday!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey all!
    I'm baaaack! And damn it's cold! Still out of sorts from all the craziness the last week. Ready to get back in a regular routine again-will restart my own little version of CE on Monday!:) Also getting ready for half marathon in 2 weeks...and def glad to be home with my own food!!!
    More later..just wanted to pop in and say hi:)
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I had a great run this AM! I was so excited I think because I haven't been able to run for a week! The weather has just been horrible stormy, rainy. It was a bit chilly but I'm hoping tomorrow is just as nice! You certainly can tell winter is coming....:grumble:
    My brother and sis-in-law are coming to visit today, so I kinda was bumming at first thinking I can't get another workout in-BUT I pushed myself a bit extra this AM and burned about 520 cals on my run. I need to learn that it is OKAY to just do that and enjoy the company and relax. Still was a GREAT workout, I just feel I am skimping:ohwell: Any thoughts?
    Overall the week has been good-I decided to change my settings to "maintain" after debating for days what the heck to do..but I think my body was starting to wear down and it needs this boost. Therefore my net cals are 1700 and I am eating about 1/2 my exercise cals for now. We will see..I am going to monitor and see if I gain/lose and re-evaluate in a week or so..I really just want to tone up my abs the most, and eating cleanly I think is the best way:huh:
    Anyway..Casey-I hope you had a great time on vaca! I haven't had one in such a loooong time, but I do remember how nice it feels to be home again and get back into the swing of things! Sounds like the weather is changing there too-What do you suggest for those chilly AM runs?
    Erika-I remember being sooo sore after the first time I inclined on the treadmill too:laugh: Keep at it girl!
    Erica-Sorry work has been so hectic for you lately, Try to keep pushing on through as best you can!
    Ghanie-Awesome burn with the walks! Way to earn those exercise cals!:happy: YUM!
    Have a great afternoon all, I'll prolly check back in tonight after all the activities are over-I think we are planning going out to dinner (outback, red lobster, or olive garden-oh boy..But I've got some healthier meal ideas planned out already so I think I'll be fine. And I'm saving plenty of cals for dinner-I am going to treat myself to a drink of some sort:blushing: Hehe!)
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies!! Well, I ended up taking a 2nd rest day for the week, yesterday. I just was being so productive with other stuff I needed to get done, and spent a ton of time helping my son learn how to read...what a fun thing to watch!!!

    Today I decided to try one of the P90X Cardio workouts. Did KenpoX, and I gotta say, I got nothing out of it. I was pushing it and my HR wouldn't get up there. I burned less calories in the 58 minute workout than I do on any other workout that's 30 minutes in length. I wasn't fatigued at all...it was weird. I wonder if it's because it was much slower than Turbo Jam, and lots more stopping? I also noticed my resting HR was in the lower 60's, when it normally is in the 70's. Anyway, I'm sure I'll do another workout later just to get a decent calorie burn for the day.

    Welcome Back Casey! Let me know what you're starting on tomorrow...I'm thinking I need to go back to CE...I needed that month long break, but now I'm ready again!

    LilAngel--awesome calorie burn on your run! How far did you go? I struggle with getting my calorie burn over 250 lately (that's with a 45 minute run)...I have to go longer distances/times to see higher calorie burn!

    Ghanie-What awesome walks you've got going there!!

    Erica--I hope you are able to relax this weekend and don't have to work!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    My sister-in-law had a birthday yesterday so that was my cheat day. I woke up to find myself in the 130's though much of that is likely water due to the high-sodium meals. I'm considering lowering my goal to 125 so I stay under the 130's after cheat days. We'll see. I want to stick with a full week of maintenance before going back on a deficit.
    Did KenpoX, and I gotta say, I got nothing out of it. I was pushing it and my HR wouldn't get up there.

    Yeah, Kenpo X is the lower impact cardio workout. Plyometrics is the big calorie burner. And Core Synergistics isn't half-bad either.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers! So this morning I got out there and ran for 6 miles!
    Erika-That is the same route I ran yesterday, I just mapped it out online:happy: It takes me about 55 minutes to actually run it, then I jog around for a 5-minute"cool-down" before I actually stop and let my HR come down. I have been leaving my HRM running til 65 minutes though, because I do some stretching and yoga poses that work really well. Also, it is great you took a rest day to spend with your family, sometimes I wish I had more things like that to do to keep me busier instead of working out, then resting, then working out again. Heh..but I guess in the future I'll find myself cherishing this down time!:laugh:
    On another note-today starts Lean1 for me! AHH I cannot believe it's been another month already! Geez, before I know it it will be a blizzard outside and x-mas will arrive! I am super excited to be into a new routine though, I need that change up with CE:smile:
    So the Outback Steakhouse experience last night wasn't so bad..I got the Tilapia/Crab dinner with veggies-had them hold the seasoned butter on those-I was proud. Although, I did splurge and get a Strawberry Kiwi Frozen lemonade-I needed that drink!:laugh: I only ate about half, and mostly the veggies. So leftover fishie for lunch today!
    I made tiny lasagna's for my dinner tonight and lunch at work tomorrow..hehe. I just gotta pop em in the oven later on!
    I'll check back later on, I am going to my aunt's to visit-and gonna make these lil cake things outta clean eating mag for dessert to take. I'm going to adjust my diet so I can enjoy one as well:smile: Hope it's worth it...:embarassed: haha