Turbo Jammers-October



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!

    What a crazy busy day today! FInally getting a chance to log on here! I did CE Burn it Off and Ab Burner this AM. I'm still crazy sore from something I did this week...still not sure what workout it was, but my abs and shoulders are soooo sore! Hopefully I can make it through Burn 3 tomorrow!!

    Hoping to get some walking/running in on the treadmill tonight while I watch my shows. Trying to up the cardio to see if I can drop a few nuisance pounds that I want to get rid of!

    Ghanie-Great job on the walks...what a great way to get exercise with the kids and sounds like they are loving it too!
    LilAngel--way to go on the workouts. It's nice to push it hard one day and have some extra calories for the next so you don't have to push it quite so hard!
    Janet and Casey--we must all have been thinking the same thing at the same time...I too did PK&J after work last night! I love that one...I think it's my favorite, and definitely the best calorie burn for me! Casey, let me know when you get Insanity...I want to hear all about it!
    Welcome Smiley!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! Just checking in for the night. It was a pretty busy afternoon for me-had a couple of crazy emergencies (I hate traumatic hit by cars...yea:cry: ) Anyway, was a little late getting home but did my Lean3-Boy I like that one! Sooo many push-ups- BUT I am getting better at them!!:bigsmile: So I decided to not do any cardio tonight (did yesterday- my "rest" day haha) but still didn't go over on any cals tonight. I figure I am full and just don't want more-:ohwell: I just hope that doing that a couple times a week doesn't mess my eating up. Trying to get the hang of it still!
    Casey-Thanks for all the encouragement, sounds like you're going to have fun with Insanity! I haven't looked into that too much...
    Smileyj23-Welcome! Glad you're enjoying TJ!
    Ghanie-Great job with the walks! It's so awesome your kids have a blast too! It's a nice thing to enjoy together:smile: I'm on maintenance too and eating most of my exercise cals-just monitoring right now...I haven't gained/lost any yet, so maybe this will be ok..just eating like 1700-1800 cals a day scares me..:indifferent:
    Erika-I really really wish I had a treadmill:sad: Winter is coming and soon probably won't be able to run outdoors, so it would be sooo nice to have! There just isn't enough space inside, and the cost right now just isn't possible:frown: Thanks for always being a motivator! WOO
    I've got the weekend off, so PLAN is to do my long running in the AM's. I've been doing 6 miles, which totally rocks! I really will miss those...boo.
    Have a good night ladies! I will check in after my AM run!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Wahoo!!! It's FRIDAY!!!

    Did Burn #3 and 20 Minute Jam this morning. Man, my shoulders are still sore...wish I knew what it was that I did that worked them soooo good this week!

    I hope you all have a fantastic day and awesome workouts!!! Gotta get myself ready for work!
  • Good morning all!
    TGIF! :glasses:
    Well I did the new CE Yoga last night..there are parts that really work you..and you can DEF tell the weight hand gloves you wear work your arms a lot more. It loosened my tight hammie up a bit..but it's still REALLY tight..had to start out my 5 mile run a litlte slower this am and make biofreeze my friend. Hopefully I can get this puppy loosened up and I didn't pull it-I run my half marathon in 9 days! I am cursed with them-the last 3 I have trained for I got injured or sick RIGHT before-grrrr:grumble:
    Will do Extreme Core with the new CE over lunch (the one that took me days to recover from last time-ha!) and then Burn 2 after work.
    Fitz: Sometimes being sore feels good if you never are! I did see though where if you are sore that means your muscles are inflamed and hold onto water..so if you don't lose weight or gain a little that is why!
    Lilangel: Get yourself some running tights and under armor...you can go outside all winter if you like (although I would avoid ice!).
    Smiley: Welcome:flowerforyou:
    Ghanie: I love to walk-it's a good stress reliever too! I am going to do a 45 min one tomorrow..if my hammie is being agreeable!:wink:
    Preparing for a weekend of freezing my buttocks off.....:ohwell:
    Casey:glasses: :bigsmile:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers,
    This AM was quite dreary and misty but I decided to Saran wrap my Ipod to my arm and do my 6 mile run!:laugh: It felt really good, a bit cold, but good:bigsmile: I have one Under Armor shirt that I found on sale, so I've gotta do some shopping later on (getting some groceries and will look around at local stores) to find some more new stuff for the cold weather running (thanks Casey!) I live rural, kinda in the middle of nowhere:laugh: when it blows, it blows hard-so it's going to be tough to run through the whole winter season, but I will try when I can..it gets awfully blizzard-y in Western New York.:explode:
    Anyway, I've got CE Burn It Off this afternoon, and a much needed Recharge session:tongue:
    Casey-Hope your hammie feels better soon! I got a charlie horse this AM is bed-hasn't happened in a LONG time so dunno what that was about, but worked it out on my run too:happy: Good luck with your half!
    Erika-Sounds like you had a great start this AM also! Awesome job girl:wink:
    Have a good one all, check back soon!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    The weekend is here! Woke up this morning to a dusting of snow...now, I LOVE the snow, but not when there's just enough to be a nuisance. I love it when we get enough to play in! But, I'll take what I can get!

    Decided to try P90X Plyo this morning. It was tough, but not as tough as I was thinking it would. I actually have a better calorie burn with Jillian or Hip Hop Abs. I think it's because there is so much rest in between each move? I'm glad I tried it, so far not too impressed with P90X though. Still have to try the strength workouts, I'll get to those next week!

    Well, off to shower and play with the kiddos for the afternoon!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm back again...looks like it's just me:tongue: Did another P90X workout this morning...Cardio X. Not sure what it is, but I just am not able to get my HR up on the P90X workouts so far. I think for the cardio piece, it's because there isn't the great music like with TJ or HHA to get me really into it? I ended up doing a little TJ after to get a decent calorie burn, as it was sure not much with Cardio X.

    Well, time to shower up and off to my nephews baptism!

    Have a great Sunday!

  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm back again...looks like it's just me:tongue: Did another P90X workout this morning...Cardio X. Not sure what it is, but I just am not able to get my HR up on the P90X workouts so far.

    Cardio X is an alternate for people who can't handle Plyometrics X, so that's about right. But the program is really muscle-building and muscle-confusion. Insanity will probably be more to your liking if you're looking for more of a cardio program.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi girls! Just checking in quickly tonight, I did a shorter run this AM-my body was just not feeling up to it today (so got in a 5 miler not 6). I spent the AM making these roasted chickpeas from the Clean Eating mag-YUMMY! They turned out good, and are going with my dinner- which I found a great recipe for a red lentil stew with chicken-also yumm and can't wait to devour it! haha! After lunch spent some time also making a homemade garlic-y/herb bread for dinner too-I hope it will be good, smells delicious but we will see:wink: Guess I was just in a baking kinda mood today! Anyway, got my Lean1 in as well-I LOVE that circuit (my favorite one:tongue: ).
    Hope you all had a great Sunday, It's back to the grind tomorrow for me:explode: Have a good night!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Well, I ended up having my cheat day this week. It's hubby's birthday so we had the brunch buffet over at the Smoke House. Yum ...
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! It's a snowy Monday morning here in MN! My youngest woke up and asked if it was Christmas today! I love the snow, especially when it's enough to play in, which we just might get today (if it doesn't melt right away!).

    I decided to try another P90X workout, this time Shoulders and Arms. I'm not sure what I think of it? I used the same weight amounts I do for CE Burn, and I gotta say, I'm more tired and feel like I've worked out harder with CE. We'll see how I feel tomorrow!

    Well, off to get ready for work and then cardio tonight (no walk during lunch at work today!)

    Have a good one!
  • Morning peeps,
    Well I am EXHAUSTED from the weekend. I baked/packed Fri nt after Burn 2...worked at the Y on Sat am...walked like 5-10 miles tailgating in addition to the 3 I did in the am on the treadmill...then didn't get home from the IA/Michigan game and to bed til 2 AM Sat night..then got up and did a 13 mile run (last long run before my race this weekend). This am I did CE Lean Intervals and walk...my hammie is slowly getting better...but now I think I am getting sick. Come on..throw a girl a bone here!
    Fitz: P90X is more of a strength program...so the cardio isn't probably what you are looking for. I agree with Ghanie..you are probably better of with Insanity, Turbo Jam, or CE with cardio mixed in for more cardio based.
    Ghanie: Hope your indulge day was fun-I love mine!
    LIlangel: Glad you are enjoying healthy eating and rockin the workouts-Lean was hard and I liked that-but I was SO ready to be done with that phase!:wink:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    Fitz: P90X is more of a strength program...so the cardio isn't probably what you are looking for. I agree with Ghanie..you are probably better of with Insanity, Turbo Jam, or CE with cardio mixed in for more cardio based.

    I finally figured that out, that the cardio wasn't supposed to be that intense, but I kinda thought the strength part would be. I'm sure it's because I'm not doing lunges, squats, etc while I'm lifting upper body too, so it makes it feel really easy. I didn't even break a sweat and I was lifting heavy. Plus, I'm sure the faster reps make it feel easier? I just was surprised it wasn't more extreme. I know there is one DVD that incorporates pullups and pushups, which will be hard for me, as I struggle with those, so I can look forward to that! I'm going to try a new CE DVD tonight or one of the Power90 Master Series workouts tonight...they should be on my step when I get home :happy:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! No DVD's on my step when I got home...UPS must have updated late saying it didn't deliver them...argh! So, no cardio last night--I was too tired anyway!

    Rocked out to HHA and TJ this AM...felt great!!! Now, off to get ready for work (and may sneak in a little snuggle time with the cute 5 year old wrapped around my arm as I type!).

    Have a great day everyone!!!

  • Morning all,
    Well I did some walks at work yesterday and the standing part of Ab Jam..last night I worked at the Y so did a light walk when got home to work on hammie. Then relax time...we watched the office wedding-so cute:heart:
    This morning had a few glitches..but my 5 mile run was awesome-I was imagining the finish line this weekend! I will do some of the P90X yoga over lunch and Turbo Sculpt after work. Now if I could just get it WARMER here...:grumble:
    My hammie is slowly loosening up..honestly I haven't been in a lot of pain per se..except on Sunday towards the end of my long run-BIOFREEZE saves the day!:) Still a little stuffed up this am..but getting good sleep so hopefully it's nothing!
    Fitz: P90X is more of a strength program ..so people that really like cardio often do their own cardio and do the strength. I can't say as though I've ever heard the workouts are easy-but the harder ones are of course going to be pushups/pullups and the length...try P90X Yoga for the full time-you'll feel that I am sure! Bummer on DVD's...I sit by the door like a little kid! Insanity will be ordered soon...
    Have a great day,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Fitz: P90X is more of a strength program ..so people that really like cardio often do their own cardio and do the strength. I can't say as though I've ever heard the workouts are easy-but the harder ones are of course going to be pushups/pullups and the length...try P90X Yoga for the full time-you'll feel that I am sure! Bummer on DVD's...I sit by the door like a little kid! Insanity will be ordered soon...

    Yeah, I'm not sure why it feels so "easy" to me. Honestly, feels about the same as one of my "easy" strength training DVD's I do when I'm not doing CE. I think it's a combo of going fast and not incorporating lower body at the same time? With CE, I am just wiped out by the end of the 30 minute workout, and I'm shaking because my muscles are so fatigued. After an hour of P90X, I feel refreshed, like I just did Yoga or something...so weird, and not sure how to explain the big difference. I'll try another one tomorrow and see what I think...just stumped though! I even went a little heavier on some than on CE, so I should have been dying, but I wasn't. I did notice the pace was MUCH faster, but I still tried to not let momentum come into play and really flexed the whole time. Anyway, we'll see what happens tomorrow. Hope your hammie continues to get better!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Jammers! Well, today was another P90X day for me. I did Legs and Back. The legs part was great...not hard, but definitely worked the leg muscles. The pull-ups are what kills me. I wanted to focus on unassisted only, so I didn't do very many....I think I did a total of 15 throughout the whole workout. I've had the bar in my house for about a month, and make a point to do a pull up every time I walk by it, so I can get better at them. I used to be able to do around 10-15 at one time without a problem, so I'm working back to that!

    I'll do some cardio tonight, maybe a Power 90 new DVD I got yesterday...we'll see!

    Have a great day!!!
  • Good morning,
    Where is everyone this week??????
    I did some P90X Yoga over lunch yesterday..then did Turbo Sculpt when I got home. This morning I did my 5 mile run again but added some hills..same pace too! It was a GREAT workout! I think I'll do ChaLEAN core over lunch and Recharge later (might wear the weighted gloves!).
    Hammie is getting more and more loose each day. I can walk normal now and not have it all tense when I first start-thanks BIOFREEZE!
    Fitz: Glad you got your new dvd's! I am excited to get Insanity..but I told myself I had to wait until all the stuff I bought before is paid-almost there! I haven't done a ton of the P90X workouts-but incorporate them from time to time! I'll send you the sample and recipe here today or tomorrow!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! What a yucky day here in MN. The weather can't decide if it wants to rain or snow, so it's a cold slushy rain/snow mix...yuck!

    I managed to turn off my alarm this morning and get an extra 1.5 hours of sleep...man did that feel good! I figure I have time to get my workout in tonight, so I'll plan on that. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to sleep in when everyone else in the house is sick. I need my sleep to stay well!

    Planning to do a Power 90 workout tonight...got some new ones yesterday that I'm excited to try!

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!
  • Oh snap Erika I wish I had done that! Although I did have a good CE and Turbo cardio workout-I feel like *kitten* today. All stuffed up, I was achy yesterday...if this turns into the flu I am going to be flaming pissed :mad: ..and that's probably understating it a bit! I am days away from my half marathon and ironically my flu shot!
    It's crappy here in Iowa too..fueling my desire to get back into bed even more:wink: I am leaving work early though to pick up my niece from school and take her to gymnastics...so that is keeping me going!
    I will do some turbo sculpting later on this evening..and then probably be in bed the rest of the night sleeping:sick:
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